Sunday, July 19, 2009

Paulson Admitting he made $200 Million without paying TAXES


  1. Stearns is on the right track here, but is powerless to do anything without the backing of US Military commanders, who need to seize control of the US government away from the oligopoly of bankers, both foreign and domestic, and organize a new Constitutional Convention to restore full powers back to Congress and the Executive according to the original spirit and intent of the US Constitution. The likely alternative, the path we now walk, will be the bankruptcy of the US Treasury and dissolution of these United States to a new world authority run out of China, Israel, and Russia - all places where true freedom and observance to God's Commandments have been abolished, forsaken, and corrupted. Americans have the choice - exterminate the pestilence, or be ruled by it.

  2. Paulson's pinky finger isn't the only thing about him that is crooked....

  3. Paulson is a sodomite?

  4. Ahh, I, aa, I,I,I, aggh,
    I operated ethically.
    What a line of BS.
    He's choking on his own stew of lies.
    Too bad there is no one to operate the guillotine.

  5. What is up with the messed up finger? Never noticed that before. I know it is trivial compared to the end of the USA, but that finger sucks.


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