
Thursday, October 22, 2009

The USA is Now Considered a Failed State

The US has every characteristic of a failed state.
The US government's current operating budget is dependent on foreign financing and money creation.
Too politically weak to be able to advance its interests through diplomacy, the US relies on terrorism and military aggression.

Costs are out of control, and priorities are skewed in the interest of rich organized interest groups at the expense of the vast majority of citizens. For example, war at all cost, which enriches the armaments industry, the officer corps and the financial firms that handle the war's financing, takes precedence over the needs of American citizens. There is no money to provide the uninsured with health care, but Pentagon officials have told the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee in the House that every gallon of gasoline delivered to US troops in Afghanistan costs American taxpayers $400.

"It is a number that we were not aware of and it is worrisome," said Rep. John Murtha, chairman of the subcommittee.

According to reports, the US Marines in Afghanistan use 800,000 gallons of gasoline per day. At $400 per gallon, that comes to a $320,000,000 daily fuel bill for the Marines alone. Only a country totally out of control would squander resources in this way.
While the US government squanders $400 per gallon of gasoline in order to kill women and children in Afghanistan, many millions of Americans have lost their jobs and their homes and are experiencing the kind of misery that is the daily life of poor Third World peoples. Americans are living in their cars and in public parks. America's cities, towns, and states are suffering from the costs of economic dislocations and the reduction in tax revenues from the economy's decline. Yet, Obama has sent more troops to Afghanistan, a country half way around the world that is not a threat to America..


  1. Is fuel at $400 a gallon? Sounds a little steep.

  2. 453 abortion is legal doofus, deal with it, I'm glad you are still burdened with it as our country slowly sinks into a depression, morons like you are why this country is in such sad shape

  3. Whoa! Let cooler heads prevail. Many of us here are Conservative Christians and also agree abortion is murder.

    However, the military machine guided by the Powers that be can't be overlooked either. You must be multi-dimensional in your approach to abhorrent behavior of which BOTH forms of murder are wrong.

    It is NOT the individual Marine or Soldier that is the problem but rather the Power structure that sends our hero's into battle to do their dirty work wrapped in the guise of Freedom.

    Support the troops but fight the power structure that sends them in to kill the innocent.

  4. Agreed... whoever wrote this article is out of their freeeeeking mind. 400.00 per gallon used is B.S.... even our military can't spend THAT much on a gallon of fuel. get real...... normally the articles on this blog are semi-lucid... this one is rubbish..

  5. 5:59 this article was reported all over the internet. Amazing what the government does these days isn't it?
    Anotother Link Here

  6. Anon at 6:26 PM. Shame your mom did not have an abortion. As for abortion being legal making it right at one time the Germans thought it was legal to stuff Jews and others in ovens. It is also legal to kill in battle. Your name calling just confirms the fact that you are indeed a moron.

  7. 6:26 In the 30's It was legal in Nazi Germany to take the lives of innocent people as well as children. Laws made by human beings and are not always right, (morally or ethically). Abortions of an innocent unborn is criminal and a crime against humanity. One day when the world is forced to return to moral and ethical behaviors, I hope that all people who have condoned and participated in the deaths of millions of unborn children are put on trail, just like they were in Nuremberg trials in 1945.

  8. Poor women. Growing up in a society that tells them their reproductive power is nothing and they should just destroy themselves and their unborn children through abortion. I've known several women that had abortions and they all had huge mental issues from it. Many of us make bad mistakes in our life. To live in a society that actively encourages a person to make a huge unrecantable mistake is terrible. It's a sign of the times we live in. It's like living in a society that tells young men the way to deal with conflicts is get a butcher knife and stab your opponent hundreds of times, it's perfeclty legal and actively encouraged. Imagine if that was legal. It may be in the not so distant future at the rate society is degrading. There's a 'LAW' that says growing marijauna is 'illegal'. The only TRUE law there is is NATURAL LAW. A society that departs from Natural Law will soon collapse.

    Love is the Law
    Will under Love

  9. Seems I could make a ton of money selling subscriptions to the Dale Carnigie Course on this website. "How to win friends and influence people".

  10. The sun of god, the orb of day in the center of the Zodiac cross, the light of the world, the Jesus/Horus figurine could care a less whether you get an abortion or not.

  11. 9:58 That has been debunked many times over

    You will find out the hard way some day

  12. Hell!
    Hell is for children!

    (this song was probably written by a child molesting satanist type eh?)

  13. The human fetal entity is not fully inhabited by the soul until the moment of conception. If an abortion is rendered the soul withdraws and instantly chooses another body to take upon himself. Cessation of the fetus is not the same thing as murder of a fully developed human inhabiting the free body out of the womb.

  14. The law is only dictated by individuals who have not sought my counsel or approval. It is no more valid than any law I presuppose should dictate their life, save whether it is a just perpetuation of their freedom and felicity or not. As I lay judged by their creeds so too will they lay judged by their own actions.

  15. Lots of deceived bible thumpers here that just can't get it through their deluded minds.

    Jesus is nothing more than a personification of the SUN of God. It has been done MANY times before. Same exact story. To say it has been debunked is like saying 911 was debunked. So sad.

    You can follow every main character of the bible through the story of the Zodiac in perfect order. That is all it is, nothing more.

    John Allegro wrote The Mushroom and the Sacred Cross. He was the chief researcher of the Dead Sea Scrolls which were to prove that Jesus was not fictional. Instead he discovered that the Judaism and Christianity's roots came out of the early drugs cults.

    It is all mythology. All nonsense. How about taking account of one's own life and actions and not letting a cartoon run your life?

    When you substitute the SUN for the SON in the bible THEN it starts to make perfect sense. The circle shown behind the cross is the SUN, the SUN on the cross of the Zodiac.

    12 Disc-iples, 12 tribes, 12 Horuses/Hours, 12, 12, 12, 12. 12 house of the Zodiac. Comeon! I know it is hard to step out of delusion. I did it and it is hard to do, but your life is actually so much better when you ditch that crap.

    You don't have to be an atheist. You can believe in a higher being. Of course. Just rid yourself of the scripted nonsense.

    Just another delusion, just another system of control our owners use to control us. People shut off their brains when an authority figure speaks whether that figure is a newscaster or a preacher.

    The christian religion is a parody on the worship of the Sun, in which they put a man whom they call Christ, in the place of the Sun, and pay him the same adoration which was originally paid to the Sun. - Thomas Payne

  16. Abortion might be legal, but I would like to take a fair vote on the issue. No lobbyists or salesman, just ordinary people. Not giving a living human being the chance to live and learn. Thats the whole point of existence. My 2 yr old niece asked me for a hug goodbye tonite and offered me one of her toys. That's what its all about.

  17. 4:44 I think you are confused. Maybe you will think better the next time.

  18. Murder is simply Retroactive Abortion. You cannot argue support for one without implicitly supporting the other. The various world military forces are trained to inflict retroactive abortion on anyone who made the mistake of being born. Let us agree it is better to live and let live, but also that we all fall short from sin.

    Now onto the subject: America as a Failed State....
    The Illuminati need to weaken and dissolve the United States, and it's middle class in particular, which poses the only barrier to forming their "New World Order." And as this thread demonstrates, of all issues, America's weak point is the abortion issue. What will be the key issue behind the next American Civil War?? Slavery was the first. Shall abortion become the second? And just how loud will the Illuminati laugh at these fools when the shooting starts??

  19. Oh, please, just go away with your mindless adherence to religious doctrines. It prevents you from THINKING clearly. The only concept you present is abortion=murder=illuminati. Abortion will not be the next slavery. Mental slavery is the next slavery, and you are a shining example.


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