Tuesday, December 29, 2009

As Slump Hits Home, Civilians Doing Investigative Work

MESA, Ariz. -- The police department in this city of 470,000 has lost about 50 officers, and is hiring lower-paid civilians to do investigative work. The Little League has to pay the city $15 an hour to turn on ball-field lights. The library now closes its main location on Sundays, and city offices are open only four days a week. This holiday season, the city didn't put up festive lights along the downtown streets.
Mesa’s tax receipts, depressed by the recession, will likely come back one of these days. But Mayor Scott Smith doesn’t believe city services will return to prerecession levels for a long time, if ever. “We are redefining what cities are going to be,” says Mr. Smith, a Republican who ran a homebuilding company before his election last year.

Months after many economists declared the recession over, cities are only now beginning to feel the full brunt of it. Recessions often take longer to trickle down to local government, in part because it takes time for the sales and property-tax revenues on which municipalities depend to catch up with a depressed economy.


  1. One thing is for sure-civilians with common sense will probably do a better job than the corrupt cops, who know only one thing-how to give tickets for speeding. That's all they investigate. Fooking investigators. The amount of money they spend on investigations (that produce nothing) could have paid for investigation of our individual histories back to Tutankhamon.

  2. Cops - worthless drain on society. To oppress and enslave.

    Getting raped? No cop.

    Getting robbed? No cop.

    Getting murdered? No cop.

    4 miles over the speed limit. Cop.

    Societies parasites.

  3. I would do the domestic violence investigations then hump the distraught housewives. Only after their bruises healed up though.

  4. Jeeeeebus...So many cop haters...Let me tell you what bubbas...It's true many cops SUCK...On the otherhand some of us are what you "I don't want to get involved" hypocrites cry for when you're getting your ass whupped or being picked on by REAL bullies...Don't start with all that "I carry or will shoot the person who messes with me and mine" BS...Most of you take it and swallow it...Only place you become incredibly brave is online.

    You have NO IDEA what a REAL BAD COP is...We do have plenty of lazy crap but compared to most of the world at least we're willing to get physical or violent if the situation gets sticky...In other countries even in Europe the cops are so WEAK you would actually feel disgusted at them.

    Do some traveling and see if I'm lying.

  5. I was at LAX not long ago. I was walking through the parking structure and found two cars had been ticketed. One got it for no front plate and the other was busted for an expired registration.

    Looks like the city is so hard up for cash, they have airport cops walking between the cars, looking for one to ticket.

    If your car has vehicle code violations that cops might have let slide in the past, for get it! Better remove that too dark window tint and the illegal blue headlights, it's gonna cost you big time!

  6. Cops are worthless snakes. Like a rattlesnake on a horse trail, go around them and give them a wide berth. NOTHING is to be gained by ever talking to one.

    This is the best video out there on why you should avoid the police and never talk to them:


  7. When those 4 pigs got killed in washington I was happy

  8. As usual the sheeple's interpretation of what is acceptable behavior is determined by what they see from their god the TELEVISION.

    Years of watching shows like COPS where police abuse runs rampant has desensitized the sheep. It is perfectly OK for an old woman to be tackled to the ground with a knee in her face on the cement. We know that because TV says so.

    A cop shots a man in the back while he lays face down on the floor gets filmed from two angles and the lemmings say it is no big deal. The cop probably felt threatened.

    The days of real, helpful cops are over.

    Now we have militarized drones ready to use a taser or worse on anyone that doesn't kiss their feet. BTW, tasers were originally supposed to be a defense weapon, not a torture/compliance weapon.

    The days of Sgt Friday coming out to your home with a .38 revolver on his side to take notes about your complaint is over.

    Now we have thugs for police. Insecure morons with the authority to make your life hell. The other, more passive types are there to extract what they can from your wallet. Traffic types.

    As said above avoid them like the plague. Have no doubt that upon any encounter with a cop results in the cop thinking about how he can arrest or fuck with you not how he can help you.

    Throw in the fake war on terror and you have a bad mix. A bunch of jar heads that have been told everyone can be a terrorist, especially you. Brown shirts. Scumbags.

  9. Another video on how cops have turned into nothing but thugs:


  10. When you see heat compliance, sound compliance, and other passive weapons being deployed by police know that those are being put in place to use against YOU not some mythical terrorist cell.

    The greatest right an American once had is the right to dissent. That is no longer. Please dispurse.

  11. 12:42 had his lunch money taken from him in school and now has something to prove. Go kick an old lady.

  12. @12:42 PM
    Pal, you just do not get it. The police protects the ruling elite, not you. That's why our schools are overrun with drugs, but the police is chasing some guy going 1 mile over the speed limit. So the principal sends out letter, explaining how to spot drug simptoms on your kid, while some cop searches how to give somebody a parking ticket. That's what we are talking about here. These assholes are sitting next to an outdoor store like Cabelas trying to spot Canadians with firearm licences buying firearms so that they could catch the "terrorist" just before they cross the border back into Canada. Give me a brake. If they are doing their job, why is the crime through the roof? And if they are not willing to participate in this crap, let them just quit.

  13. Nothing smells more than these new generation corporate cops.

  14. All police are just an extension of the crime syndicate of government. Clubs and bullets to keep the masses quiet while everyone gets looted. The blind and faithful patriots, flag waving, conspiracy nazi hypocrites fail to understand it that far, so they invent a bogey-man, a group of unseen never heard from men. Whatever makes them feel good as they are raining bullets down on their neighbor counterparts from their rooftops as things unwind.

  15. I am 12:42 and nope never been bullied...Been shot and stabbed in San Diego though...Have had rough times and met asshole cops...But it's like everything...You have good cops and you have bad cops...If your department in your city is horrible and full of idiots then it causes you to have a bad idea of the many good cops.

    I believe I'm more of a prepper than most of you and trust me...I don't like too many cops but I'm glad they're there overall...Most angry people here paint everyone with the same brush and that's idiotic...You know who does the same thing and talks angrily about the "Man" trying to get them?...The murderers in my prison.

    There is no B/W only gray.

  16. @ 12:42
    Yes, I agree that not all cops are bad. But try to understand what people are saying here. By definition, the police is a force employed by the ruling elite, not by people. As the elite begins to rot (like right now), they force the police to execute their rotten directions and the police force from defenders of public become offenders of public. How do we witness it in our lives? Very simple. Some guy steals 10 bucks from 7/11-the whole police department chases him throughout the city with the lights on (don't get me wrong, I am not justifying his actions). But if a white Jew boy in white shoes robs people on Wall Street, the police looks the other way. What do you call, for example, High Frequency Trading? It is a High Frequency Robbery.Do you think people are stupid and don't see it? They see it, and let me add, they do not like it. That's why it is up to every individual in the police force to decide. They see it happening, quit the fooking job, do not participate in this robbery.

  17. I have to agree, but white jew boy? Do you honestly think the cops can spot jews out of other pedestrians on the street and then give them extra consideration? The profiling goes something like this: black/mexican/poor/different than suburban jane or joe, everyone else okay.


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