
Thursday, April 30, 2009

Mike Ruppert: Collapse within 2 years

Comment: The next Bilderberg (Who are they?) meeting in 2009 (May 14-16) is in Athens, Greece
The Group names here
“The silence law” is the first rule, which all invited to the world of Bilderberg must abide to. This is why the daily schedule remains secret but the current events leave no doubt that the main topic of discussion will be the global economic crisis.

No time to be shy now... Here's what's coming over -- I would estimate -- the next two years: FDIC insolvency; Treasury default, the dumping of the U.S. dollar as the world's reserve currency (I started predicting that in maybe 2002); hyperinflation; bankruptcy of the Federal Reserve; and collapse of the United States government as we know it. Federal Reserve notes are legal tender for all debts public and private. What does it mean if the privately-owned Fed goes bankrupt? Our map doesn't see that territory yet. -- Oh yes, and a new strain of swine flu has been discovered in humans in San Diego... And farmers are committing mass suicide in India and Africa because they can't pay the loans they used to grow their crops or they are being undercut by large corporations. I suspect that inflation is much more contagious than deflation. I don;t know how hard that stage will hit here. But deflation in any industrialized nation is like blood in the water. CoLLapse will looking like a feeding frenzy as the carcasses get stripped.

The good news: Las Vegas is decaying like the corpse it is. Last night I watched a Dan Rather special on how bad things are there. Ugly! And yet the Mayor was insisting that the answer was to build more and bigger hotels to bring the people back... I call that the Easter Island syndrome. If anything symbolizes the worst of the old paradigm it's Las Vegas. It has to die so that others around the country will start to grasp that what is happening here is not just a bump in the road.


Obama Security Member Has Suspected Case of Swine Flu


  1. I would have to disagree with several assumptions by the writer of this article.

    The FDIC, Treasury, and Federal Reserve will never claim bankruptcy. These entiities have an endless supply of money printed routinely to cover their expenditures.

    However, as the writer points out, the dollar will be dumped as the worlds reserve currency. Nations will refuse to assume risk by purchasing our debt as treasury obligations.

    Hyperinflation typically follows nations at war, financial investment bubbles, the debasement of fiat currency, and the general demise of societal morals. We have fulfilled all these criteria. We are ripe for at least dramatic inflation if not hyperinflation.

    When these circumstances will manifest themselves is virtually impossible to predict with any accurracy.

  2. If(when) the dollar is removed as the worlds reserve currency I am not sure they can continue to print dollars as they please. Not like the peeps that run this world/country have a tendency to follow the laws lol!

  3. where did you get your crystal Ball from Wal-Mart or Target? Please let me know. Until God sends a Prophet I wouldn't buy this article for more than one cent American currency. The USA is still the most secure nation to be in and if you think things are bad look abroad or travel and you will be glad you are still in the greatest nation on earth until Jesus the Lord Returns and fixes this folly of governments run by nottheads and stooges. curley Larry and Moe could do as well.

  4. Reference : Where did you get your crystal Ball from Wal-Mart or Target?

    No sir, I did not purchase a crystal ball from Walmart.

    However, I do occassionally read. I am particulary fond of reading economic historical accounts of previous superpowers fallen from grace because of arrogance and improper financial and economic policy practices.

    Because of mans natural tendency toward greed, violence and arrogance it is a never ending natural cycle that will never be conquered. Like the weather, the seasons are quite predictable. The day of the week or time of day is impossible to predict the exact arrival of the storm.

    If you do know where individuals can purchase crystal balls, please advise all heads of state, corporate management, and folks generally interested in keeping their houses in order.

    Thank you so much.

  5. I think it'll happen long before 2 years without a flu pandemic...with a pandemic...within 6 months!

  6. Ha, the economy collapsed, a long time ago.

    Just wait till they put an end to the food stamps and free housing. All hell will break lose.

    Public assistance is the only thing holding the weak thread.

  7. Trex,

    Many nations practiced slavery, and some still do. In fact, America is one of very few nations to actually, you know, renounce slavery.
    That said your screechy, over the top name calling of Americans and America isn't warranted. America has it's share of morons, like any country. We have just as many problems and just as many great and just people as any country. The problem is that we have the largest bullseye painted on us because we are the biggest boys on the block. For all our mistakes, others have made worse mistakes. You hear about all the bad things we supposedly do because we are perpetually in the media spotlight and scapegoated for everything.
    get off your moral high-horse. Post what your home country is here and I bet the other commenters can crack open a google search and find 100 atrocities committed by YOUR government, yet you will sit and point the finger at us. Screw you.

  8. It is indeed incredible as to what is going on in the world these days, If clandestine terrorist organizations(the names are up for debate) can get away with 911 and the resulting Afghanistan and Iraq wars resulting in millions of DEAD ARABS,then I ask those here reading this right now, WHAT CAN'T "THEY" GET AWAY WITH, AT THIS POINT IN HISTORY? That is the question of a lifetime gentlemen, think about it.

  9. What ever is happening is this crazy world.. I'm not gonna sit around and wait until the S.. Hits the fan.. preparation for anything is key. And hopefully we ARE all nuts!

  10. reference to Trex, keep reading your charts you dumb bell, and when the charts tell you it's bad believe it like a fool would and walk the plank while your at you might be swimming for your financial life. Think about wealth and live positive you might make a buck and change your mind. I'ts extremely negatve attitiudes like yours that cause you serious trouble. This is Babylon Baby, it is not finished yet. Have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will survive.

  11. Jesus is a sad myth, a solar savior, a many times copied fraud. Leave the faker out of this discussion please.

  12. With all this relentless depressing news I say we all should die off, maybe a solar mass ejection wiping out the atmosphere, that should cure all.

  13. From the sounds of it, is that it is better to go back to the old ways of life and grow your own food (being self sufficent) and not relying on the national system to be your back bone.

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