Tuesday, January 5, 2010

States Borrowed Over 26 Billion for Unemployment Benefits

At the end of 2009, the U.S. Department of Labor reported that the 25 states and one territory had borrowed more than $26.03 billion to fund their respective unemployment benefit programs. California borrowed $5.914 billion in 2009, the most of any other state.

Mike Miller, with the U.S. Department of Labor division of fiscal and actuarial services, recently reported that payments from state unemployment trust funds will exceed revenues and interest income by $41 billion in fiscal year 2009 and $55.8 billion in fiscal year 2010.

“State UI regular benefit outlays are estimated at $74.9 billion in FY 2009 and $93.3 billion in FY 2010, up significantly from President’s Budget estimates of $66.9 billion and $65.0 billion, respectively,” Miller noted in the report.

Even "God" Says The U.S. is Going Bankrupt
VIRGINIA BEACH, VA - Pat Robertson says God has told him that the U.S. is under a cloud of divine wrath and is headed for financial ruin. The Christian broadcaster announced his 2010 predictions on Monday's broadcast of The 700 Club.


  1. On Pat Robertson: he's not the only preacher that says that...those that don't warn like this (of any denomination) are running a country club type church for entertainment and money only..Seems few are warning anyone nowdays, most the "warnings" I see are online ministries. Robertson, Van Empe, Lindsay, etc don't seem to give practical prep info, because they're going to be raptured before the collapse...

  2. As a reply to P.R., i agree totally, the Church that I attend and am very much a part of DOES NOT even touch on this aspect of what God expects. Many folks are turned off by this type of messages from the pulpit. Most want the Wal-Mart brand of worship, in other words, they want to pick and choose the message they want. Just don't step on my toes or make me do something that will change my lifestyle.

    Pat, please keep up the great work. For the one's that are not listening or just hide, the Lord's wrath will be on you and us as sure as we are standing, at least for the moment.

  3. Raptured LOL funny stuff there. What dimwits.

  4. Isn't is funny - all these "intelligent people here who would scorn the word of the Lord.
    I would remind ALL whom would think this way -- the GREATEST collective minds this WORLD has EVER produced ALL had ONE thing in common --- you guessed it -- One Creator --- ONE GOD ---
    Start looking them up --- FACT.

  5. Why would any genuine christian beleive in a rapture?

    Christ said 'come , take up your cross and follow me'

    so how does a Christian seek to elude suffering?

    Rather any true christian embraces suffering in the name of the Lord, how else can it be proven true at the final judgement 'the long suffering of the saints'?

    When christ said 'in that day, one will be taken and one will be left' he was speaking of the day when 1/2 of mankind dies in a nuclear war.

    Understand now?

  6. Forgot ditto for that scam artist and hypocrite vulture phony Patty Robertson.Got to give it to these low lifes there good or are the sheep that desperate and dumbed down.

  7. I think I opened up a can of godlike worms with this article.

  8. LOL - go EA!

    That isn't such a bad thing.

  9. You will never hear any Republican tell you this, except for me, here and now: if Republican tax cuts worked to create jobs, they would work IMMEDIATELY or, at the latest, BEFORE 26 WEEKS of UI runs out.

    You will never hear a Republican state this. If Republican tax cuts worked, and they don't, because the labor in India and China is way too large, then there would have been NO JOB LOSS under George W Bush, his dimwit US Labor Secretary, Elaine Chao (Mitch McConnell's wife). As it is, the Republican morons presided over the greatest job loss in 200 years of US history.

    There is absolutely a precedent for the government stepping in. After the American Revolution, farmers who had formed the colonies militia, had no income from abandoning their farms. The colonies themselves had no revenue, so the government did step in to pay the militias.

  10. EA....that was funny!

  11. Pat Robertson predicting an economic collapse has one purpose. So that his gullible lemming followers will then rush to him with their tithes. With the preacher scam you give a dollar and get seven back!!

    What a deal. Beats the DOW, gold, or the craps table.

    End 2000 years of stupidity. Jesus is a myth, a Santa Clause, the tooth fairy. The SUN. Bleeccchh!! Talking to people about the truth about Christianity is like constantly having to close the door on a challenging subject and stepping down to the nursery school level and talk to little insect children. Dumb dumb 1000x dumb.

  12. The reason you don't hear about the government stepping into the depression of 1925 is because they didn't. Government is poison to a free market. The government IS the problem. We are so far from a free market economy it isn't funny. Fascist corp crap.

  13. DETROIT — Automakers are glad to see the end of 2009, the worst year for U.S. sales in nearly 30 years.

    But everything is FINE!! Go back to sleep America your government is in control.

  14. Pat Robertson can pray for government motors.

  15. Religious belief is just a birth lottery. What cartoon character myth figure you believe in is based on where you were born. If you are born in the West you get Jesus the sun god. If you are born in the middle east you get Muhammad Ali haha. ALL of them are ridiculous, scripted stories.

    There are BILLIONS of solar systems. We are an insignificant speck. To believe there is a centric god that picks this tiny planet and then this backward war-infested ape-race as the centerpiece ... truly hilarious.

    Only for the deluded and weak minded.

  16. Be Brave My Brothers And Sisters

    Pay no attention to the infidels. As for Pat Roberts (no offense) but scripture tells us " If a mans prophecies fail, he is not a true prophet " ; notice it said nothing about him being a brother or not saved. I am not condemning the man is all i am saying; I am only saying if he was off once, he could be again, to risky for me to consider as credible. I choose to have hope in this economy and my country. I want to beileve things will get better and I am going to do my part to make it so. I suggest everyone else out there do the same. Hope is better than despair. And even if these infidels here, ones that post "put downs" becuase of your beilef, no matter... I wouldn't trade my hope for their unbeilief for all the money in the world. I know you all feel the same too. Heaaaads up yall, things might just get better, at least thats what I am chosing to hope in right now.

  17. The USA is hovering over a red white and blue toilet and the Oligarchs are ready to flush it.

  18. OK EA, if youre going to be a douche and delete all the comments that you disagree with pertaining to Pat Robertson maybe I should just keep posting them.

    Until then, let it be known, if you make fun of Pat and his idiotic predictions or the crazy religious right, your posts just might quietly get swept under the rug...

  19. 4:29 Oh really - well maybe you better first find
    2 little things out there in yonder space which we ain't found yet called oxygen and water you know o2 nad h2o -- other than that - yeah man - pass the joint brother

  20. 2:37

    The joint is like Jesus And God, thats why we get "high". Not to mention we have benifits that are "out of this world". There I just passed it to you, take a hit, might do you some good.


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