Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Winter Warning

A malaise of weaknesses and failures, unearthed during the recent credit crisis, continues to permeate through various regulatory agencies such as the Federal Reserve Board, as well as the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and threatens the very survival of the American financial system.
The planners of the revised bill titled it ‘The Federal Reserve Act’ to mask its real nature. It would create a system controlled by private individuals who would control the nation’s issue of money. Furthermore, the Federal Reserve Board, comprised of twelve districts and one director (the Federal Reserve Chairman) would control the nation’s financial resources by controlling the money supply and available credit, all by mortgaging the government through borrowing. The plan worked. The Federal Reserve Bill was held until December 23rd. (two days before Christmas) before it was presented to the House and Senate. Only those senators and congressmen who had not gone home for the holidays – those who owed favors to, or were on the payroll of the bankers – were present to sign the legislation. The name ‘Federal Reserve Bank’ was designed to deceive and it still does. It is neither federal, nor is it owned by the government. It is privately owned. It pays its own postage like any other corporation. Its employees are not civil service. Its physical property is held under private deeds and is subject to local taxation, unlike government property.”
The Banks
It is a well documented fact that a few big American banks have long fostered and enjoyed close relationships with U.S. regulators and agencies such as the Federal Reserve Board and the U.S. Treasury. History is also replete with Goldman Sachs executives attaining government postings such as the Secretary of the Treasury; including Robert Rubin and Hank Paulson of recent decades. These relationships of trust are developed and nurtured over time to the point where advice is sought and information exchanged regarding situations on a strictly confidential basis. It is difficult for Long Wave Analytics to believe, for example, that the Federal Reserve didn’t send up a trial balloon last February musing about the prospect of initiating a quantitative easing program involving new Treasury bond issues. How else could Goldman amass $27 billion (U.S.) in trading profits in the first nine months of the year. A 50 basis point move in yield on a 10- year maturity, for example, translates into a price change of $4.20 per $1,000 bond. On a long position of $1 billion (U.S.) of a 10-year Treasury bond, this means a capital gain of $42 million (U.S.).
Who’s in charge? We believe it to be the big American and European banks because, after all, they are the owners of the U.S. Federal Reserve.
A GREAT READ HERE (pdf file)


  1. People, listen up:

    I am only writing to you from what goodness is left in my black heart. Myself and the other 11 Illuminati members have set abotu a trap. It is a full proof trap. One that the world can not escape from. But, for those who are smart enough and determined, I have decided to give them the opportunity to save themselves and their loved ones. My advice is this: stock up on as much physical porn as you can. Old issues, new issues, stuck together pages issues, it really doesn't matter. The internet is going to be destroyed (by our thoughts) once we have decided it to be the right time. When ths happens you will no longer be able to look up electronic porn on the internet. You will, in essence, be sh*t out of luck when it comes to looking at naked women you have never seen before. Furthermore, porn magazines can be traded as a hard currency for guns, ammunition, food, and water, just like gold. Listen and heed my advice.

    This transmission is directly from the Order of Illuminati, Illuminatus 666.

    Go in light my disciples.

  2. And the Illuminati loves you for it.

  3. Why the needs for porn , if everything blacks out , i have my sexy thong laced wife to play with . There is not one thing more comfy then having that beauty butt .......hehehe

  4. especially when she's pregnant LOL!

  5. Stock up on rubbers, porn, dildos, and sex oil. And in lieu of a real beauty butt, rubber butts , vag's, and blow up dolls. You can never be too prepared!!!

  6. I have milk and cornflakes at 9:00 pm just before I go to bed. Therefore I have no need for sexual things.
    What I wrote makes as much sense as the other five posts. Maybe more. The loons are out in number tonight.

  7. Umm, aren't they always out on here? These posts just seemed to be mocking.


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