Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Tax Officials Detect Widespread Tax Fraud in U.S. Middle Class

Mass Audits Planned
(Washington, D.C.) National Tax Officials believe they have detected a new & widespread tax avoidance scheme rampant among America’s middle-class. Perceived by some as ‘Case Zero’ of what may come to be viewed as one of the most incredible tax cases in U.S. history, the investigation of Rachael Porcaro, a single mother of two boys living in Seattle and working as a hairdresser, led agents deep into the seamy ‘shadow world’ of the American working middle-class.

Ms. Porcaro reported an annual income of $18,992 employed cutting hair at Supercuts. Merely by utilizing their Blackberrys as computing devices (referred to as ‘Kashkaris’ when used in that fashion), tax officials immediately noted a discrepancy between Ms. Porcaro’s reported income and their research that indicated she would require a minimum income of $36,000 in order to reside in Seattle with her sons. Officials promptly commenced an audit of Ms. Porcaro in order to ferret-out the unreported $17,008:


While the year-long Porcaro investigation was underway, an internal memorandum obtained by Outside The (Cardboard) Box indicates officials subsequently determined that a shocking number of filers were living below the Deemed Minimum Income Threshold -DMIT (pronounced de-mitt). Outside The (Cardboard) Box was fortunate to be able to sit down with two unnamed, highly placed individuals - a Field Agent (FA) & a Tax Analyst (TA) - from the main tax office for a frank discussion of this unprecedented level of suspected fraud.
TA: The only conclusion that we can reach is that it is a vast conspiracy, most likely promulgated on the Internet.

OTCB: Ms. Porcaro was allegedly flagged because she was U-DMIT. Could you talk about talk about how you identify tax cheats?

FA: Well, we can’t go into too much detail lest we tip-off the cheats to our methods, but it’s really as simple as common sense. For example, I’m a working middle class person so we can use my expenses as something of a guideline for comparative purposes.

OTCB: Please continue.

OTCB: I get the sense this is big. Is it?

TA: We’ve never seen anything like it. It’s enormous AND it’s increasing.

OTCB: Increasing?

TA: Oh yeah. Our year-over-year analysis showed a huge spike in returns flagged for U-DMIT (*Editor’s note: Under the Deemed Minimum Income Threshold). And spot-checks of quarterly filings show the rate is accelerating.
TA: The only conclusion that we can reach is that it is a vast conspiracy, most likely promulgated on the Internet.

OTCB: Ms. Porcaro was allegedly flagged because she was U-DMIT. Could you talk about talk about how you identify tax cheats?

FA: Well, we can’t go into too much detail lest we tip-off the cheats to our methods, but it’s really as simple as common sense. For example, I’m a working middle class person so we can use my expenses as something of a guideline for comparative purposes.

OTCB: Please continue.

OTCB: To what do you attribute this?

LINK HERE Comedy at its BEST!


  1. A slave is expected to be a producer.

  2. DEAR IRS,






  3. I was also audited for my income being too low. Had to spend the little Xmas money I had to an accountant. Wage slavery.

  4. It's the equivalent of the bully shaking the kid upside down in the lunch line for extra change.

  5. Two men enter! One man leaves!!!

  6. I wish I could find a copy of this bill in the process of being passed. All I could find was some litigation company basically saying it could happen but they wanted cash for the other half of the article.

    I wish my hubby believed like me. But at least I had fun with him by wearing a little tin foil hair clip today.

  7. Tax officials should know all there is about fraud,between the two , banking being the other, they have fraudulently confiscated the hard earned wealth of the average punter for centuries, and now they want to suck the very last bit of life left in any of us.Its time for a revolution!!!!!

  8. While the IRS Audit of Ms. Porcharo did take over a year, the HR2012 mentioned in the satire does not exists (at least not as the"Jail The Poor" bill). This essay pokes fun at a disturbing trend - Widespread Institutional Abuse of the little guy. The IRS auditing someone because they're too poor; Credit Card issuers jacking rates to 30% because they can; the Federal Govt robbing the people of their future on behalf of those same bankers and other select special interests. Find more of my satire at

  9. I live in Orange County California. A family of 4 that earns less than $34K, is considered to be living below the poverty line. I have a 3-person family, mom, dad, son. I lost my job in 2008 and am still out of work.

    2008 total income: 11K
    2007 total income: 10K
    2006 total income: 8K

    How do you survive asks the taxman?

    A 16-year old in the driveway
    A 5-year old computer on my desk
    A 401K worth $200
    No real savings
    No health insurance
    Live in a manufactured home AKA a "trailer"
    I bake bread, rather than buy it.
    Vegetable garden in back.
    The kitchen is well stocked with Raman noodles.

    I have plenty of marketable skills, but it matters not, since this country is headed down the drain.

  10. 7:10

    its hard stay positive.The criminals that run this country from the banks the fed up to Obama and his cabal are in for a rude awakening.The end game is fast approaching.Ultimately the average person will be vindicated.Its hard to say but be patient things will be better in the end.Im not religious but evil never wins in the end.

  11. Anon 7:01 don't even get me started about the OC.

    I too live here and support five of us, 1 is my mother. The cost of living is a joke and most people here are posers, living waaaaaay beyond their means.

    It isn't a matter of if, but when for this county, esp. the shouthern portion, which is worse than an ostrich with its head in the sand!

  12. Dude, get a new line eh?

  13. Outside The (Cardboard) Box is at:


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