Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Marc Faber on the Future: Total Collapse of Society

"The future will be a total disaster, with a collapse of our capitalistic system as we know it today, wars, massive government debt defaults and the impoverishment of large segments of Western society," Marc Faber writes in the September issue of The Gloom, Boom & Doom Report.
A statement like that pretty much speaks for itself, but it's a bit more complicated than appears on first blush.



  1. Faber rocks! I love his demeanor when he is casually talking about the end of good times.

  2. Wait a minute...I thought the USA was more like 11 trillion in debt plus unfunded liabilities on top of that?

  3. Something Weird is Going on, today I talked with a structural engineer in Utah who told me the bridge in the south, Where the gorge is, Is wired to blow up if there is a problem and that cuts off all of Nevada, Arizona and california traffic from coming to Utah from the South. Also, the National Guard Armory as of one month ago had nothing there, Now there are 25 up armoured Humvees, 2 tanks and 10 Large Transport Vehicles and the other day, 12 Apache Helicopters Flew over head, and this is a City of .30,000, I know the jig is up!!!

  4. 6:46, Can you re-write that an correct the grammar/sentence structure? It's hard to tell what bridge cutting off what traffic to/from where?

  5. I think he/she refers to the one in Saint George, UT where the interstate goes thru

  6. Hey bushhelpscorporationsdestroyamerica

    Who is the guy who told you the bridge was wired? If the bridge is wired, go check it out and report back. I have my doubts about this story. Perhaps you can come back and give us a better explanation? More details please..

    Meanwhile, the Feds are issuing terrorist alerts practically everywhere now. Something very big is up, watch for false flag attacks any day.

    Faber knows what is going on, and the Sheeple worry about football games for the upcoming week end...

    Do what you can to prepare, seems time is running out.

  7. I believe they will use a flag flag to push whatever is left of the economy over the cliff. That and/or an H1N1/other pandemic scare.

    It will take very little regardless. Americans are easily scared shitless. Land of the free, home of the brave my ass.


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