Frankly, I cannot believe that I have to write the words that follow. I just learned that Martin Armstrong is being moved, possibly as early as Monday, from his current holding facility to a much higher security facility, MDC Brooklyn, which is similar to the facility he was in when he was in solitary confinement and where he was beaten nearly to death! This goes against the prison’s own rules and is against the law as he has two Habeas cases open in the Supreme Court.
Why would this be happening now with a little more than a year before he is eligible for parole? I and others contend that it is because of his recent writing activity and because of his recent interview with the New Yorker Magazine (- The New Yorker - "The Secret Cycle…"), and also because there are now several media outlets requesting to do interviews with him – the prison simply does not want, for whatever reason, the access that we have been enjoying lately to continue. I spoke directly to Martin’s younger sister, Nancy, and this is her opinion as well. She is very upset over this move as she, “fears that he may not make it out.” She claims that Martin is very much afraid of this move and for good reason…
First let’s review the facts… whatever you believe about his innocence or guilt or innocence of any crime, the facts are that he was never put on trial for any crime. He was held in contempt of court for not producing what the judge ordered him to produce, something which he claims he didn’t have. He was placed in MDC Manhattan and was basically TORTURED. According to Nancy, he was locked in solitary confinement for almost the entire duration, suffering days on end and at times was intentionally awaken every hour or so all night long, night after night, in an attempt to get him to sign a confession. He was repeatedly told that he would not get the chance to see his 91 year old mother alive again if he did not sign the confession. This took place off and on for SEVEN YEARS. Then one day a huge convict, “a known homicidal maniac” named George, was locked in his cell with him where he proceeded to beat and strangle him until he thought he was dead. Later, according to Armstrong, a fellow inmate stated that the guards watched the beating and refused to open the door to stop it. He lost most of his teeth, and now, over two years later is still missing them because the prison system only has one dentist for over 5,000 inmates. He suffered a detached retina, broken ribs and other internal injuries that left him in intensive care.
Welcome to the Untied States Police state. Are the actors on CNN and FOX showing the sheeple coverage on Martin? I think not. Besides, the sheeple would not understand or comprehend what is going on here, they would probably favor this treatment and suspension of Martin's rights. The Sheeple are interested in their football or American Idol, not politics or reality.
ReplyDeleteThis is an amazing story that most would only think things like this happened in the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany, not here! It happens everyday in this country.
Some of the truth movement leaders better prepare themselves, cause they, the US Government, will be coming after them, probably real soon.
Poor man. He told it like it is about Goldman Sachs. He will probably never make it out of there alive. Truth is a crime punishable by imprisonment or death in the Fourth Reich.
ReplyDeleteJason Vale cured his cancer naturally with seeds after the goon doctors said he was a dead duck. Then he was on the TV show Extra telling the world about it. There he was, happily sharing the truth about Cancer and B-17 naively believing the FDA and Pharms wouldn't come running to shut him up.
After all, chemo and drugs are a multi billion dollar industry.
So, he was tossed in the federal pen to shut him up and warned if he didn't shut up he'd never get out, or worse.
You see if you are an economist who speaks the truth, or into natural healing, it doesn't matter. You are cutting into profits. That can't happen.
Could you imagine being put in jail in this country over an apple seed?
Land of the FEE, home of the SLAVE.
What kind of lawyer does this guy have. Sounds like he needs more attention than he is getting. This isn't just a USA problem, this is worldwide.
ReplyDeletewe should bust him out
ReplyDeleteGod Damn The Diverse States of Amerika.
ReplyDelete@12:19: I thought it was "Land of the Foreclosed, Home of the Terrified" ?
ReplyDeleteMonday, November 30, 2009
ReplyDeleteMartin Armstrong – WE WON!
"Now then, we are still using the attorney to file a protective order for Martin, as we want to hold them to their word. The prisons are notorious for providing RETRIBUTION against prisoners who make waves – we must ensure that does not happen!"