Thursday, March 12, 2009

Massive Inflation Coming to US-Zimbabwe style

NIA Warns Massive Inflation Could Hit the U.S.

Thu Mar 12, 12:35 pm ET
FORT LEE, N.J., March 12 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The National Inflation Association today released the following statement to its members:
"The United States today is in a short-term deflationary phase caused by forced liquidations, de-leveraging, going out of business sales, and other temporary factors.
It is our belief that the monetary policies of the Federal Reserve and United States Treasury will soon put an end to this deflationary phase, and we will see massive inflation in the U.S. that could ultimately lead to Zimbabwe-style Hyperinflation.
Total funds allocated by the Federal Reserve and United States Treasury during the financial crisis have now reached $10.3 trillion. Although only $2.6 trillion or 25.5% of these funds have so far been spent, it is our belief that the Federal Reserve has been taking worthless assets onto its balance sheet. Not only is it possible that the whole $10.3 trillion will be spent, but this could be just the tip of the iceberg.
The United States currently has an $11 trillion national debt which it has no way of paying back. Sure, we have an annual GDP of $14 trillion, but most of this comes from consumption and not production.
In the year 2000 when the United States was facing a bursting dot-com bubble, former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan lowered interest rates from 6.5% down to 1%. The inflation Alan Greenspan created did not go back into dot-com stocks, but instead went into Real Estate and created the housing bubble. By current Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke taking interest rates from 5.25% down to 0-0.25%, we believe the Federal Reserve did not learn from its previous mistakes and is creating the next bubble. This time, instead of money flowing back into Real Estate, it is our belief that Americans will want tangible assets for their Dollars that they can hold in their hands, and we could see a rush into Gold and Silver.


  1. This whole sight is a crock

  2. I don't think so: YouTube videos featuring Jim Rogers, Marc Faber, Ron Paul, Peter Schiff, and others;

  3. Thank you guys for the great site.
    You get real information out there for us that take the initiative to read it. The talking head pundits ignore most of these topics, or have very limited knowledge/coverage. I don't know whats going to happen in the end, but signs are already around us.

  4. To the first poster, I would somewhat agree. It's all gloom and doom the way it looks to me. I stumbled across this sight when I was doing some research on the first GD and found this one to be nothing but a bunch of alarmist BS, quite funny really

  5. To the last poster you will stumble the rest of your life..history repeats itself as your life does..There's always a dumb hick that buys at the top and sells the bottom. Thanks for keeping the ponzi scheme going

  6. I know people want to hear good news to feel good about themselves and try to insulate themselves from pain and anguish, but I think this site is a great tool of information. Call it all alarmist nonsense at your own peril. Those are the people that will suffer the most and wish they would've listened and prepared.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Losing all the Trillions that we never had to begin with---I personally lost a Trillion last night on a deal. I came out ok though because I never really had it to begin with. None of that makes any sense to worry about losing what you never had.---
    Two trillion wiped out of the stock market---ok, I will buy that---so who got the two trillion, or in who's pocket is it now? Oh, you say it was "just value"? an illusion? pumped up value that is now deflated, but really never was to begin with? I am worth a million dollars today, but I "drop" in value by half next month? Seems we worry about nought----------

  9. It's trillions that were printed out of thin air and then taken by criminals, which must then be "paid back" by the taxpayers. Whatever can't be paid back by raising taxes will be paid for through the hidden tax: inflation. If you don't care about robberies by criminals and the destruction of your standard of living and everyone else's, that's your perogative. I guess that's part and parcel of the apathy of most Americans.

  10. Not "apathy" in my post, but pure scarcasm. You say the trillions printed out of "thin air", or created against nothing. Your absolutely right!!! What I am saying is this: If I created by magic, a million dollars of fiat money, totally not there really, and loaned it to you by fraud of its existance, then you legally owe me nothing, because it was never real value. My point is that no one can wave a finger and "create" anything legally. Once again, my post was sarcastic. The issue is moral and legal. Enter stage left: THE FEDERAL RESERVE.

  11. I find is almost funny that some posts are removed. Seems these boards are policed just like the stuff you all preach against, so much for free speech,lol.


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