Saturday, December 26, 2009

China: 1000 Tons of Gold Will Reach 10,000 Tons in 8-10 years

In 1981, China had 395 tonnes of gold holdings; it increased to 500.8 tonnes in 2001, and 600 tonnes in 2002. In April 2009, China officially announced that it has increased its gold holdings to 1054 tonnes. Since then, Chinese officials and People’s Bank of China have been meticulously chalking out plans to build up gold reserves in the next one decade.

According to Zhang of the China Gold Association (CGA), India’s decision to buy IMF gold has been the real boost for China’s recent spirited moves to step up gold reserves.

“In view of the declining US dollar value, it is paramount that China steps up gold reserves. How to do this is the only question that China is debating these days. The possible steps include opening up new gold mines, aggressively going for gold mining, buying gold from the open market etc. All said and done, it is imperative that China needs to buy more gold,” Zhang points out.
Free Republic: “We recommend that China’s gold reserve should reach 6000 tons in 3~5 years, and probably reach as high as 10,000 tons in 8~10 years,” according to Ji Xiaonan on November 28 at the third Chinese Industry Stability Forum. He is the head of the supervisory committee at the state-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission.

Central Banks Keen to Stock Up On Gold


  1. China can have my gold right now. I'll let them have it for $6,500/oz.

  2. Well they can't have my 120 lbs of it!

  3. Good source for gold silver besides apmex?

  4. Monex is criminal.

    Try Tulving or Gainsville Coins.

  5. I don't believe in expensive gold in near future.

    ynwestor, Poland 51 N 17 E

  6. If you want to play the bankster's game, don't own gold and silver. Trust a bank.

  7. What is all this talk about Gold? In the end it will be worth nothing. Gods word say that in the end it will be thrown in the street along with the silver! It also says you will not be able to buy or sell unless you have the mark of the beast. I think it is far more important to repent and seek Jesus.

  8. OK troublemaker hahaha.

    I am sure you are not ignorant enough to put your life in the hands of a mythical cartoon figure. If you do, I pity you.

    Apparently, in 'heaven' Gold is very important and valuable or the streets would not be made of it! The largest scum religion via the Vatican has horded most of it worldwide via mass butchering of innocent people.

    Wow, seems pretty 'important' if you ask me.

    If you haven't yet figured it out this is a forum based on truth not delusion.

    Study up a bit; fire up some rationality, and leave that nonsense behind. It is YOU that you must rely on not the SUN/son of the Zodiac (christianity).

    Abusive government enjoys nothing more than to bulldoze over gullible, deluded christians. The architects of goverment and banking GAVE YOU religion in the first place dimwit.

  9. Recipe for disaster for the sheeple.

    1. Take one apathetic lemming.

    2. Add religion (which is to a lemming's delusion the same as steriods are to an athlete's muscles.)

    3. Gather the lemmings together.

    4. The End.

  10. The reason there will be streets of gold in heaven is because that will be how valuable gold will be. People put so much trust in gold, silver, and money. Gold will be as vaulable as the asphalt that paves the streets. Do not mock something that you do not understand. 3:17pm has a better chance of survival when chaos does break out, because they have hope. May the living God Yahweh rain manna down on 3:17pm when needed.

  11. Like buzzards on a dead carcass, our words will decend on a trivial topic and I will thank jesus daily for my bread, but he shall die and I will die. Another day will be sunshine. Glory to the ants.

  12. Poor dumbed down deluded sheeple. Entertaining though.

    Manna = hallucinogenic mushrooms = the small round things that would grow in the dew. John Allegro, the chief researcher of the Dead Sea Scrolls penned the book The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross.

    He was trying to explain to the deluded that the entire christian faith is nothing more than the offspring of early cults that worshipped the 'heavens' - the SUN, Saturn, Moon, etc, above us. So simple.

    Not exactly the proof that deluded Christians were waiting for LOL.

    The high priests of the early cults would ingest the manna/mushrooms and talk to 'God'. High being the key word. Their big hats - and religions love their big hats - depicted a giant mushroom.

    The Xmas tree is just a central tree that priests would use to dry the red and white speckled mushrooms for the journey. The yule log is the phallic symbol. All from the early cults.

    Watching Christians around the phallic tree is pure entertainment. Most do not even realize that this pagan activity wasn't even done in the US until the 1800s.

    No one is more ignorant about the history of their own religion as a christian. None of them spend as much as a minute researching where the faith came from at all. If they did they would dump it like a bad case of crabs.

  13. Christians worship their god the sun on SUNday

    Jews worship their god Saturn on SATURNS day or SATURDAY.

    It is all BS.

    End 2000 years of stupidity and grow the FU## up.

  14. Delusion. A belief so thoroughly ingrained that no facts or truths can sway one's belief.

    60% of Americans believe that in their lifetime that a man on a white horsey will come riding through the clouds to save them. Now THAT'S delusion.

    No wonder we are so screwed. The Oligarchs authored our social structure and religions for our slavery. A masterpiece of mind control.

  15. 4:30 please dont breed

  16. Yes. So sad that in 5000 years we are as dumbed down about religion as the Eqyptians were with their sun god Horus. He was basically a carbon copy of Jesus. Moses, Mary and all the other cartoon characters based on the story of the Zodiac all have their clones also.

    When Jesus goes on his journey thru the Zodiac he first meets Aquarius the water bearer; aka John the Baptist; then the loop begins right up to his death at the winter solstice for 3 days. Then he is reborn on the Horizon and the cycle starts again.

    A alien race examining us now vs 5000 years ago would see advancements in technology but none in the area of spirituality. We are still worshipping the same fake gods just with different names.

    The christian religion is a parody on the worship of the SUN where they take a man named christ and pay him the same adoration originally given to the SUN (as in the orb of day; the everlasting light). - The SAME story that was portrayed by 16+ Savior figures before Jesus.

    Put SUN in the places in the bible where it says SON and the cartoon stories actually make sense!

    In my father's house there are many mansions. Yes, that makes sense! There are 12 houses of the Zodiac. In case you didn't notice all the 12, 12,12,12,12,12 stuff in the bible LOL! The story of Jesus starts at 12 and ends at 33. The sun passes backward thru each Zodiac house at 33 degrees. As in 33 degree Masons. 12, 12, 12, 12, 33, 33.

    Plus all the references to Jesus being the LIGHT - well of course he is! HE IS THE SUN. The sun of god. Who is the lamp at my feet. Who brings everlasting life! Not for you. But as long as the sun exists life will continue. Warm - good. Dark and cold - bad.

    Thomas Payne (a man smarter than 99.99% of humans that ever lived). He figured it out without the internet. He smart. You dumb.

    Just as volumes of facts could not sway Tom Cruise that his belief is BS, neither can any of this free and person stuck in the sun cult.

    A person must WANT to confront their delusion. 99% just cannot do it.


    Sorry bad link above.

  18. Thank you Rose! Oh by the way My Name is James Van Patten. I will pray for all of you. I was lost also. Jesus is King of Kings Lord of Lords!

  19. I am living in the 4th Reich and I am LOVING it. For all your complainers out there, why dont you start giving up your luxuries now and stop supporting the system if you loathe it so much! As for me, I don't mind giving up a little freedom and taking from the mouths of lower humans if it means living the good life as God intended. The only thing that PISSES me off, though, are those lowly mexicans who are taking all the shit jobs that I woulnd NEVER work. Come to think of it, I would never pay anyone over 5 dollars an hour to mow my yard either. OH WELL.

    Praise Jesus, Lord of the Rings. Please make something happen so I dont have to put up with this shit. I just want to get back to porking my wife and the secretary on the side and wining and dining a mistress now and again without having to worry about jacking my credit cards up to high with all that interest. F*cking Illuminati hypocrites.

  20. Gently goes the nightDecember 27, 2009 at 3:14 AM

    Glory to the ants, I say. Praise bees.

  21. The Sun is a big part of my life too. Warmth and light are very nice.

  22. I say kill the aristocrates. I have given considerable thought to this for sometime, and even pondered the notion of becoming a deadly professional assassin. But, no. I dislike murder, even if it is strictly a professional writ certificate of assassination.


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