Friday, July 3, 2009

Interest Rates Negative In Sweden. Jim Sinclair: 130 Days Left

Sweden Cuts Deposit Rate to NEGATIVE .25%

There has been a lot of ludicrous recommendations recently to combat deflation by making deposit rates negative. I did not think any central bank would be dumb enough to try it. I thought wrong.
Today, Riksbank, Sweeden's central bank cut the deposit rate to -0.25% effectively charging savers interest on deposited money.

Doug Casey on the Greater Depression


From Sinclair:

"Yes, that is right. You have a little more than 130 DAYS before MOPE (management of perspective economics) falls into the abyss of loss of confidence in the US dollar.

The event will be the birth of hyperinflation in the US and elsewhere to the horror of the spin media. Crude has been trying to explain this to the public, but so far they have not gotten a clue. Crude strength is being called a hedge against the dollar as fundamental energy analysts are hard pressed to explain a rise from $30 into the $70s with NO pick up in US economic activity and NO massive draw down on supplies. The oil price is an example of the arcane and exoteric mechanism of hyperinflation soon to take gold to $1224, $1650 and then on to Alf and Armstrong's numbers. This phenomenon is something that the murderous Children of the Corn that run the hedge funds will not accept until it happens.

Happen it will.

130 days is no time at all. Are you prepared?"



  1. 130 days, thats not much time, but runs along the lines of other estimates ive seen, LEAP GEAB!-Global-systemic-crisis-in-summer-2009-The-cumulative-impact-of-three-rogue-waves_a3359.html
    David Bonner and of course
    So this is not surprising for me, but will be devastating to many.

  2. Why is Jim Sinclair the only source found on the web for either "management of perspective economics" or "MOPE"?

  3. Great...some other numbnuts giving a specific date

  4. Well, I've been a reader of Jim Sinclairs for a while now. Him, Mike Shedlock, Bob Chapman, and any other source of contrarian financial news to the mainstream put on a happy face circus.
    I also think Rick Santelli is pretty honest.

    Well, first of all, I think Bob Chapman is the grand daddy of all economic forecasters. If you read his bio on his site, you see he's an old school wall street trader type that really knows the inner workings of the street. And it's filthy and everybody knows it.

    Now Bob has been saying that the economic trainwreck is happening since like 2006, he was calling out the play by play of what was going to happen, and that's what happened.
    He's been 100% correct at every step. And Bob says Hyperinflation is, of course, in the works like anyone else with common sense and a calculator. As far as time periods? Well Yeah, 130 days is 4 months plus a week, so by November. Yeah that's about what Bob thinks too..then again by november it'll be obvious to everyone that the SHTF and the fan was on hi and it was sloppy and wet too. Copious amounts of sloppy wet *HORN BLAST*

  5. "Well, first of all, I think Bob Chapman is the grand daddy of all economic forecasters."

    You mean economic conspiracy theorists.

  6. "you mean economic conspiracy theorists"

    You don't get off that easy Mr. Hit and run.... Now explain.

  7. No one can say exactly when the collapse will hit.

    From everything I have read and seen I would guess that year end is going to be very bad. Nov-Dec retail figures will be in the sewer imo.

    Many companies are selling inventory, laying off, etc - desperately waiting for things to turn around. They can't hang on for much longer.

    Unfortunately their last hopes were placed with a Goldmann Sachs puppet - B.O.

  8. "GS puppet - BO" Hmmm, strong words.

    Since last fall I've been a voracious reader of economic blogs. During that period,we've had our elections... BO got in....all was supposed to come together then --- when we pulled together as one(isn't that how his big money Hollywood supported scripted it?)

    Sure, Obama's supporters say he hasn't been given enough time, that he was saddled with Bush's problems/budget, etc... I say BS to that. When Obama came out for TARP...that was a bad sign. When he appointed Geithner and Summers as his economic team, well that sealed it.
    When he reiterated is support for Geither, even while Timmy was busy screwing the taxpayers for his big bank masters, well, at that point incredulity became anger.

    Goldman Sacks was BO's biggest contributor and he IS their puppet. NO DOUBT in my mind.

    Face it (former?) Obama supporters.
    Obama in his brief time has channeled TRILLIONS to the big 5 banks.

  9. Yes, that's right. Conspiracy.
    Like the one that brought down the World Trade Center. Like the one that brought about the reinstitution of the Federal Reserve banking system.

    C O N S P I R A C Y

    that's how you spell it, you treasonous POS.

  10. Who are you calling a treasonous piece of shit, you inane turd? Does every conspiracy theorist have the single minded faith of a nazi follower? You should listen to yourself sometime. Dissenting opinion does not warrant the witless comments you display.

    There are better financial experts in the world. Of course, if you are looking for exact date prophesies then maybe you should stick to your boy Bobby.

    And now that you have learned how to actually spell conspiracy you should learn how to spell R E A L I T Y: that which exists regardless of how you believe it to be.

  11. " "you mean economic conspiracy theorists"

    You don't get off that easy Mr. Hit and run.... Now explain."

    It's pretty simple really. He ascribes financial collapse in terms of the 'invisible controllers' and even gives exact dates to when it all will finally happen. Whereas other financial experts, like Peter Schiff or Gerard Celente, for example, ascribe it to multiple causes with multiple overlapping influences. Why? Because we do not live in a black and white world where it is prudent to discard all evidence in favor of that which sounds the most interesting, nor one so simple as a connect the dots cartoon drawing of reality (though some do). One has to dig a little deeper than that to find answers.

  12. Any US corporate citizen who celebrates independence and freedom on July 4th is misinformed. We never gained that freedom. They left their monetary system, their banks, their courts, their religion.

    Everytime I hear the land of the free, the home of the brave I truly must cring. Land of the deluded, frightened, biased, falsely patriot, controlled sheep. 30s Germans have nothing on us at all.

  13. I'm anonymous from above and I agree. Patriots are false patriots of freedom who worship a flag blindly and believe in a history of romantic delusion.


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