
Thursday, October 22, 2009

Unemployment Getting Much Worse in 43 States

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Unemployment rose in 23 states last month as the economy struggled to create jobs in the early stages of the recovery.

While layoffs have slowed, companies remain reluctant to hire. Forty-three states reported job losses in September, while only seven gained jobs, the Labor Department said Wednesday.

Wednesday's report underscores the uneven nature of the recovery. The unemployment rate dropped in some Midwestern states as the manufacturing sector improved. But Florida and Nevada, two of the states hit hardest by the housing slump, reported record-high jobless rates.

Some of the states that lost jobs still saw their unemployment rates improve, as discouraged workers gave up looking for work. People who are out of work but no longer looking for jobs aren't counted as officially unemployed.
That trend was evident nationwide in September, as nearly 600,000 people dropped out of the work force, the department reported earlier this month.


  1. Yes, but unemployment has ALWAYS been a lagging indicator of growth. First, companies must shed their dead wood, which they are doing now.

  2. 9:34 am : Hopefully you among them.

  3. The sheeple who come here and think a recovery is around the horizon are brainless.

    What we currently have is a plateau of which after the commercial real estate collapse, the abysmal Christmas season, the Alt A prime collapse, and an attack on Iran is going to send us straight down again sometime next year.

    Please enjoy the temporary plateau we are on.

  4. Back in the early 80's recession, me and other friends had to relocate to other states, or cities for work; for some reason the younger folks don't seem to think of this. My generation never moved back home (college grads, etc)we kept moving on for this younger generation a bunch of slackers/moochers/unmotivated, unlike the youth of the 60's 70's? Why not start their own business? I did it...Laura

  5. Good Idea Laura. I have considered moving wherever we need to go to get the right job...and my wife agrees. So do my 4 kids.

    We are also considering what preparations to make for the coming economic storm. Food...shelter...unpredicatable government...possible revolt and revolution of the masses. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

  6. Do you not UNDERSTAND that this is no recession- or even depression- but an entire structural implosion at the foundational level?

    Go back to your high fructose corn syrup sitcoms and drown there. For God's sake!

  7. Gee Laura: Why don't we just lock up the unemployed in work camps and bring the work to them? After all it is their own lazy fault they're unemployed. Come to Flint or Saginaw and try to start a business. Try to relocate without a car or a home. Lucky YOU and shame on all us nasty unemployed malingerers.

  8. Laura,
    Just because I don't want to move from my place of birth doesn't make me lazy. To some people, family is more important than money. I'm sure your kids wound up in day care while you slaved away for money. What is your money worth now and how much would all that family time have meant?

  9. What we are in is the birth pains, soon to come
    the tribulation which will be all hell broke loose.

  10. I am 64-grew up in the 60s-and have spent 20 years of my life as a journalist, 10 years as a med lab tech, and another 12 years in the travel and transportation industry. If it was not illegal or immoral, good chance I have done it for a living. My husband and I have been married for 30 years, raised 3 kids, and have 7 grandchildren and 2 great grand-kids. I HAVE NEVER SEEN ECONOMIC TIMES AS DIRE AS THIS! I missed the Great Depression of the 1930s, but when the next one hits, it will be more terrible than you can imagine. In the 1930s, people believed in God and tried to help each other. Next up they will be trying to kill and eat each other! Bon Apetite!

  11. 2:37 How about a pawn shop or liquor store? Maybe an after hours black jack table? Oh, and dont forget the lottery ticket sales.

  12. 6:09 I hear you, I change jobs also. If its illegal, I'm all over it. Thats the market. Or if you want to be politically correct..African American Market.

  13. I currently work in what's left of the housing industry. I've been in it 23 years and I have NEVER seen things this bad. Our current work week is 2 to 3 days when were lucky and it's getting worse. And NO I don't work for a tiny company either we are a National builder. Do as Anonymous suggested. Hope for the best. PREPARE for the worst.

  14. Need'nt fear-happy days will soon be here when once again we will be in the malls filliing our carts with chochkees, computer
    games, stuffed toys etc.
    Yeper! Right on! Yesireee!

  15. Laura, I am ashamed FOR you !!

  16. Maybe Laura was from the 'rust belt'. Seems like back then everyone, well almost everyone, moved from Michigan or Ohio to one of the sunbelt cities. At least back then, there were some parts of the country you could go find work. Has anyone heard from Laura?

  17. What ever happened to "Ozzie & Harriet?"

  18. Laura says: we left N. Fla in '82 moved to Alabama; husband found work at a military base, I started a business and we fixed air cond. pt time..there is always work if you have a repair business or auto repair, etc. as people get things fixed. others got jobs repairing stuff; incl motor/fishing boats;painting houses, car repairs. Bro was a plumber, fatherin law was an electrician..students in 11th & 12th grades used to learn trades..and some apprenticeship training..heavy industry has moved overseas and America is trashed forever...Laura

  19. don't be fooled the jobs are going,going gone and won't be coming back.its the end of the world as we know it and we can all feel fine as the song goes, if we take the necessary steps(1)FOOD, and lots of it,stock up and stay put until all the unprepared (god rest their souls)have succomed to their unprepared state,its unfortunate i know but the truth must be said.(2) surround your selves with family and like minded well known friends( its easy to be infiltraited by someone that doesn't have your interest at heart)but keep your unit small so as not to draw attention.(3)you're going to have to defend your level of preparedness so plan accordingly.(4) if you got this far rest assured that the lord is on your side and a less cumbersome and equal playing field has been defined(ie)offence and defence.(Ie)GOOD vs evil.(5) PRAYER CHANGES THINGS!!

  20. if you have really informative info it won't show up on the forum!

  21. I love obama he is good for the world


  23. Prayer changes things and thats why things have gotten so much better since the crusades and the colonialization of the world. There are no more wars, or killing! Ha ha!

  24. What exactly is going on in the Detroit Metro Area

  25. October 23, 2009 8:10 PM -- Yep. Proof positive that if the banker media says otherwise the lemmings would believe their TVs instead of what is around them in their daily lives.

    That is why the crash will be so horrific. At some point the banker media will tell it like it is.

    This will not happen until the bankers have positioned themselves to profit from the implosion.

    Watch Fall of the Republic. A lot from Gerald Celente in the online movie. A++

  26. "Unemployment" rose in 23 States while "job losses" were reported in 43.


  27. I was born in a leper colony on Molokai. As a young child I was abandoned by my folks to a young garment worker on Los Angeles Street, in downtown L.A. I ran away from her El Salvadoran family when I was 15. I ended up being a hustler (male hooker in Hollywood) til I turned 19. I became addicted to crack cocaine and was in half-way houses until 32. I became a truck driver (long hauls)and was the most "productive" driver in the fleet because I would routinely drive 16 to 17 hours straight. Now I am 64 years old, with only 3 teef left in my skull, and I am addicted to Jack Daniels. But I am aiming to git up and take me a vocational course fixing boat motors in Louisiana until I can git a boat and go shrimping like that Forest Gump guy did.

    I will survive but those shrimp ain't got a chance. I will be the best a shrimp killer before I die. Gotta go, someone just gave me a box of chocolates.

  28. Whatever your real background, you sound like a real cool douche bag.

  29. That sounds like a good plan to be the best at what ever you want to do in life. Good Luck! As for me and my family we are getting ready for the great storm about to hit America again but this time it will be much worse. I would give you some friendy advice, get informed on what is comming down the pipe line. Youtube: The Fall of the Republic, by Alex Jones (Prison or I also like to read Lew and Listen to podcast everyweek on the ecomony. Another Forecaster to read is Bob Chapman and Gerald Celente. Also Google Peter Schiff and Lindsey Williams. While your at it check out the Rex 84 Camps the gov't has for all of us if we get too upset about what the Centeral Bankers are doing to us. Trillions of dollars we will have to pay and becomes slaves to the gov't. Be sure to watch the new movies coming out this year that deal with war and anything that deals with the awful future that we will be in for the new 20 years. Hollywood is going to tell you what is planed for us ahead. Watch the new movie with Vigo Mortenson and get prepared. The time line for the collaps of the Dollar and America is within 2 years.

  30. Next time you're at Walmart... Grab a pair of Vise-Grip pliers. Back in 1921, Bill Peterson started making those toolbox icons in dewitt, Nebraska. By 2007, Vise-Grip was proving 300 jobs to the citizens of Dewitt.
    In 2008, the parent company... Rubbermaid, locked the doors, fired all 300 American workers and moved the machinery to red china.

  31. I think Laura is right. You people who disagree should back off. You might not want to move away from your home regions, but if you have a family to take care of, it is no longer a want, but a need. So if you have children or a wife who is hungry or going without, maybe you should stop being selfish and move to where a job is. Where they are though, I do not know. BE PREPARED!!

  32. I am getting prepared it helps me read about people that understand my husband and son do not believe any thing is going to happen they make fun of me and tease me about storing up supplies. I am just going to stay connected to what is happening . Thanks to all.


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