Thursday, July 9, 2009

Great Depression Then and Now, unfolding like a Train Wreck

Depression Then and Now
By Chris Mayer

This is an eye-opener. Whenever I talk about the Great Depression and compare it with what is going on today, I get a lot of skepticism. I hear a lot of people say, definitively, “This isn’t as bad as the Great Depression.”

What you have to remember, though, is the Great Depression unfolded like a train wreck in slow motion. It took awhile before it became the Great Depression. It wasn’t like someone flipped a switch and poof! — bread lines, Hoovervilles and hobos.

Another point to remember is that the Great Depression was a global economic event. It wasn’t just confined to the U.S. You have a take a wide-angle view of the global economy to get a better sense of the breadth of the slump. And so it is today.

Take a look at the next few charts, from economists Barry Eichengreen and Kevin O’Rourke. The first plots world industrial output from June 1929 against industrial output from April 2008:

More With Charts Here


  1. Any tic or parasite, in this case the Federal Reserve Banksters, get a lot more from you if the bloodsucking is done slowly and purposefully. Plus you won't freak out and pull the tic off. Eventually it will fall off after it has sucked away all your blood/money.




  3. Dibs, top bunk!

    These are real death camps too. No theatre, billiard area, paid assembly line, etc, like Auschwitz. Just cages for people to fade away into death.

    When people are starving they will be hiking to the camps in droves. Chances are there is a Fema camp within 25 miles of you if you live in a major city. Not hard to find.

  4. I have not given up, though slowed down on trying to educate what is really going on. People, or Sheeple, just simply do not want to know the truth. I know millionaires who will probably loose everything, they will have nothing of what is really going on.

    So for the ones like us who know the truth, I wish you the best...

  5. You too, sir. There is a mutual respect among people who have broken free of the delusion.

    Don't waste too much time educating people that are beyond reaching. That includes family. Now and then you will cross paths with someone open to the truth. Focus on helping them prepare.

    Take care my friend.


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