
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Nurse Called out of Surgery to be LAID OFF!

MADISON, Wis. — A Dean Health System nurse was called out of surgery so a manager could tell her she was being laid off.

Dean Health says the surgery was minor and the patient wasn't affected, but the manager who summoned the nurse from surgery violated medical protocol.

Dean Health spokesman Paul Pitas says the incident happened at Dean's West Clinic in Madison on Wednesday or Thursday.

The Madison-based health care provider announced Wednesday that it planned to "immediately" lay off 90 employees.

Pitas declined to name the employees involved or what type of surgery the nurse was attending when she was called away.



  1. I have read that law enforcement, firemen, and health care professionals are immune from the economic depression.

    Don't bet on it. My state's legistlature is currently in session and they are doing everything possible to strip employees of their health care and retirement benefits.

    Future police officers and firemen will have the same benefits and pay as fast food employees. Watch out America. They will have to lower hiring standards dramatically to attract candidates to fill the exodus of experience fleeing the sinking system.

    True professionals will migrate to the highest paying private sector security assignments.

    If you resent and dislike the police now, wait until your call for service is answered by somebody that was a gangbanger until he was hired by your local police agency.

    Think I'm kidding? The Army and Marine Corp already have gangbangers serving combat duty. They tag cleared enemy buildings and destroyed enemy vehicles.

    Good luck America.

  2. I think I am right!

  3. That's outrageous. I hope it wasn't heart surgery. You it's bad when nurses are losing their jobs.

  4. Anonymous said...
    I have read that law enforcement, firemen, and health care professionals are immune from the economic depression.

    Don't bet on it. My state's legistlature is currently in session and they are doing everything possible to strip employees of their health care and retirement benefits.

    Future police officers and firemen will have the same benefits and pay as fast food employees. Watch out America. They will have to lower hiring standards dramatically to attract candidates to fill the exodus of experience fleeing the sinking system.

    True professionals will migrate to the highest paying private sector security assignments.

    If you resent and dislike the police now, wait until your call for service is answered by somebody that was a gangbanger until he was hired by your local police agency.

    Think I'm kidding? The Army and Marine Corp already have gangbangers serving combat duty. They tag cleared enemy buildings and destroyed enemy vehicles.

    Good luck America.

    Look, for the most part Americans are morons, very few understand EVIL in its pure raw form,(communism) they're so brainwashed/dead they will actually be lead to think that GOOD IS EVIL, that UP IS DOWN, and that by killing and/or arresting "patriots" or those who still resist the NWO in the future will be good for Americas future. Even the asswipe stock traders who come here actually believe they're adding VALUE and SUBSTANCE to the economy, LOL.

  5. next time a cop is writing me a ticket .. i will tell him his boss is on the phone and he is FIRED.
    Heroes my ass. take the public pensions...and run for the hills.


    Count my horns. They equal SIX!

    Fear the reaper. He is a remote farmer from Russia.

  7. Nurses wouldn't have to be laid off if they were just allowed to take care of patients. Instead they are required by law to spend most of their time documenting all sorts of stupid crap so that they don't get sued and loose their licenses.

    Nurses get laid off all the time though, and then rehired and then laid off again. They are often one of the first lines of lay off in hospitals because they cost so damn much (if you think nurses don't get paid well you are wrong and their benefits are completely ridiculous!). Then staff is spread too thin and people complain or the state steps in and they start rehiring again (even if they do not have the money for it, why do you think hospitals are always asking for better government funding.

  8. Just so you know You are pretty much taking most of what is reported out of context and most of your facts are misrepresented. If you knew anything about finance or how to read a 10Q you might understand. Also I am a nurse and I don't get paid well for how much I work, what I give up to take care of patients weekends Holidays I know teachers and garbage men that make more as an entry level employee than I do as a seasoned nurse. And if they mess up no one dies or goes to jail usually. Most public manufacturing companies have better health care coverage than hospital employees. you need to check your facts a little better.

  9. I work in a hospital, the nurses where I work start off at $40,000, which is almost double the average income our city. Most of the nurses on my floor are making between $60,000 - $80,000 a year. That is more than most of PAs are making. All hospital employees have to work weekends and holidays (except it seems the stockroom, those people never seem to be around) I am not a nurse, I have to work weekends and holidays too, it's not just the nurses. The nurses that I know do not complain at all about their salaries, in fact most of them say that is the only reason they remain in nursing. What they complain about is patient ratios, 12-15 patient per nurse.
    I'm sure that salaries are different everywhere and are different for hospitals vs nursing homes, vs rehabs, etc.

  10. In AR the salary is 10 bucks and hour. My husband makes that as a high school drop out working part-time for the plumber next door. He made MORE than that working nursing sucks pay wise here.


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