
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Illusions of the celebrated RECOVERY-A Depression is Coming

A month-long upturn in the stock market has sparked a round of optimistic media commentaries and statements by Obama administration officials suggesting that the US economy is on the road to recovery. But any serious examination of the state of both the financial system and the broader economy suggests that such celebrations are unwarranted.
• Factory orders have fallen so rapidly that US manufacturers are using less than 68 percent of capacity, the lowest level since records began in 1948.
• March saw 35 corporations default on bond payments, the largest monthly total since the Great Depression, according to Moody’s. The default rate has shot up from 1.5 percent a year ago to 7 percent, and will reach 14.6 percent by the fourth quarter, the rating service said.
• Bloomberg News forecasted that corporate profits for the first quarter will fall 37 percent, the seventh consecutive quarterly decline, the worst since the 1930s.
• As measured by the market for credit default swaps, investors have been making large bets that Citigroup and Bank America will collapse. Similar bets were seen before the liquidation of Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers last year.
• World trade is shrinking more rapidly than during the plunge of 1929-30 according to a paper published this week by economists Barry Eichengreen of the University of California and Kevin O’Rourke of Ireland’s Trinity College.
The deepening crisis is demonstrated above all in its effects on jobs and living standards for the working class:
• The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that 24 million workers, 15.6 percent of the labor force, are either unemployed or working only part-time when they want full-time work. This is an increase of 10 million workers in barely a year.
• Forty percent of US companies said they plan to freeze or cut salaries this year, according to a survey reported by Reuters April 7.
• Companies have cut back in five employee benefit areas, including 401(k) matches and tuition reimbursement, according to a report in USA Today.
• The average 401(k) account plunged in value by 27 percent in 2008, according to the huge Fidelity Investments mutual fund.
• Personal bankruptcy filings are up 38 percent compared with a year earlier, according to Mike Bickford, president of Automated Access to Court Electronic Records, a bankruptcy data and management company. In all, 130,793 people filed for bankruptcy in March.

Is Texas the First State to declare Sovereignty?


  1. Even though I tend to agree with the gist of this article I'm not sure World Socialist Web Site is a good source for information on the Capitalist system.

  2. Tomorrow marks the beginning of the seventh week of "talking up the markets". It's amazing how many people have fallen for it.

  3. I guess since the US is just about at a socialist form of government, this is from a reliable source.

  4. WSW usually generates decent articles and relevant critiques about capitalism

  5. State sovereignty isn't the same thing as succession from the union which you are intimating with your header.

  6. They've just re-affirmed state's rights, but it sounds like they are taking the lead, or making the jump out out ahead of the pack, that if the state is forced to play along with all the federal changes, like involuntary service for 18-24 year olds and various federal expansion programs, then it would void the contract with the constitution.

  7. It's called a bear market rally. People are so gullible.

  8. You all have to admit that Wally Street Casino is the best in the world.

    What a show and this all brought to me while sitting in my comfortable chair............ha..ha......Sorry....but..... lost...the family grocery money for this bad but----- a...glitter of Hope killed our saving pig tonight!!!!

    Changes we can believe in.

  9. public pensions for Everyone...
    the recession is Over...

  10. Welcome to Wally World. The park will be closed from 2012 on for renovations.

    In the meantime enjoy the Wally World National Anthem:

    Who's the moosiest moose we know?
    Marty Moose!
    Who's the star of our favorite show?
    Marty Moose!
    M is for Merry, we're merry you see;
    O is for Oh gosh, Oh golly, Oh gee;
    S is for Super Swell family glee;
    E is for Everything you want to be.
    M - A - R - T - Y;
    M - O - O - S - E.
    What's that spell?
    Marty Moose!
    Marty Moose!
    Marty Moose!
    (Yuk), that's me!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Check out my blog.I wrote and published an article about the coming recovery a month before the rally in stocks...and further more I posted the day before (though I had sat on it for at least two weeks at that point) any other so-called "experts" started chanting recovery.
    I am not an expert with a degree...but I do know that consumer confidence bounces from all time lows around the same time stocks and the economy do. There is a lag, but the correlation is there.


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