Sunday, March 15, 2009

Think recession's bad? Try a CATACLYSM! World finances shaken to roots within a year.

Note: Above is an economist stating that if ALL DEBTS were cancelled we would begin a recovery-Listen.
There is a growing list of educated people predicting the trillions of dollars spent by governments around the world to stimulate a moribund economy will not work.

There's already Peter Schiff, head of Euro Pacific Capital in Connecticut, and Peter Morici, professor at University of Maryland and former chief economist of the U.S. International Trade Commission. And you can add the name of Allan Brennan, manager of economic analysis and forecasting with the Alberta government's Department of Infrastructure and Transportation.

"Stimulus packages will not help the economy at all," Brennan said in a presentation with Dundee Private Investors branch manager Trevor Hamon. "A lot of money is going to banks, but unless you get that money to consumers, things will not improve."
Brennan said that within a year, we will face a cataclysmic event that will shake world finances to the roots, leading to a major period of either deflation or hyperinflation, either of which will rock the global economy. Just what that event will be, he's not sure.
It could be the failure of eastern European countries, or the collapse of the American dollar. If it causes hyperinflation, investors can prosper by letting stock prices plummet for a couple of months, and then invest in commodities, with copper leading the rebound.
Hamon warned that banks have lured people into home-equity lines of credit, and they are now retiring while still in debt.

"In the next couple of years, the art of investing will be not losing your principal," Brennan said. "The way out of this, in the long term, is for people to start saving."

He said the nationalization of banks is inevitable, but it will be done "under the table." He sees the British pound disappearing as an independent currency, the U.S. dollar in peril as the reserve currency, and the euro perhaps splitting into a strong Nordic and weak Latin one.


  1. investers are buying gold not copper

  2. There is no store of value in copper especially in a recessionary/deflationary/inflationary environment..Gold or silver are..copper is a production metal...production will be stagnant for years to come...

  3. Peter Schiff's own clients have lost money by following Schiff's guidance, as pointed out by Mike Shedlock on the blog MISH's global analysis, so take Peter S with a grain of salt.

    You cannot eat gold and silver.

    Haggai 2:8 'The silver is Mine and the gold is Mine,' declares God of hosts.

    Zephaniah 1:18 Neither their silver nor their gold Will be able to deliver them On the day of God's wrath; And all the earth will be devoured In the fire of His jealousy, For He will make a complete end, Indeed a terrifying one, Of all the inhabitants of the earth.

    Now that is an extreme COLLAPSE!

  5. Copper?hell no Silver and gold baby.And futhermore Peter Schiff makes mistakes who doesnt but his central viewpoint has legitimacy.let these bad banks and companies fail.Interests will come amd pick up the pieces and recovery will commence.The alternate is keep proping up the banksters as a result of political Ious from the politicians and this mess will last longer than it should.Obama Change! yea sure.You gotta believe brother nothing really changing the banksters are still pulling the strings.Joe blow is still getting the short end of the stick.The smoke and mirror show is just starting.The more things change the more they stay the same.

  6. Haggai 2:8 'The silver is Mine and the gold is Mine,' declares God of hosts....

    What the heck are you smokin!!!!!!!!

  7. You would need to address that insulting question to the Holy Father. He said it, not me.

  8. Which Holy Father?

    Do you mean the one that had to kill himself to appease himself, so that he wouldn’t have to roast us (his beloved creations) alive for all eternity?

  9. Worth the time to watch even with your Father.

  10. Which Holy Father?

    Do you mean the one that had to kill himself to appease himself, so that he wouldn’t have to roast us (his beloved creations) alive for all eternity?

    March 15, 2009 5:46 PM

    Brother, you are walking on very thin ice with remarks like that. I won't judge you but HE will someday.

  11. He will not judge who is an all loving god all that is is he. you are he I am he you are the egg plant.


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