
Thursday, April 30, 2009

Swine Flu will Finish this Economy. Prepare!

Swine flu fear catching fast in weak world economy
Fears of flu pandemic threaten new storm for global economy just as clouds seem to be parting

Adam Geller, AP National Writer

NEW YORK (AP) -- The swine flu outbreak is unleashing a side effect the global economy is in no condition to handle: fear.

Travelers are canceling or delaying trips to Mexico, Cuba banned all flights to its neighbor and Argentina announced Tuesday a five-day ban on flights arriving from Mexico. China, Russia and South Korea have banned imports of some North American pork, despite assurances that the flu is not spread through meat. Investors just starting to regain their nerve have again caught the jitters.

The threat of a pandemic comes just as the world economy is showing the barest glimmerings of what analysts say might be the light at the end of what remains a long, dark tunnel. And now this.

"This is just another negative shock when the economy can least afford another negative shock," said Jay Bryson, global economist at Wachovia Corp.

So far, fear of the flu is at least as responsible for the economic disruption as the disease itself.

The number of confirmed cases in the United States climbed to 66, and federal officials warned that deaths were likely. In New York, the city's health commissioner said "many hundreds" of schoolchildren were ill at a school where some students had confirmed cases.

President Barack Obama asked Congress for $1.5 billion in emergency funds to fight the disease.

Economists remember well the financial damage the SARS outbreak inflicted in 2003. An epidemic of that scale or greater could inflict severe damage on a global economy already badly listing.


  1. Markets say otherwise though. They're going gangbusters.

  2. may 11 the markets will take a dive..... the "cause" will be the swine flu. we all know that's b.s! they will hold the bank stress test release till thurs or fri of the prior week. the who will increase the level of threat on the weekend and the markets will dive monday.

    just a guess!

  3. The Vice President just said on the Today Show that he wouldn't travel in a confined space like an airplane or subway. Let's see what kind of affect that statement will have on people.

  4. This is all a tremendous load of bull. The Swine Flu really isn't anything big and bad at all. More people die of various diseases in Mexico and countries around the world than the number of lives Swine Flu will take.

    This is all an elaborate scam to keep our eyes away from DC and the bills they are trying to fast track. You can read the bills they are trying to fast track here:

    Christian in nature but very important.

  5. crooks and liars all around us - swine flu bs- don't fall for it - they are determined to collapse this country and set up their nwo - who is the head fear mongering outfit - but if a vaccine comes out - it will be to spread the virus and kill humans - what monsters.

  6. GREAT JOB, on the last two blogs!!!!!
    we are on the cusp, to become a 3rd world country. Washington has run us into the ground. If I caught a bad guy, mmmm I would do what ever it took to get the info. Do we need another 9/11? What did we say in ww2?
    loose lips, sink ships. Have we lost our minds. God help us all

  7. Can't find your email address, but thank you for posting a link to my posting of Mike Ruppert's article on collapse at Your site is a major source for Truth to Power's Daily News Digest subscription service.

  8. If it wasn't for Christ , most of you wouldn't be here. The many centuries of peaceful society that has allowed mankind to grow to almost 7 billion souls is largely the result of Christs teachings.
    Now let's see what happens to the human herd when they disregard the Son of God.

  9. first part of my guess came true, stress test may 4th moved to may 7th

    Me thinks the illuminati are getting sloppy if a highskool grad can keep up with them! Next step would be for the WHO to up the threat level. Maybe on Friday but I'm thinking Sat. It's a full moon! Market will dive on Monday! Happy friday everyone!

  10. Who runs this site....Chicken Little?

  11. H1N1 (referred to as “swine flu” early on) is a new influenza virus causing illness in people. Symptoms of swine flu are similar to those caused by other influenza viruses. Health authorities across the globe are taking steps to try to stem the spread of swine flu after outbreaks in Mexico and the United States. The World Health Organization has called it a "public health emergency of international concern."


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