Thursday, May 27, 2010

Headlines: The Economic "Recovery" News You Missed

 The recession has fueled a record level of unemployment among young workers and is likely to have a lasting impact on their job prospects, according to a congressional report released Wednesday.

Youth Jobless Crisis Could Have Lasting Impact

Senior congressional Democrats and the Obama administrationscrambled Wednesday to line up support for $23 billion in federal aid to avert an estimated 100,000 or more school layoffs in a brutal year for education budgets coast to coast.

Lawmakers Seek $23 Billion to Prevent Thousands of Education Layoffs

An online movement to boycott BP for its role in the Gulf of Mexico oil spill is growing at a rate of better than 25,000 names a day.
"I won't buy their gas any more. I won't patronize a company that's destroying our planet," New Jersey resident Patricia Jarozynski told CNN, one of 118,000 fans of the "Boycott BP" Facebook page as of this writing.
Boycott BP Movement 

Cincinnati State Hikes Tuition 3.5%  

More Cities on the Brink of Bankruptcy

Italy Adopts $30 Billion of Cuts in EU Deficit Push  

More Tax Laws Likely Coming Your Way Soon

North Carolina Loses 1,800 More Construction Jobs

Manufacturing Accounts for 23% of April Mass Layoffs

7 Gulf Oil Spill Cleanup Workers Hospitalized from Oil Chemicals
More Here..


  1. BP Gulf Oil Spill = Obama's Chernobyl
    Read about it:

  2. “A gradual turnaround appears to be taking hold after years of construction employment declines,”

    The pencil pusher is quite optimistic.

    From a carpenters perspective I think he is full of shit.

  3. I STILL talk to people daily that think the economy is all better and it will be wine and roses forever.

    Sheeple are deficient in the capacity to see anything unpleasant as truth.

  4. The economy IS better and it IS improving. Just look around. Share markets skyrocketing! Corporations making record profits. How much more proof do you need?

  5. No kidding. The only corporations making profits are the criminal banks that have hijacked the government.

  6. Don't forget war contractors, private prison companies, and Taser/Sound Cannon companies, German Shepard breeders etc.

  7. I stand corrected. You win.


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