Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Bob Chapman: They Want A Collapse, Its Deliberate

Europe is rescuing its economy in the same way that the Federal Reserve has attempted to same America’s financial system and economy. They have used an unprecedented aid and stimulus package to offset massive fiscal deficits. In the US a deflationary depression was avoided at least temporarily and that is what is now being attempted in Europe with the guidance of the Federal Reserve.
This kind of program was implemented during the 1930s when we are told that unemployment was 25%. During the late 1930s the program failed to pull America out of depression. Unemployment in 1939 was 17.4% and in 1940 it was 16.2%, hardly the results hoped for and anticipated. The result was WWII. We are headed in the same direction today, as the Middle East and Asia smolder ready at any time to burst into flames.
In the US liquidity was unleashed on a massive scale and that is what will happen in Europe. It is the only way they can keep the system functioning.
We Are now closing in on the next planned world war as a result. When and where we can only guess, but it surely is on the way, the same way it was in the late 1930s. War is a distraction and it succeeds in culling the population. It is also a cover-up for massive financial and economic problems that have resulted from the financial elite looting the system.
The system is not being fixed and deliberately so. The elitists do not want it fixed. They want a collapse. This is the only way they can force people to accept world government.
The groundwork was laid after WWII, as it was right after WWI. The 1960s brought inflation and on August 15,1971 the gold standard was abandoned. That is all that was needed to get the game underway. That inflation lasted some 50 years and is in the process of coming to an end. Many say they do know where it will end, but if they studied history they’d know exactly where it would end. It will end with the deliberate collapse of the financial and economic system and war, the way it always has. This time the conductor is the Federal Reserve, which is currently on the way to being a financial and monetary monopoly with the assistance of our well paid off representatives and senators. The massive reflation you have witnessed over the past almost three years is a steppingstone toward a final solution and world government. As a result we see collapses in some areas and booms in other areas. In the end all markets will fall, some more than others. Debt overwhelms the system worldwide, which is a form of perpetual entrapment.
No currency will be able to withstand the onslaught. In the final analysis only gold and silver will be left standing. 


  1. "world government theory"
    is pure-fictional especulation.

  2. Purchases of new homes jumped in April to a two-year high and orders for durable goods climbed the most in three months, signaling the U.S. economy strengthened.

    New-home sales increased 15 percent to an annual pace of 504,000 last month, the highest level since May 2008, while bookings for goods meant to last at least three years rose 2.9 percent, the Commerce Department said today in Washington.

    The reports indicated the world’s largest economy may withstand a slowdown in Europe. While corporate investment will help sustain the U.S. manufacturing resurgence.

    “The recovery has made a successful transition into a self-sustaining economic expansion,” said Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s in West Chester, Pennsylvania. “The economy has enough momentum, strength to digest reasonably gracefully what is going on in Europe.”

  3. Bhwahahahahahahahahaha........collapse.....

  4. Bob Chapman doesn't have much credibility in my book. He rarely cites his sources in his wild outrageous articles. Further, saying they want a collapse is less likely than humans being human, and politicians being politicians and avoiding the pain - for as long as possible. If given a choice of pain now, or more pain later, human nature is they will take the pain later because they are narcissistic enough to think they can come up with a viable solution between now and then. And if that doesn't describe politicians, and the stupidity of humans in general, I don't know what does.

    So it's more likely that human stupidity and shameless selfishness (more benefits and goodies from the government, more security in a world where there is no such thing as security), is what drove us to the edge, not a deliberate collapse.

    Humans are just too stupid to engineer an economic collapse of this size.

    Do you think the Greeks or the Spanish or the Italians engineered their collapse, or were they just too damn greedy and selfish, believed that deserved more and more and more protection from life's uncertainties from the government?

    Which do you think is more likely?


  6. We're not in a Recession.

  7. These "Conspiracy theorists" with a silcer and gold fetish,Even beleive that the central bank monopolists responsibly working overtime printing and selling debt money $ is a conspiracy of the elite "iluminati" tribe and their rich partners to rob the people and that now the U.S. system has run out of real profits.But "Ye of little Faith" "Profits" can easily be printed and counted and are.
    They are blinded by strange prejudice and just cannot see the real recovery right before their eyes.
    Probably because they are listening to their unemployed friends and live run down neighbourhoods with junked foreclosed houses
    and do not even believe the official statistics and good news published on the stock exchage and property bond markets in the MSM everyday day.
    What a fool!

  8. "We've come back," he says of the nation, Wall Street, and the economy. "This is an amazing resurgence." This is a quote from the dumbest human being in the history of American Politics. The only people dumber would be the ones who tried to vote him into the White House. Every time I see a John Kerry for president bumper sticker I know the occupants of the automobile are very mentally deficient. Yes, John made that quoted statement just recently. It is shameful that there were enough Americans to make him a Senator.

  9. Bob Chapman is 100% dead-on correct. A real truthful person. That is why the disinfo bots and paid shills come running to try a discredit the man.

    The Bank of the World AKA World Government is the goal. The Oligarch elite bankers run the world, start/plan all wars, so Bank of the World IS WORLD GOV.

    The Rothschilds have been plotting as usual.

  10. 6:09 you shill, shut yer pile hole. OF COURSE the collapse has been orchestrated and planned in detail. All I can say is 'duh'.

  11. 5.27 boy the pro government schills are out in full force tonight.

    "The recovery has made a successful transition into a self-sustaining economic expansion,” said Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s in West Chester, Pennsylvania. “The economy has enough momentum, strength to digest reasonably gracefully what is going on in Europe.”

    What a pile of putrified horse shit.Give me a break ..sustained recovery and that bullshit for the sheeple masses who are just tuning out of tonight's American Idol Extravaganza!!

  12. We are not SheepleMay 26, 2010 at 10:21 PM

    Why the censorship Economic advisor seems to me your killing the appealing dynamics of this forum of opinion.Please we are not Sheeple.

  13. Disagree 100%. If EA is willing to weed through the posts written by the disinfo bots and three year olds, more power to him. Thanks EA.

  14. When I am stuck in a corner, out of food and the gangs are moving in on me I wonder if it will make a difference that LEE won American Idol tonight.

  15. i love the utube
    of the 20 yer old
    i have shorts older than him
    listen thanks been buying lots of gold for cheap
    people are not going to beleive what america will look like
    but of coarse i dont live in mom and dads basement
    i dont beleive it now
    also econimc depression
    i dont know how old you are
    but things are just to convieant
    just to easy
    the destruction of 30 million usa factory jobs
    moved overseas
    the open borders in the middle of a war
    free money no money down mortgages
    i cant wait to see the panic in peoples eyes
    that like this dum kid video
    are going to get a real education
    on how the world really works
    usa is at war
    economey is tanking the gulf is a mess
    and our leaders are lost
    he says he pays his car bil
    i was on my own at 19
    paying rent supporting my old lady
    after seeing that video one more confirmation we are so screwed

  16. one more thing about bob
    hes been around a long time and after hearing him speak
    i dont beleive hes lieing
    the truth is hes the most calm collective thought. i have ever heard
    i would not take what he says lightly
    but then again the sheep love their hay
    infact sheep loved to be sheerd
    which is happening now
    i would listen to what he says very seriously
    it might save your life
    know the 20 years olds video
    i wouldnt wipe my aaa with

  17. the collapse is in the cards is all bobs saying
    anyone can see it.
    yea love that utube now johhny go to bed its late
    let the adults talk.
    i think sponge bob is on for yea.

  18. 5:27 is a government agent or worker. And no it doesn't mean they are Jack Bauer, what it means is that he sits on a computer and is encouraged by fruit-loops like Cass Sunstein to post comments that confuse "dissenters" on polital forums or similar sites, dissenters being people who are learning the truth about this horrible and power hungry administration as well as the imminent economic collapse.

    Foreclosures are increasing by the way bud...

    I tend to sway more toward 6:09's view however. When people make speculations about all of this being set up I have to look at history, though hearing weirdos like Al Gore and George Soros make statements about global governance causes me caprice.

    Rome didn't fall because of conspiracy, it fell because the Caesars of those days were pathetic and weren't on the fields with their men like those in the early empire nor were their soldiers concerned anymore about Roman Glory.

    The Mongol Empire which was greatly expanded by Ghenghis Khan's grandson after his death, stretching from Poland all the way to the Sea of Japan, collapsed overnight into many different factions when he died because the Mongols had to choose a new ruler. At that point too many generals had become power hungry similar to Alexander's Empire, in which several major Greek kingdoms rose up after that (central empire collapsed none-the-less).

    Were all of these empires and their major players, from the earliest imperial societies in Mesopotamia circa 4,000 B.C.E, down to the Renaissance and start of Liberation Thought which lead to the Founding Fathers all deliberately played out leading up to now as we are about to witness the systematic crash of all social orders? The Founding Fathers actually founded the government we once used on the Spartan Republic, their philosophies were actually very diverse, ranging from Biblical concepts as well as those of Islamic Sufis, they of course used the typical Aristotlean Logic of Europeans and of course synthesized much of their ideas here in what would be the perfect utopia in which free minds could create the most prosperous land of all possibilities.

    Most people have no clue about that, and yet that isn't even the tip of the iceberg about that tiny little era on this planet which is just a spec of dust to this universe.

    When you insist on concluding all reality; galaxies, planets, timelines, energies, places, laws of physics, spirituality and the infinite worlds which exist, quantum nature which holds no logic nor does it follow the laws of physics, paradigms and collective conscious cycles, people, and of course the ever expanding mysteries of "reality" which by far outweigh what is known with the belief that it all is controlled by the elite bankers who are so manipulative and greedy they cause earthquakes for no useful reason and now they are about to cause World War 3... well, you are concluding that those guys must be powerful fucking dudes!

    Sidenote: I would say 6:56 is a Federal Employee but he doesn't seem to have the education either formal or self taught.

  19. I'm considering giving up US citizenship in the event of world war. If it happens in 5 years or so, there will undoubtedly be a draft. We're running two wars undermanned already, 3 if you include pakistan. I don't want to be one of those saps getting blown up in the Iranian desert or some rat hole in Korea. Look around, alot of the guys age 20-30 you see, that's their future. All for what... more banker contrived wars where they finance both sides and watch us kill each other. Not signing up for that horseshit.

  20. How are you going to give up US citizenship if you're still in the US. If you wait too long to leave you might never get anywhere.

  21. "6:09 you shill, shut yer pile hole. OF COURSE the collapse has been orchestrated and planned in detail. All I can say is 'duh'. "

    Wanting me to shut up for stating a legitimate opinion that is contrary to your's and chapman's is an attack against my first amendment rights to free speech, and promotes a totalitarian style world.

    Don't like what someone says? We'll shut them done. THe only people that can talk are those who agree with us!

    That worked out great for Woodrow Wilson (Sedition Act, but you're too stupid to know about that part of history), and Stalin, Ceaucescu, Kim Il Jung, Saddam Hussein, and the Ayatollah. They didn't like to hear contrary opinions either. You have a lot in common with them

    The short version of my theory is that elites and politicians are just people who are no smarter, and no more capable than anyone else. WE DO NOT have a super hyper competent government. THey fuck up nearly everything they touch. Katrina, 911, catching bin Laden, dragged out wars, and now the oil in the gulf.

    People with low IQs (that means you are stupid) believe in conspiracies as the answer to what goes wrong in the world. IMO, it's stupidity and self serving pursuits.

    See, when you watch those big budget hollywood action movies - they are not really true. Sit down for this, but they didn't actually happen. It's fiction.


    Too many uneducated red necks on this board. They should go to wal mart or watch professional wrestling.

  22. I can get Irish citizenship as easy as going to the local embassy in New York and filling out the paperwork, as my parents are Irish born. With an EU passport, I can live/work anywhere in the EU. Renouncing US citizenship may not even be necessary as Ireland is traditionally a neutral nation in these types of conflicts. Dual citizenship may be enough to keep Selective Service off my ass. I wouldn't like to leave, but I sure as hell will not die like a sucker 8,0000 miles from home to protect Israel or South Korea. Let them fight their own battles. Not my problem.

  23. 9:06 - yes, hence the term Theatre of War, for their profit and entertainment.

  24. 9:20 - lemming with an attitude.

  25. 9:20 if you can get out of here you'd be crazy not to leave. The USA will be the worse sewer on the planet, all by design.

  26. As Chapman says, buy Gold and Silver if you can. It is the common man's only hope.

  27. Don't think for a minute the oil gusher was an accident. Just cost a chuck or two of C-4 and will make the Haliburton types 100s of billions of dollars in profits.

    Plus the elite Oligarchs LOVE IT. The oil damage will re-energize the enviromental movement which will be redirected toward the Global Warming Swindle and your new wonderful Carbon Tax.

    They have us coming and going.

    As Carlin said, 'it's a big club, and you and I are not in it.'

  28. Chapman nailed the war part. The 2% are wide awake to what the Oligarch bankers are doing to America. That politics is all a joke.

    So before there is too much of an awakening they will start a profitable and distracting war.

    Watch for a nice false flag between now and year end to get things going. "There would be no wars unless my sons agree to it" - Hag Rothschild.

  29. No collapse coming. Stop wasting time waiting for something that isn't coming. Things will continue improving all the time.

  30. We've already had a false flag in Korea. We'll have another after Iran sinks our ships in the Straight of Hormuz with their Sunburn missiles, after we attack them for no reason.

    North Korea torpedo false flag op

  31. 9:06-You could always sign up for the French Foreign Legion. Three squares a day, and all the scorpions you can shake outta your crusty shorts.. if you choose to desert, you must know that it`s their creed that they will relentlessly track you to the ends of the earth. At least you know somebody will be watching your 6..albeit from behind a .50 cal. sniper rifle with a 6x Weaver scope bent on blowing your cowardly knackers off. You have 0 options-homeboy!

  32. Get you money out of the bank! Buy gold and silver. If you ignore this warning you will be very sorry indeed. The fiat collapse is coming hard and fast.

    They are even warning you in advance if you are willing listen. Talking about bank holidays and the like.

    The holiday is closing the doors while you get hijacked. Get out!

  33. 9:39 very good article on the Submarine Torpedo false flag attack. Sad that the Oligarchs/Israelis get away with FF attacks so easily. With their media at their disposal.

  34. collapse will happen. it is a matter of timing.
    should collapse by the end of obama's administration.

  35. Handwritings on the wall, won't be long now, 3-5 years. How many in the US will notice? All I heard on the news today was that New Jersey will host the superbowl in 2014. Who gives a fuck.

  36. The Oligarchs could kill the USA next week if that is what they want; the outcome and schedule are all planned. Unfortunately these mentally disturbed power hungry inbreeders love to play their games. Like pulling the wings off flies. I guess the positive part is while they get their jollies it buys us a little time to live our lives in this fake economy and empire.

  37. Elites? Yes there are...If you have a powerful group of influental banker/buisness and politicians making Earth changing policies then yes there are Elites.

    If you have the media/business/farming/entertainment all owned by a select group of people then yes you do have Elites.

    Do they have some sort of weird diabolical plan? Nope just being superselfish and trying to make as much money as they can and NOT caring about the consequences.

    So to both sides you sorta win...There ARE Elites but they're just fat lazy egotistical greedy bastards not Devil's Spawn.

  38. Economic Depression and 6:56 are on the money, and this is what I have been saying for a long time. In come the egg-heads to chime in like robots led in on a string. If it clashes with the Illuminati world-view you MUST be a shill! Hey, that's how paranoia works.

    ED obviously recognizes there is an imminent collapse and he even provides links for survival and preparedness. Learn how to accept a varying viewpoint and even, just maybe, consider the implications there might be weight to it. Dogma is not your friend.

  39. 12:21

    I agree with that about the Illuminati believers who attack others as if they denied Jesus for saying there might not be an NWO and maybe 9/11 really was not Bush.

    Though people like 6:56, if I read that post correctly claims the recovery is happening. Anyone who still talks like that about recovery when clearly everything is falling apart, and not to mention this administration is going to leave this country with regulations beyond measure no one will have any ability or desire to work yet alone make any profit.

    People who deliberately announce how great the economy is doing is either A) Delusional, or B) Doing it on purpose. And this isn't any part of the Illuminati theory, Cass Sunstein promotes this, they also did this in the Woodrow Wilson administration but they did it in crowds. Today I assume it is much easier to do they have far more workers and a much more easier way to spread information.

    How hard would it be for them to have 50,000 people or so forth post comments on certain Conservative sites, Patriotic sites, or sites that are trying to prepare people? I think it would take someone in the White House 5 minutes to type something up with their laptops, then go back to what they were doing.

  40. Straw man arguments and personal attack. 9.05
    Pretend to be objective learned and reasonable Even an historical expert.
    Somewhat sympathetic even -but reasonable-. Establish Your bona Fides ,identify and “out” obvious government conspiracy Shrills so as not to be considered one of those! .
    First exaggerate the claims of what is being put forward By Chapman to the point of absurdity .Like, portray real world conspiracies and events of today as if it is being said ridiculously by Chapman that they were planned by an Elite class that has existed since Mesopotamian times with fore- knowledge of what was required today- obvious nonsense - your fake case against Chapman -Proved! Yet ,every ruling class in history has indeed tried to conspire preserve its class clan .Perhaps you do not like it that Chapman claims that a lot of the conspiracy loot after the coup in treasury or like the Maddof loot appears to finish up in Israel?
    But ,as you are dealing in long term history lessons none of that current present day stuff need be discussed. Too ridiculous for words as proved by your “history”!
    Your history lesson is crap anyway.
    Rome did not fall because of a lack of Great individualheroic “ leaders” in the field fighting with their troops . In the last years of the republic for example, Julius Caesar fought in Gaul and even the Celtic Britain of its day himself .While in the later period of Empire one Emperor from a faction in the Praetorian Guards and army fighting against the Parthian/Persian Empire personally in the field , lost a battle, was captured and skinned alive.
    Italian Rome fell because the Italian Peninsula was converted into a slave based economy, no longer with eager Roman soldiers fighting in return for a soldiers land grant. The barbarians arrived and hardly fought a battle in order to wind up the rotting shell of Rome . What was left in Italy and Rome was a slave owning elite burdened with a class of “ free” living on welfare Plebeians , somewhat resembling the US today, a bribed labour aristocracy, demanding expensive Bread and circuses . Generals were aplenty But There were none , or insufficient real free Latins or Roman Plebeian citizens left ,willing to fight for the slave system crap for the Elite.
    Just as many of the Americans on this site are mainly attempting to collect together 30 pieces of silver to save their own skin, not willing to fight to save the corrupt system and the old bankrupt American way of life. Save Yourself !The American Empire is therefore stuffed like Italian Republican Rome too!
    The fact that earlier Ruling elites, in your straw man argument , failed in Rome like Ghengis Khan to preserve a big united single Empire and failed , does not mean that they did not try and conspire and plot to do so . Or that the elite does not conspire today .
    In fact the Genghis Empire was divided up for his sons to rule into different Hordes ,some of the Empire parts lasted for centuries or many years, like the Golden Horde..Just as the Empire of Alexandria did not simply collapse, but was divided into parts amongst the elite ,the generals ,and that “conspiracy” for loot and sub-empires by the elite lasted in their families for centuries after Alexandria died. Something to aim and plan for?

  41. Yes 1:13 I stand corrected. I don't know what people pass through and talk about a recovery. What is the more likely answer: they are being paid by the Obama administration to disseminate propaganda on not that well known websites that likely would not influence the opinions of their readers anyway, or there are simply people who actually believe what they hear on TV? Of course there is the third alternative which is that the person(s) are mentally troubled, and that too is likely.

  42. 7.05
    A combination of all of the above .
    Dreamers and schemers with conditioned reflexes , each reinforcing and creating the other ,convincing each other ,on the avantages and above all permanence of the consumerist/ capitalist / Ponzi value Way of life.
    A now bankrupt debt based American dream world fantasy that many people cannot understand
    and become mentaly troubled on how and why is unable to function in the old way forever.

    They are not all "bad" people or even fools, but often just people who have had no reason to study economics and social problems in the past and react as conditioned americans trying to find a way of living life with the old comfortable lifestyles.

  43. Most people dont like to question their way of life, their values, and their faith. I imagine all of that will change at some point or another in the future.

  44. what do you think goes on aat these secretive G8, G20 meetings.Why are they kept so quiet. Elites of the world gather to deceive the sheeple and discuss population control. It is not conspiracy if its the TRUTH. WAKE UP.

  45. We are beyond f&cked. Every war, every bubble, every collapse, every flash point in US history was designed to occur, usually for some form of profit or consolidation of power. I don't know how it's gonna' shake out, but I do know this -- there is no escape. Even if one could leave the country, there's no escape from the forces at work. Maybe an alien invasion would get some of these elite douches, but there's nothing we can do. Those who believe voting for this person or that person is going to change anything is living in a delusion.

    BTW -- we are in a DEPRESSION, not a recession. We've also been waging World War 3 for about nine years now. Wake the f&ck up, sheeple.

  46. Good evening folks, Wish I was here with more favorable comments too offer, but I am afraid that I am not.
    I fear that the old adage "THE END IS NEAR"
    may be coming to rapid fruition.
    Now the end of mankind of course, but the end of the world as we have come to know it.
    As you all know, the "Perfect Storm" is upon us
    and what happens over the next few months will be telling indeed.
    It has taken our nation over 70 years to reach the point that we are in.....I am speaking of those who are either in elected offices of power...and those who are driving them.
    Socialism has been on the agenda practically from day one in the United States, now being the time that finally enough power has been amassed in order to begin its implementatoin.
    Our democrat (and left leaning Republican) leaders ar now working feverishly to obtain their goals before losing a critical ammount of their power in November...Be prepared to see MAJOR changes implemented prior to November.
    Lets just consider....should there be a national threat or "emergency" prior to this election season....Quite possably no elections would take place


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