By Mike Whitney
August 10, 2009 "Information Clearing House" -- Credit is not flowing. In fact, credit is contracting. That means things aren't getting better; they're getting worse. When credit contracts in a consumer-driven economy, bad things happen. Business investment drops, unemployment soars, earnings plunge, and GDP shrinks. The Fed has spent more than a trillion dollars trying to get consumers to start borrowing again, but without success. The country's credit engines are grinding to a halt.
Bernanke has increased excess reserves in the banking system by $800 billion, but lending is still slow. The banks are hoarding capital in order to deal with the losses from toxic assets, non performing loans, and a $3.5 trillion commercial real estate bubble that's following housing into the toilet. That's why the rate of bank failures is accelerating. 2010 will be even worse; the list is growing. It's a bloodbath.
The standards for conventional loans have gotten tougher while the pool of qualified credit-worthy borrowers has shrunk. That means less credit flowing into the system. The shadow banking system has been hobbled by the freeze in securitization and only provides a trifling portion of the credit needed to grow the economy. Bernanke's initiatives haven't made a bit of difference. Credit continues to shrivel.
The S&P 500 is up 50 percent from its March lows. The financials, retail, materials and industrials are leading the pack. It's a "Green Shoots" Bear market rally fueled by the Fed's Quantitative Easing (QE) which is forcing liquidity into the financial system and lifting equities. The same thing happened during the Great Depression. Stocks surged after 1929. Then the prevailing trend took hold and dragged the Dow down 89 percent from its earlier highs. The S&P's March lows will be tested before the recession is over. Systemwide deleveraging is ongoing. That won't change.
No one is fooled by the fireworks on Wall Street. Consumer confidence continues to plummet. Everyone knows things are bad. Everyone knows the media is lying. Credit is contracting; the economy's life's blood has slowed to a trickle. The economy is headed for a hard landing.
Bernanke has pulled out all the stops. He's lowered interest rates to zero, backstopped the entire financial system with $13 trillion, propped up insolvent financial institutions and monetized $1 trillion in mortgage-backed securities and US sovereign debt. Nothing has worked. Wages are falling, banks are cutting lines of credit, retirement savings have been slashed in half, and home equity losses continue to mount. Living standards can no longer be bandaged together with VISA or Diners Club cards. Household spending has to fit within one's salary. That's why retail, travel, home improvement, luxury items and hotels are all down double-digits. The easy money has dried up.
What does it matter? and several years ago, Alan Greenspan chirped "health sciences" because of the aging US population, health sciences jobs will be plentiful. But those will be the only jobs left in the US, very anti what Adam Smith discussed in The Wealth of Nations.
ReplyDeleteI don't care whether you think Greenspan is a DA or the front of a private bank cartel known by its alias "The Federal Reserver," you ignore him at peril. I would love to see Greenspan put under oath, given a pencil, and made to explain the job loss under George W Bush and dimwith US Labor Secretary Elaine Chao, and how mortgages were supposed to reset to a higher level. Cannot happen.
I disagree about the part in the article that states no one is fooled. Comeon. We are talking about mind controlled, banker media guided lemmings here. Of course they are fooled.
ReplyDeleteIf people aren't spending money right this minute maybe they are waiting for the 90% off sales this Xmas at the ghost malls. The one store left standing will have a hell of a sale.
there is enough in the world for every mans need but not for every mans greed
ReplyDeleteScarcity is a lie. 'Zeitgeist addendum' video explains why that is the case pretty well. There is plenty of everything for all of us x10. As economic wage slaves we cannot ever be aware of that fact though.