Sunday, May 30, 2010

Panic, Its Over: War, Gulf Catastrophe, Economy Collapse, Europe Collapse, Rioting Ahead

Let's start with Gerald Celente of Trend Forecasters:

"It did collapse. It collapsed in March of 2009. The world equity markets collapsed. What they did was they propped them up. And they propped them up with stimulus packages worldwide. The United States has lent, spent and guaranteed $11 trillion, to prop up this economy.

So the collapse happened. But it hasn't crashed. And we are looking for the crash to come.[..]

I want to make this clear: capitalism is dead in America. And it’s not socialism, like all these people are yelling about. The merger of state and corporate powers, by definition, according to someone who knew the definition really well, is called fascism. That's what Mussolini called it. Fascism has come to America."

Hedge funder Hugh Hendry needs less words:

'I would recommend you panic'.

Canadian fund manager Eric Sprott has this (about the US):

"The debt, the deficits are enormous. The industrial capacity has been gutted. One cannot make a positive story for it other than some temporary trading phenomenon because something else is uglier than the dollar."

The US M3 money supply (the most comprehensive number, albeit no longer supplied by the government, is sinking like an anvil, with an annualized rate of contraction of 9.6%. And even though nobody I’ve read seems prepared to call this spade for what it is, this, dear grasshoppers, is what constitutes deflation. Not falling prices, they are but a consequence of a falling money supply and velocity (which today is slower than the heavy mud BP so far fails to use to plug its "leak").

And as much as it may seem astonishing to see the money supply fall that hard and fast, it does so, and we at The Automatic Earth did tell you well in advance. The deleveraging going on inside all the fields combined that make up the economy is simply too much of a force to plug with a bunch of trillions of dollars and/or golf balls. Yes, the comparisons between the failed and failing US financial policies on the one side, and the botched beyond belief BP disaster inevitably come to the forefront as President Obama visits the Gulf region for a second time in 38 days.

Where are his priorities? Why does he act as he does? It was clear for many from the get-go that Deepwater Horizon had the potential to be the worst environmental calamity in US history. Where was Obama? How does a president decide he doesn’t have to be where it hurts? Now, after all this time, he shows up and claims that Washington won't let the people of the Gulf of Mexico fall. Problem is, Washington, and the president, already have. And neither can have those 38 days back..

California's municipalities are, ever more of them, considering bankruptcy as a last resort to escape at least some of their worst and darkest dreams. So does Miami. New York State seems set to increase borrowing from its own funds to keep up appearances a little longer.

Never mind. It's over, guys, it really is. Look at the stock markets, look at Europe, look at Sacramento, Miami, Ohio, Illinois. Does anyone near you really still believe that we’ll have an economic recovery, with real economic growth, anytime in the next little, say, decade? If they do, please refer them to the M3 number. And if they don't even get that one, give up. You must surely be talking to a pride of religious crazies.

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    recently Ron Paul said in an interview that an insider he knows says even the Federal Reserve is getting worried.

    They are scared people are learning the truth.

    But you want to know a "secret" that will help you fight this battle then watch this video and think of how to use the wisdom given in it:

    A clue or secret of how to END THE FED

  2. No one want to watch anymore! They are scared that they have no control over our politicians! Please vote this November! Anyone accepting bribes for their votes in congress(ie: EARMARKS) needs to be voted out. Listen to the canidates, don't be fooled again!

  3. When the deep depression engulfs the planet, I will still enjoy watching those greedy gamblers in wall street kill themselves by the thousands when the Dow hits goose-egg...

    The bigger wall street criminals like Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, and CIti will be hunted like wild game and some will be eaten! Some media heads and anchors will be hunted next after them!


  4. 9:37 voting is rigged, you don't honestly believe that you can vote someone in or out do you?

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Voting is for suckers, no point. Jesus is a many times repeated, same-story myth, no point.

  7. Thank you, thank you, thank you! for saying what few know. ...this is NOT socialism -- this is fascism!

  8. Panic, that is about the worst advice I have ever read from an article. Do you think the Flight 93 passengers panicked as the plane was flying at almost the speed of sound towards an open field? Or did they just accept their fate while calling loved ones telling them goodbye and I love you. Some passengers even had the guts to advert a bigger disaster. Yes we are living in tough times but we the people can stand and fight and get through this and rise like true free people.

  9. BrianWilliamDotyIIIMay 30, 2010 at 4:14 PM

    Just run

  10. 12:45 Flight 93 is as big a myth as the economy!

  11. 9:01,

    Your post contains the real secret, namely the audio people should take time to listen to right now, for it is true; I've tested the concept myself.

  12. Flight 93 LOL! Now that was hilarious! You mean the 10x12 dirt hole that swallowed up a huge plane, seats, bodies even though pieces of the plane were found 8 miles away? Geezus people are stupid. As the coroner on site said "There is no reason for me to be here. No bodies. No blood. Nothing."

    To add insult to the sheeple delusion they even made a movie about it.

    America. The land of non-thinking drones.

  13. The economy is the biggest delusion of all, well maybe second to Jesus, but dammit it is close.

    As Bill Hicks said in 1993, "The economy that is fake anyway ..."

  14. ""

    That is similar to what the Iraqis believed before the US invaded and slaughtered their fighters. "Allah will protect! How can we lose?"

  15. If panic means get your ass to Costco and stock up on a year's worth of canned foods and supplies, then yes, PANIC.

  16. Murdered, not slaughtered. When you attack someone that did nothing to you and the person is just defending themselves it is murder. Nothing to beat your chest about, no need to show pride defeating a greatly outmatched enemy.

    Sort of like here in the USA when out Empire has evaporated and the Chinese/Russia move in. Jesus/horus will not save you.

  17. NOPE, my sheeple/TV people think everything is fine. This includes millionaires and some very wealthy people. The TV has some how mind controlled these people to think only what their tv's tell them. And of course that is the economy is improving, you know, its the War is Peace and Freedom is slavery.

    I wish this was the exception, and the sheeple were actually waking up. They're NOT!

    When the mass evacuation begins shortly, the sheeple will do what their govt says and head north to fema camps, never question a thing.

    For those of us who live in reality, we know we live amongst ZOMBIES!

  18. You got that right.

    Not necessarily stupid people, but a better description would be mind-controlled or deluded sheep. Programmed to worship authority and think like the hive since birth.

  19. We will have NO depression and the markets will rise (until they don't). This is a debt issue and will be resolved in due course. Protect yourself with hard assets; we are entering a new bull market that will tack on another 30-40% before the end of the year.

  20. 256 is a govt shill, run from the market take all your money out and put it into gold, silver, paladium, food, water, medical suppllies, and anything to keep you alive after the crash comes, which is no longer than 6 months away

  21. Poor shills and trolls. They just sound like second rate comedians anymore.

  22. take all your money out of the criminal banks put it in gold and silver now, while you still have a chance

  23. CHUCKLES THE CLOWNMay 30, 2010 at 6:25 PM

    This is so friggin FUNNY! HAHAHA



    Now we are spoon fed stories about how we are almost being begged to panic, as the hysteria and dementia nuts are mad that nobody has panicked yet,HAHA

    Now is when these guys have just lost ALL credibility with Chuckles,LOL

  24. Do the comments generally go a little something like this?

    The sheeple make me sick, poor zombies. Stupid imbeciles brainwashed like sheep, sheeple grass feeding sheep poor morons sheep-related drones tv-worshiping socialists sheep-grazing mindless robots.

    I agree. If the stupid sheep ever got their minds out of the pasture and their noses away from the tv for one minute the godless communist bastards would stop being sheep and might grow a mind of their own, dumb sheep living among the sheeple. God I hate sheep. Accept Jesus and you will be saved.

    Jesus is a myth. When the NWO culls all you sheep, your sheep masters will fillet you like only so much sheep gone to slaughter.

    There is no depression, its all a fantasy!

    Oh shut the F*ck up you blind zombie troll. God, dont troll just make you want to vomit? You puke. Why dont you just go back to the sheep herd and continue running with the herd, you dumb grass fed puffy haired animal.

    All of these sheep are of the herd mentality thinking the same hive-mindset pretending they aren't sheep.

    How sheep of you!

    Hey, does anyone know what happened to the honey bees? Maybe they went the way of the sheep and got permanently lost.

    God, I lost my brain. I feel so sheepish.

    For all you obamamaniacs, lets get one thing straight: this is not a left right issue. This is about control and flogging the sheep. When the sheep are at the gates, theres going to be a lot of teeth gnashing and hair pulling. You wont want to be around.

    Oh, Im not worried, Ive got a bunker replete with two apache helicopters, an M-1 tank and an army of toy robots.

    He he he...

  25. Deflation of the highest magnitude !!

    Last week it was

    Hyperinflation of the highest magnitude !!

    Panic ! Oh yes ! by all means panic ! buy more food, more toliet paper, more gold, more silver, more gas, more water, more - more more !! Buy Buy Buy baby buy.

    But remember !~ Buy now

    Sale ends the next hour !

    What a cluster fuck of monumental proportions we find ourselves in. Half the people in this country behave like thier entitlements will go on forever; taking them with same & the other half have been running around for over 2 years now trying to sell their side of the imenient

    The whole thing is almost funny to watch and listen to

  26. everything is so fuckin funny, hahahaha, that is what the banksters think as they rob this country worse than any other bank robbery in history, jesse james had nothing on these criminals, he was small time compared to what it going on now, the new bank robbers come in wearing suits and $1000.00 shoes.

  27. Hey, the criminals have been robbing the people since time immemorial. It is nothing new! The only difference today is that the end game now approaches. And I dont think the banksters are going to be much better off in a polluted world amid a crumbling society. Their heads might be hanging from poles from the cliffs as a reminder against greed.

  28. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  29. Well; it's like this.
    You ( anyone out there ) show me ANYTIME & ANYWHERE in the HISTORY of mankind when ANY peoples had it so good, so easy, lived so long in amazing comfort ?

    When did you say ?
    Where was that you said?

    While 90% of the posters here are busy telling people not to vote because it doesn't count; there is no God and Jesus is ( I cannot repeat )

    Well baby - I from Missouri

    Since ya all don't seem to believe in much - here's to back atcha

    Where is it - where is ONE of your little theroy's -

    That's what I thought you'd say.

    Best go back to diggin' that bunker now yahear

  30. Case closed. Yes the shills just have nothing to offer.

  31. How are the fake attempts to stop the oil gusher coming along?

    You mean it failed again? Oh my! What a surprise. Now the cleanup will cost 1-2 trillion? Who is going to pay for that? Oh, we are?

    Gee, I am glad BP and their other greedy corporate scumbags are REALLY trying to stop that gusher of money, er, I mean oil.

    I'd hate to see them make 100s of billions of profits off this disaster.

  32. Yes it will be entertaining watching all the Wall St freaks jumping from their windows like in '29. I hope they put that on live TV. Pure entertainment and the world won't miss them.

  33. Hugh is the shit, one of my favs.

  34. It really doesnt make sense that an Oil Company and a country in charge of it would intentionally either create the disaster or prolong it as long as possible, no matter how much conspiracy logic you throw at it.

    The fact of the matter is that BP is just completely incompetent and greedy. They could care less if their employees get sick or a little coastline gets flushed down the drain. Neither is the government any more competent, but I can tell you that strategically the US Warmongering elite would not want to purposefully have a disaster of such proportions in their backyard.

    To 4:12 oh we had it plenty good here before the rich capitalists and their bankers and the pig-headed politicians decided to kill off the Indians and every other natural habitat in this country. The oil disaster is just another example in a long dotted history of unfortunate crimes.

  35. Everyone you should really look at the video (audio) link that 9:01 posted the first post.


    *** P E R I O D ***

    Spend a few minutes
    and listen to that video
    it is one of the best things
    you will ever do!!!

    D O I T N O W
    === === =====

  36. We did NOT have it good back in the ole Cowboys and Indians days.
    That is unless you consider breaking your back 12 hours a day; 6 days a week and dying at the ripe old age of 43 good.

    Stick to the FACTS dear people.

    At NO time
    NOWHERE on this planet
    Did such a large portion of the population live as we do now in this country, most of Europe, Japan, France, Spain, Germany Etc Etc Etc.


    Most of whom blog here would have the world belive that the USA is just a bunch of scum sucking pricks hell bent on defacing the earth.

    To all them I reiterate -- it's not too late to relocate; I hear IRAN is beautiful.

    Take lots of towels

  37. BrianWilliamDotyIIIMay 30, 2010 at 9:26 PM

    Eye of a hurricane
    Listen to yourself churn
    The world serves its own needs
    Dummy, serve your own needs
    Feed it off an aux speak
    Grunt no, strength no
    Ladder start to clatter with fear fight down height
    Wire in a fire, representing seven games
    A government for hire and a combat site
    Left of west and coming in a hurry with the furies breathing down your neck.
    Team by team reporters baffled, trumped, tethered cropped
    Look at that low playing
    Fine, then
    Uh oh, overflow, population, common food, but it’ll do.
    Save yourself, serve yourself.
    World serves its own needs,
    Listen to your heart beat dummy
    With the rapture and the revered and the right, right
    You vitriolic, patriotic, slam, fight, bright light
    Feeling pretty psyched

    It's the end of the world as we know it
    And I feel fine

    (don't forget to guy bold ... I mean buy gold)

  38. Yeah, we've really been living it up the past couple of decades....wait, we BORROWED ALL THE MONEY TO LIVE IT UP ON. OH SHIT! I'm broke! Now whatta my gonna do?

  39. I am 256. As stated, this is a debt crisis and will be resolved through default. The comments made by the majority here further give me confidence that we are headed for a new bull market. Stronger dollar, stronger stocks, stronger hard assets. Live, Love, Laugh... As the first vid so powerfully stated: We become what we think about. I will be a very wealthy individual...

  40. 6:50 just like Germany and Argentina, you'll be rich alright, paper rich with useless do people post here with such ignorance and stupidity daily? Its like the tsunami, the water went out and the majority stood there and watched...then the wave came over them and they all drowned..

  41. with morons like 650, no wonder people are finally waking up, a bit late maybe too late, stock market headed for a major crash very soon

  42. The government drones were not given the weekend off obviously. Why would BP and other corporations want to prolong the oil disaster? .... that's a good one! Answer is simple: 100s of billions in profits.

  43. 6:50, Default? Things will improve? Would you invest in a country that does not stand by there word?(DEBT)What about all of the citizens that own governent bonds E.T.C. When a person defaults on their debt things are bad for years.

  44. Okay. I'm not a negative individual, nevertheless, I'm a realist.

    Here's the deal...

    The world population is getting out of hand. It requires a lot of resources and energy to maintain; many of these are finite or are running out, while others are just plain destructive (I leave that to you to figure out).

    You cannot have a bull market while the PTB are busy destroying infrastructure and culling the herd. Therefore, batten down the hatches and get ready for rough seas.

    Incidentally, that was a reality check.

  45. I am 256. I appreciate the angst and concern among many but the sky isn't going to fall anytime soon. I'm not saying there won't be pain. I am saying things are not as dark as many purport. Have the masses ever been right about anything?

  46. The masses are saying all is well. It is the informed 2% that are preparing for what is coming.

  47. 943 is a shill, it will be worse than anyone can imagine, picture dollar crash, stock market crash and ww3 all at the same time, that is what is coming and then out of it all, martial law.

  48. I am 256. If you listen to the MSM, are they telling you all is well? No, they are confused and dazed and misinforming you. And best of all, you, the herd, are falling for it. I believe the dollar will continue to strengthen (think safe haven), stocks will rally (think stimulus), and hard assets will grow to phenomenal values (think pursuit of perceived safety). Is that so hard? Of course, all my humble opinion.

  49. 6:17 you is one goofy mofo.

    The time before the industrial revolution was when America was a lush paradise of flowing greenery. Before BP oil spills, over-farming and soil depletion, pollution, and environmental poisoning. Before the killing off of the buffalo, and before everyone became slaves to the empire of greed.

  50. 1116 you are a moron shill, keep all your money in the bank, I say dollar devaluation this year up to 50% and inflation coming, stock market crashing, ww3, great depression 2 and riots and martial law within the next 2 years, let see who is right


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