
Friday, October 23, 2009

Australia Senator: U.S is like Iceland or Germany Before WW2

THE Nationals Senate leader Barnaby Joyce is openly canvassing an economic upheaval that would dwarf the current global financial crisis, triggered by the US defaulting on its sovereign debt within the next few years.

In unusually pessimistic comments for a senior political figure, Senator Joyce said the US Government was running such large deficits and building up so much debt that it was in a similar position to Iceland or Germany before World War II.

In a Senate estimates hearing on Wednesday night, he asked Treasury secretary Ken Henry what would be the implications of an American debt default for the Australian economy.

Dr Henry warned that canvassing extreme scenarios could alarm the community.
'Far from turning around the [George] Bush legacy of deficits and debt, [US president Barack] Obama has made it worse. It has got all the hallmarks of a financial collapse about to happen in America.''

Senator Joyce said investor concerns about the American Government's ability to fund its deficits were already undermining the role of the US dollar in the international trading and financial system.

''The US dollar is almost becoming like junk bonds,'' he said.


  1. Wiating for the resident retard contra propagandist to 'disclaim' and 'debunk' this one.

  2. Dr Henry goes out of his way to "not" discuss the US dollar and economy, using "hypothetical" situations. He doesn’t want to discuss it in public, LOL! One wonders why he doesn't want public discussion of the subject?

    Maybe he thinks by having a public discussion on the US dollar, the discussion may lead to a stock market rally? Yea, that's the ticket.

    The dollar is dead, and will not be around, but for a few months. How long before the US can not meet it’s obligations? That scenario has already arrived. It’s just a matter of time before the world cuts off the US. No doubt this discussion in Australia was brought about for this reason. How much longer can Obama and boss country Israel afford to invade countries remains to be seen? With the rapidly falling dollar and astronomical deficit spending, it may be difficult for the US to pay its bills with a worthless currency. The charade is almost over, and people are going to wake up to a reality they never knew existed. Most everyone in the entire world knows the truth about what is going on in the US. The only group of people who do not know are the dumbed down idiotic TV viewing US citizen sheeple.

    If this is your first visit to this blog, you better wake up and wake up now! If you are in paper, GET OUT, and GET OUT NOW. Buy gold and silver, store it at home in your safe, NOT at the bank. Leave only enough money in your bank account to pay your bills. Buy storable food, water, supplies and guns and lots of ammo. Plan on living with NO water, electricity, gas or sewer services. It’s happening and its happening now!

    Meanwhile, back home in the good ole USA, the sheeple (also known as the gullible stupid Americans) are concerned with more important things, like; What's Brad Pitt up to? Who's on Dancing with the Stars tonight? Can the Cowboys beat Atlanta?

  3. Watch the Fall of the Republic now available in 10-min video sequential clips online. You can pick up the DVD shipped off Ebay for about $4. Make as many copies as possible and get them out to family and friends.

    I am not a big Alex Jones fan, but he really did a great job on this film. Every one of you should see it. As good or better than The Obama Deception.

    A lot of input from G. Edward Griffin who is one of my favorites. He did the Creature from Jekyll Island and World Without Cancer. Both must-watch films also.

    This info is critical because it explains exactly how and why the dollar is being deconstructed and who is doing it.

  4. If we had a strong manufacturing base, I wouldn't be remotely worried about any of this. But we don't have the manufacturing we had in the 50s, 60s and 70s. We became relatively wealthy through manufacturing. Now that base has eroded.
    America is running on fumes.

  5. 10.45 you forgot the biggest loser.kinda of appropriate.

  6. Heyb dont knock The Biggest Loser.Its a great show.Now who doesnt like sitting around the set and watch a bunch of lazing fat oinks compete against each other over who can lose the most weight.I mean this is pure sheeple intelectualism at its finest.Man this country's going down the sink whole fast.yea buy gold and silver before the sheeple start to emerge from there comatose state thats when the metals will begin to go parabolic.

  7. Don't forget to buy guns and ammo people!!
    There will be lots of zombies who will want what you have when they discover they have been left out in the cold. Get a water filter and canned goods to at least get you buy for a few months until stuff becomed more clear. And garden seeds, the heirloom or non hybrid type that can be replanted, and will make a great barter item

  8. Good source for seeds?

    Apmex is out of the cheap silver rounds. Any other reliable places you like?

  9. There is a trend to call Americans stupid or ignorant.

    A better explanation is that they have been intentionally brainwashed and deceived over many decades.

    Without this effort by the Elite via the media/TV, public schools, pharm/pushers and their compliant head shrinkers, politics, sports, and every time honored form of brainwashing we would not be in this mess.

    98% of people are living in a Matrix-like state of delusion. This is not by accident.

    Yes watch The Fall of the Republic. It covers the specific ways in which mass hyponosis has been used on the populace especially when it comes to daddy/idol worship, ie, Obama.

  10. 4:04 you hit it out of the park on that post!

  11. The video They Want Your Soul (not Christian nonsense, bad title) shows how bias, national pride, patriotism, two-party nonsense was all promoted as a system of control to appeal to our basic nature. We are lemmings by design. We, as in the great majority.

  12. Forgot link - a classic.

  13. We need to end the Fed now! No longer can we......Uh, Hold on the Yankees are on. Be back after the playoffs.

  14. Retard Troll says,

    The dollar will always be king. Monetary inflation does not equal price inflation. In fact, you all need to read up on Keynesian economics and understand everything is just fine.

    Now go watch the Yankee game!

  15. 2;23
    I like to use

    They have a great selection at good prices. There are many out there thought. I think nitro pak has a kit you can buy as well with lots of non hybrid seeds

    As for silver, don't be afraid to buy plenty of silver eagles, maples, phils......and get some older "junk" silver, the 90% stuff that was made up until 1964 since it's still widely recognized

  16. 5:53, what about Morgan head silver bars and Heraeus bars? I bought about 700 1oz bars. I also bought generic rounds. I screwed up on the heirloom seeds. I bought some hybrid. Thanks for your help, most posts are just people "predicting" the future or who's to blame for the economy crash. We all know its going to suck, now how do we get thru it? Thanks.

  17. Jeez stop pimping Alex and his b.s.
    videos. THEY ARE NOT "FILMS".

    They are wanna-be documentaries (boring) and horrible cut and paste
    jobbers from the media and who knows
    where else. HE IS NOT A FILMMAKER.

    We all know the economy is in the
    crapper and we are all screwed for a while and we don't need him to take our $$ to explain anything.
    (could barely handle 2 mins of one on y-tube)

    Sheesh !

  18. Great Find EA.

    ''The US dollar is almost becoming like junk bonds,''

    Coming from a Senator from any country this is Refreshing to hear..

  19. I agree that pre-'64 silver coins are a good option. If you are lucky, you will find them at garage sales. I got a full bucket for $500. Value is $9500+.

  20. Yep. Estate and garage sales run by widows who have no clue. A buddy of mine calls on them all the time. Do you have any old coins you are selling?


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