For the smaller countries, the financial losses arising from this crisis are a great deal larger in relation to their gross domestic product than they are for the United States. Yet the stakes are higher in the American case. In the great scheme of things—let's be frank—it does not matter much if Iceland teeters on the brink of fiscal collapse, or Ireland, for that matter. The locals suffer, but the world goes on much as usual.
But if the United States succumbs to a fiscal crisis, as an increasing number of economic experts fear it may, then the entire balance of global economic power could shift. Military experts talk as if the president's decision about whether to send an additional 40,000 troops to Afghanistan is a make-or-break moment. In reality, his indecision about the deficit could matter much more for the country's long-term national security. Call the United States what you like—superpower, hegemon, or empire—but its ability to manage its finances is closely tied to its ability to remain the predominant global military power. Here's why.
The disciples of John Maynard Keynes argue that increasing the federal debt by roughly a third was necessary to avoid Depression 2.0. Well, maybe, though some would say the benefits of fiscal stimulus have been oversold and that the magic multiplier (which is supposed to transform $1 of government spending into a lot more than $1 of aggregate demand) is trivially small.
Credit where it's due. The positive number for third-quarter growth in the United States would have been a lot lower without government spending. Between half and two thirds of the real increase in gross domestic product was attributable to government programs, especially the Cash for Clunkers scheme and the subsidy to first-time home buyers. But we are still a very long way from a self--sustaining recovery
You will know you are days away from the real collapse when the banker media gets the green light to start speaking about the economy the way we do on this blog.
ReplyDeleteThat will signal that the bankers have all their ducks in a row, all their butts covered, and are ready to roll out the steamroller. They already have a date worked out, count on it.
A dying Empire shouldn't be sending 40,000 troops anywhere, period. Let alone to kill a bunch of people that did nothing to us.
ReplyDelete9:14, I totally agree with you. Last week, a friend of mine said the stooges on CNBC were arguing if we are in a recession or depression. The fact they were having this debate tells me the conditioning is starting, to get the dumbed down idiotic TV addicted sheeple conditioned for the upcoming dollar devaluation and collapse of the economy. The mind controlling MSN will throw out the word "depression" occasionally, this conditions the sheeple to accept it, though it's highly doubtful the sheeple understand what is really going on. The sheeple are interested to know what happened to their elitist golf idle and the ridiculous and preposterous story of his wife rescuing him from his Cadillac with a golf club (LOL) or who is on "dancing with the stars" this week.
ReplyDeleteNext year, early in the year, the bankers/elistist/globalist (PTB) will pull the rug and the economy and the dollar will collapse, then they can officially anounce we are in a depression.
The sheeple will wonder why their checking accounts were reduced by 1/3 overnight and when the go to buy their daily 24 pack and find out the price is $100 or 50 euros, oh well, we're in a depression now.
If you are living in reality, better prepare, and prepare now, time is very short!
Hey, if all the sheeple are ignorant about whats really going on, they cant do anything to stop it anyway. But you, are empowered with knowledge and still remain warning the sheeple? Who will never get it? When are the "informed" going to do something about this. Get out your weapon of choice, pick a random nwo'er and start the revolution- you informed coward.
ReplyDeleteIt's the NWOers fault this is happening. They have been hard at work for a long time and there has been AMPLE opportunity to stop their progress throughout the years. The elites were never stopped, people just don't care nor will they care until the gun is pointed at their foreheads.
ReplyDeleteIt's the fact that we have so many damn conformists in the world today that the world is in dire straits. If people wouldn't sell out to the system we wouldn't be on the verge of a New World Order.
I don't know how any free thinking person can blame the elites. We outnumber them millions to one and yet that one wins nearly every time.
When a person conforms to the world system, they stab their fellow man in the back and join up with the elites. EVERY conformist is on the side of the elites and yet I see so many conformists out there saying they are going to fight back(LOL!)!!
People will NEVER bite the hand that feeds them. Look at how America has died without even a tiny fight from her people.
The conformists are about to reap what they have sown. You sold out, now you will be sold up the river to your graves and no one will care.
Newsweek (News Speak) is another trash journalistic propaganda arm of the Central Banksters. Nevertheless, it is important for the enlightened to monitor and measure their "stories" to the sheepled masses. 9:14 makes an excellent point about timing. Some time between tomorrow and two years from now the crash will come and the sheeple will come to know the face of their new masters.
ReplyDeleteOur bankster owners use words masterfully. Over the years they have had the assistance of the greatest propagandists and mind control experts. People like Edward Bernais who sold out his talents to help the corporate scum.
ReplyDeleteTo the sharp ear, phrases like 'economic downturn' implies an upturn is near; it is like a wave after all.
As the banksters continue with their in-your-face crimes, even when they are completely exposed, the wordplay again kicks in. There were 'errors made', 'lapses in judgment' etc. Nearly everyday now Bernanke tosses out something about mistakes made, innocently of course.
Such things ride right past the sheeple. Heck, everyone makes mistakes!
This is how the banksters covered their asses after 9/11. There were sure a lot of 'mistakes.' Sorry about that!
Play close attention to the words they use, and phrases. You will hear one banker MSM mouthpiece say a phrase then they will all repeat it down the line.
Like "green shoots" and such nonsense. Funny to us, but it ain't no joke folks. Words and phrases are everything to them.
WAR vs invasion/occupation; 'fighting for freedoms', the 'homeland', the 'evil doers', the Federal Reserve = heck its Federal! - that is official I tell you!
Watch their words closely. When you first hear the words 'dollar collapse', 'depression', etc being said by the puppet media the time has come.
Um... in case you didn't realize.
ReplyDeleteNew World Order = a phrase first uttered by George Bush, Sr. on 9/11/90.
Sending troops into Iraq by Bush Jr. and now more into Afghanastan by Obama = It's called a sacrifice and was done as a token gesture to those who are running the show. It also reduces the numbers of individuals in the military who WOULD NOT fire upon or brutalize the American public as civil unrest unfolds in 2010 as would the foreign conscripts under U.N. rule that will be here instead. Why foreign? To protect the interests of EVERYTHING that was bought up by foreign countries (look up the purchase offer for $12 trillion in March 2008 by China to buy up ALL of our national parks for instance).
Collapse the U.S. Dollar, why? = To equalize the entire globe and bring it under one rule and 3 or 4 major currencies, eventually becoming one currency, digital. Ron Paul, audit the fed, great idea... too late though and they are going to let it happen to finally finish off the dolar. That and with the current increase in the printing of dollars, the reason why they halted the M3 money report last year was so they won't have any way to track all of the counterfeit money that was injected into the system from overseas source.
Something wicked this way comes...