Saturday, February 13, 2010

Secession as a Solution to the Washington Debt Threat

Frédéric Bastiat must have been looking toward the future of the United States today when he said, “When plunder has become a way of life for a group of people living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it, and a moral code that glorifies it.”
I fear the federal government will plunder much of our private wealth, retirement plans and personal savings through hyperinflation, financial controls and confiscatory tax rates all in the name of protecting the public from a future debt crisis unless the states can secede from the Union and the crushing Washington debt load.
The first actual secession following several attempts by the New England states took place in the South and it ended with the defeat of the Confederate States of America. Now secession is again in the news and this time it may be the only solution to surviving the coming Washington national debt crisis.
We need to forget the causes of the earlier War Between the States, regional differences, slavery, tariffs and other related issues. The new secession effort will be state-based but a national movement all across the United States ranging from Vermont to Georgia, Texas to Alaska etc. Economic survival and prosperity rather than regional issues will be motivating factor.
The first secession was a product of anti-southern tariff taxes resulting in the Southern states paying the majority of the revenue to fund the distant federal government. A mistaken defense of the dying institution of slavery by slaveholding elites in the South also contributed to the failed secession effort. Third, the advancement of corporate manufacturing profits and railroad expansionism by the Northeastern establishment elites were a major contributor. Finally the promotion of a conflict by the European Rothschild banking interests funding both the Northern abolitionists and the Southern secessionists guaranteed a violent breakup of what should have been a peaceful parting of the states.
Still the right of democratic state-by-state secession did not die at the point of a bayonet at Appomattox Court House in 1865. The belief in peaceful devolution of government powers and services to regions and local jurisdictions to allow citizens to control the power of politicians and government is a positive advancement for the 21st century. In addition, the right of devolution of states, geographic regions and groups around the world promotes competition and freedom.


  1. Those who doubt should read the following and compare to what's happening:

  2. It is difficult for the deluded to see what is coming. People take about social security not being around in ten years, this, that, and the other thing.

    The truth is the United States of American will not be around in ten years.

  3. The sooner something happens the better. I'm looking forward to it.

  4. Well He is very likely wrong on how the US will split up. For instance the gulf states (Texas, Louisana, etc) will not go to Mexico. Mexico is on the verge of a collapse and the US may have to send in the troops to restore order (perhaps in the next couple of years)

    China is about have its own banking/credit crisis, considering there is more than enough commercial office space for every man, women, and child in China. Much if it sits empty while builders continue to put even more office buildings up. They are even building cities that virtually no one lives in. Also consider that China's GDP is only 7% of the global GDP, yet consumes 40% for the worlds base-metal (Steel, Aluminum, Copper, etc) production. This will not end well for China.

    Third Europe is in worse shape than the US, already entered its double dip recession. Like the US they have trillions upon trillions of off-sheet debt in the form of unfunded entitlement programs. I suspect that we will see another rise of fascism, since Most European countries have very strong central gov't. When the food shelves go bare, and the trains stop running, Europeans will put someone in control to fix things at the expense of freedom and civil rights.

    Marc Faber has it right that all industrialize nations are going to end up in default. We will likely see another world war has misery and hardship take root.

    Its a good chance that US states will secceed from the Union the states that have the best local economies will likely lead succession as they federal gov't bad policies drag them down with the sinking ship. But its unlikely that US states will fall under the control or influence of foriegn govts since they will simply too busy addressing their own problems.


  6. 3:51 I agree. The sooner, the better.

  7. That's a whole sale crock. NPR was talking about how if NM seceded it would be the third largest nuclear power in the world with an estimate of over 3K nuclear warheads. Really now? Mexico is going to end up with the US stockpile?

  8. OK, I'm not a Bible thumper, but bible prophecy has been pretty accurate over the centuries, so let's not forget the book of Revelation states that in the end, there will be a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, headed by the anti-christ. Looks like we're headed in that direction on a global scale. The anti-christ, Barack Obama is ready to take the position, after all the bible says the anti-christ will be a young, charismatic man that the world will follow. Recall the world-wide celebration when Obama won the election...

    Now back to reality. Mexico will NOT get any part of the Union. Who thinks they are better off than us? For years now, I have wished our troops would invade Mexico on behalf of the common Mexican people. Kill off the corruption, wipe the nation clean and start over. Ever since I was a kid, (I'm quite senior now) I could never figure out the most powerful country on the planet, could have a southern neighbor like Mexico, one huge toilet bowl of extreme poverty.

    I was born in Houston and I visited the Alamo as a child. Back then, we knew how to fight, that sleeping giant (the American People) is about to wake again.

  9. @6:43
    Irregardless of one's acceptance of the Book of Revelation, it DOES say that in the end there will be a One World Government. I mean, that's what it says.
    After WWI the League of Nations was formed as an attempt at a One World Government. It failed.
    After WWII the United Nations was formed as an attempt at a One World Government. It failed miserably too.
    George H W Bush formed a war party of Nations and stated in his speech we need a "New World Order".
    Others followed suit. Shouted it loudly.
    World Health Organization.
    World Bank.
    Groups of Nations forming up, European Union, North American Union.
    Now we are working on a Global Financial Organization. Global trade, Global this and that.
    People are saying/will be saying "Give us a King. Be he God or the devil, give us a King".
    Someone who can fix it. Someone to restore our safety, our lifestyle, our needs, our wants.
    I don't care if you believe in God, Allah, Santa Claus, or some half Rhino/Pink Elephant, you would have to be a total idiot to say that things are NOT headed in the direction of the Book of Revelations. Sure, it's only coincidence, and the B of R is only copying some other Egyptian or ancient text found in a cave somewhere. Do it that way if you like.
    In the end, win, lose, or draw, 6:43 makes one very good point about the circumstances as outlined in the Book of Revelations. Haven't read it? You might want to check it out. Or not.

  10. Under specific circumstances the nation could Balkanize into a handful of smaller nation states. At this point a financial collapse appears immenant.

    However, anyone who welcomes this prospect is grossly uninformed of the outcome. There will be bloodshed the likes of which this country has never imagined. It will not resemble a video game or a training excercise.

    The only individuals that welcome this outcome have never served as a soldier or police officer and witnessed the carnage firsthand.

    This is the blusering rhetoric of the inexperienced and naive.

  11. 7:24 posted a good outline.

    Every past attempt to create a New World Order, did not have the conditions we have today. Nearly every country in the "1st and 2nd world" is on the verge of total collapse. This has never happened before in the history of the world in the past 2,000 years.

    8:21 is also on the spot.

    This coming collapse can not be avoided. I am a "prepper". I confess I only have enough food stored for 3-4 months and enough water for one month for my family. I think this is pathetic. 99% of the population has NOTHING but what is in their pantry. If a major city lost it's power and water, it would get really ugly, really fast. I have told no one about my "stash", not my neighbors, nor my brothers and sister. I hate to think I may someday have to take a life to defend my water supply. Every plastic bottle I would normally toss in the trash is full of water and stored away. A 55 gal drum of water is wonderful, but don't plan on moving it without a forklift.

    We can't stop this.

  12. The bible says "there is nothing new under the sun"

    So we can expect just about anything to happen.
    I do put my trust in God to get me through anything, but he also gives me the good sense to prepare.

    I believe Bastiat is pretty close to how the US will split up. I am living in Missouri now, but wish I was in Texas. Hope I can be there before the SHTF. Definitely glad I am not living in what he thinks will be the " Atlantic America" I figure Obama will contol that area. I figure my best chance of survial will be in Texas away from the cities.
    If the economy and government does collapse, who is going to have to have control over the nuclear bombs? Is the person or persons who has control over them going to be the world contollers? The one with the finger closet to the button would most likely be the controller.

    But look at it this way, once all the bombs are dropped would there be enough organization to build more. Probably not. I think if this does happen that anyone that does survive it will be so horrified by it.
    I think we will be in a third world war soon, but that it will not last very long, because so much of the world population will be wiped out quickly.
    Then the New World Order (one world government) wil be formed.

    When man becomes so full of himself (666) and believes he has the answers to all of mankinds problems and choses a one world king

  13. +1 On Obama being the antichrist. I have tried to tell others but they just roll thier eyes.

  14. I keep thinking I should buy some land in Texas. If you consider living "where no man has gone before", it's quite affordable. I'm considering a 10 acre plot for $2,000. As long as there is a water table to tap, it could be a nice, post SHTF retreat.

    I remember the Obama election victory. People all over the world were celebrating. News cameras everywhere were recording the smiles of young and old alike, Africa, Europe, Asia. Finally "Hope and Change" for everyone!

    I took an interest in bible prophesy back in 1980, after reading "The Late Great Planet Earth". Everyone was preaching the second coming is gonna be here soon! The Beast, was thought to be one big computer in Brussels. We had no Internet, no PC's, no RFID chips, as in the "Mark of the Beast". 30 years ago,there was no foundation to build a one world government, there is one now. RFID chips are implanted in dogs and cats, they only show basic info about the animal and it's owner. We now have USB memory sticks in the 64 Gig range. I'm sure an implantable RFID chip for humans will have that kind of storage capacity. Everything you do will be tracked, everywhere you go, including church one day and the adult book store the next. This will be Real Time data collection.

    I once set up a hospital with RFID of the medical records. Each file had a chip attached to it. Every room in the hospital had a transceiver in it. Anyone who has ever worked with paper files, knows they can be lost and sometimes, never be found again. This RFID system told us exactly where the file was in the hospital. Naturally we could have RFID'd the Staff's ID badges and then we would know exactly where everyone was, including Dr. McSteamy and Nurse HotBabe in the broom closet.

    If prophesy is true, we can't stop this, we can sure fight back.

    We really do live in interesting times.

  15. As far as a New Union...sell off Southern California, New York City (NY upstaters are good people)South Florida and DC...we should see results adn improvements immediately!

  16. Yeah it's kind of sad, 7:24 am. I became a born again christian when I was 15. I became aware that the biblical fullfilment of the Beast of Revelation is Isreal. The Beast which was, is not, and shall be (is now) after whom the whole world will wonder saying 'who can make war with the beast?' and then the second beast (Antichrist, false prophet) is America, rising up out of the sea that shall force all men to worship the first beast. Shall apear as a lamb (christian nation) while speaking as a dragon (America does a farking GREAT job of that right now. Christian nation that 'disappears' people into torture dungeons. Yah. )

    Christian Zionists are those that Jesus said would say 'Lord , Lord, did we not know you?' and he shall say 'I knew you not, begone from me"

    Jesus beat the money changers (bankers) and call the Sanhedrin the Synogogue of Satan.

    Let he who hath ears to hear, hear.

  17. I think things will be interesting when we have to bail out California. People in Iowa and South Dakota will seriously question why their money should go to support non-citizens.

  18. 9:55 not into the cartoon christianity, but you have a great grasp on the Zio-christian thing as does the previous poster. We are the stooge nation that supports our destroyers via religious ignorance. As say this only because it is good to know the WHO part of the Coming Depression.

    They (as in the elite families; owners of the Fed) gave us our cartoon religions to use as a tool against us. What a tool! Works like a charm.

  19. Great article & timely for what's happening nowadays. It was taxes & govt. corruption that will start the people to organize like the colonist did.

    There is a new book just out about a small town in America (your town or mine) that finally stands up to federal tyranny (taxes/corruption & starts the 2nd American Revolution.

    I only mention it cause it current to this article & what's coming again. It's a must read if you want to find ur destiny in history.

  20. 7:09, where are you looking to buy land? I am from texas and know most of it pretty well. I can lend advice or dispel myths.

  21. 3:34

    Looks like my 20 acre spread is sold. It was in the SW area, about 20 miles from the Mexican border. I saw another 10 acre lot in Hudspeth County, South West, Texas. It's remote as it gets and anyone living out there better be in perfect health. I'd guess the nearest hospital would be more than 100 miles away.

    There is 40 acres in Winimucca Nevada. I can take over the land for $160.00 a month or $21K.

    I currently live near Disneyland and when things go bad, it's gonna get real bad around here, real fast.

  22. Yes, land in that part of west texas is pretty cheap. Not very familiar with Hudspeth County. I looked at land in Brewster County, near Big Bend. It's pretty scenic out there, but remote, and drawbacks include limited availability of water and what can be grown. But if you are determined you can make it happen. Those knowledgable enough could, if they had to, could survive in the desert in the wild. The Commanche and Arapaho did.

  23. Yes, I know Winnemucca Nevada well. It is like much of high desert Nevada. Approximately 10 inches of rain per year, -20 at times in the winter, 100 at times in the summer, summer rangeland burn offs, no surface water, the soil is alkaline and does not support gardening and the local economy is entirely supported by the gold mining industry. I have lived 24 years at the base of the Ruby Mountains 20 miles from Elko Nevada at the edge of a Federal wilderness area.

    It is hard but good country. At my home the first freeze comes in October, snow showers continue into June. That is the reason few live in this area.

  24. Interesting; where do you get your water? Rain storage? Well? Are you off the grid? Do you hunt or trap?


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