Thursday, September 10, 2009

Unemployment Rate for College Graduates Highest on Record.

With the recent unemployment rate hitting 9.7 percent officially, the wider ranging U-6 rate hit a record of 16.8 percent. The market took the 216,000 job losses as good news but the recession is much deeper than the headlines are showing. If you dig deep into the report, you will find a few curious observations. First, the teenage unemployment rate is the highest in nearly half a century coming in at over 24.2 percent. Now this rate is always high but only in August of 2008, it was at 17.8 percent. Another observation in the report that we find is those with college degrees are facing the highest unemployment in two decades since records started being kept.

With college costs going through the roof and in many cases, costing nearly $50,000 a year at private schools many are asking whether some college degrees are even worth pursuing. Or more importantly, potential students are seeking answers regarding value. Let us look at this trend more closely:


  1. Blah, Blah Blah these kids are lucky enough to even got to college, everyone knows its 4 years of partying, self exploration, nonsense, reality is here kids, the keg is officially kicked.

  2. 6:49 yes, you are absolutely right, its far better to have unemployed, uneducated, delinquent losers taking care of our aged population and become our future leaders. Can't wait to be in my 70's and 80's..if I make it..

  3. Because college produces such extraordinaire minds. 6:49 MEET the u.s government ,a group of the finest college educated minds known to man.NOT.

  4. The best skiing, beer drinking, pot smoking and sexually active time I ever had....

    After graduating, I worked in a lumber yard. Oh sure, I could have worked at Macy's or maybe the phone company, ha ha ha....

    You guys are right on. Poor little darlings...

  5. I used to think MY generation got screwed, but the people who are 16 to 22 are the ones getting ripped off.

  6. They will move into their parents house, and maybe get to known their parents as people and not as ATMs. They will have a JOB but not a CAREER, a super lesson in modesty!

  7. I bet and challenge anyone here....Unemployemt rate is falling next quarter and will not reach 10%.....




  9. 90% of college courses now are absolutely worthless to prepare kiddies to go third world. Trades and medical training, yes.

    No one will give a rat's ass whether junior has a marketing degree.

    I agree that 16-22 year old kids are so screwed. They will inherit the real financial slavery and facist tax system, no freedoms, basket on their head, etc, lol.

  10. Any new jobs that are being created now are temporary and fake. Print billions then put people to work painting bridges. Worthless.

    Just more sabotage to loot the Treasury and make the country even more defenseless as we sit in the sights of the same banksters that destroyed Argentina in 2001.

    Just like cash for clunkers, they need excuses to reach their short term goal - the debasement of the dollar.

  11. There will be a lot of jobs awaiting these graduates.

    Army, Navy, Marines, McDonalds, Burger King, Fema Camp Guard. The list is endless.

  12. Don't forget Walmart should be hiring. Dang I missed out on a lot by working 2 jobs to get through college.

  13. You stay classy 7:10.LOL

  14. They can always become professional pimps and prostitutes, go to any college campus ,spring break or young crowded bar and man is it a skanky scene.

  15. The key that a college degree demonstrates is the dedication to actually achieve it. It shows you won't give up. There are some bullshit degrees out there but there are also some very legit ones. In any aspect the first 2 yrs of college education are pointless. Its all a review from high school pretty much. But just throwing someone into an economists job, or an accountant, financial advisor,etc is still not a good idea. Your asking for valuable company resources to be lost, even more so if the individual fails. So college is very much a must in making sure this doesn't happen. I was in the military all through college and went to Iraq 3 times while getting my education. Id like to think that between my degree and being an NCO actually means something.

  16. buzz words of the future: job-creation and relationship marketing...

  17. let's teach everyone to look into this opportunity where individuals can really 'create a job' for themselves

    you and I need to talk... please email me


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