Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Bailout Bank Funds: Country Club Dues Paid, Tax Bills, Jets, Parking

NEW YORK -- Even as the nation's biggest financial firms were struggling and the federal government was spending hundreds of billions of dollars to save many of them, the companies as a group were boosting the perks and benefits they pay their chief executives.

The firms, accounting for more $350 billion in federal bailout funds, increased these perks and benefits 4 percent on average last year, according to an analysis of corporate disclosures filed in recent months.

Some chief executives, such as Kenneth D. Lewis of Bank of America and Jeffrey M. Peek of CIT Group, the major small-business lender now on the brink of bankruptcy, each received about $100,000 more than a year earlier for personal use of corporate jets. Others saw an increase in the value of chauffeured services, parking or personal security.

Ralph W. Babb Jr., chief executive of Dallas-based lender Comerica, was compensated for a new country club membership, with an initiation fee and dues of more than $200,000. GMAC Financial Services chief executive Alvaro de Molina benefited from a $2.5 million payment from his company to help cover his personal tax bill.


  1. Hahaha. Best strictly to the point comment in a long time.

  2. The bankster elite didn't really need our 700 billion, 2 trillion, or whatever. The top tier banksters have accumulated so much that those figures are actually pocket lint to them.

    It is the thrill of us actually being so apathetic and naive that we openly gave the funds to them. Con men vs robbers. Con men walk away snickering, robbers get caught.

  3. If people think the banksters are done robbing us they are wrong. It hasn't even started yet. Get a basket put fruit in it walk around with it on your head. Soon.

  4. All of these scum deserve to be beaten to a pulp by an angry mob. This kind of greed and arrogance pi$$es me off more than anything. I hope there is an uprising and these crooks get torn apart by the people they robbed.

  5. Our saviour Barack is really pissed about all these bonuses so much so he has declared at various press conferenes as of late he will penalize and regulate these greedy hogs.Help me Im confused what exactly has this devious and cunning bastard been doing in the interim.Only since the press got hold on this has the saviour displayed his indignance.I guess its time to pay lip service once again to the American Sheeple and at least appear to be concerned.Funny how it always takes a negative headline to get this phoney ferret out of his hole.


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