Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Greater Depression-its coming

The people who survived the Great Depression were the ones who had money to buy when everybody else was selling." -- My grandfather-----Very interesting post probably written by many grandfathers!
Nouriel Roubini (chairman of RGE Monitor and professor of economics at New York University's Stern School of Business. He's also a former adviser to the U.S. Treasury Department.) believes that this will be a "very painful and severe recession" that could last for 18 months or more, but it will be more like 1981 than 1929. Families may be eating soup again, but at least it'll be in their own kitchens.
Depressions aren't advertised in advance. Last time around we went from the Roaring '20s to bread lines in a matter of just a few years. Anyone who says that can't happen again either doesn't know history, doesn't understand how interconnected the world's economies have become, or is lying to you. While that doesn't mean you should panic, it does mean you should prepare -- something my grandfather would've done a long time ago.
by Glen Beck 2008...more

"We are in a historic housing bust comparable to that of the Great Depression. Prior to the Depression housing prices only rose 19% (between 1921 to 1925) and then fell 30% The cycle we are going through now, is a unique cycle; it will go down as the subprime cycle. The excitement in housing was unprecedented and the unraveling of that (bubble) will have unpredictable consequences....Real estate owned by households is roughly $20 trillion and we've already seen an 8% decline which means a loss of $2 trillion.


  1. perdon no se ingles,canada tiene que mirar de no ser contaminada por el pedroleo,y salvaguarda los recursos naturales del pais,siempre fue un gran pais,de los prestamos rapidos yo no me fio,siempre he creido que mejor vivir con lo que se tiene,y con el trabajo,que hoy en dia escasea,yo a mis 50 aƱos estoy en el paro y lo tengo dificil,mi supervivencia es encontrar un trabajo,siempre me gusto canada,gracias por visitar mi blog,y hagalo cuando quiera,,suerte .......y opinar es libre........

  2. Woah its all a bit scary, but i guess it pays to be prepared! I think for a lot of people it's only just starting to sink in how serious this could be!
    p.s Im glad you like my blog, i've only just started so trying to get the hang of it!

  3. I agree that things are unraveling to a great degree, and I think there is no way of knowing for sure how bad it will get until we get there. We are a nation of folks living beyond our means, and I think the domino effect of that fact is being underestimated.

    Also, thanks for your compliments on my Blog. I am new to this, so it is nice to get a positive comment.

  4. Hey thank for reminding me about the history. It's a bit scary.

    For me i live by faith. May GOD bless all the ppl out there & also me.

    Nice to meet you..

  5. Excellent work. Maybe we could get together sometime, drink some goats blood, and talk shop. I'd love to tell you all about Plavix. What do you say Sweetee?

  6. Hi
    I think the Canada will get red of from this problem,it's artificial,you can get more news on..


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