Monday, October 19, 2009

Chicago Street Showdown: The People vs. Wall Street

The same financial institutions that caused the economic crisis and took billions in taxpayer bailouts are back to earning incredible profits. Meanwhile, Americans face shrinking pensions, rising foreclosures and unemployment, state budget cuts, predatory lending, outrageous overdraft fees, and sky-high credit card interest rates.

The American people want oversight, accountability and common-sense financial reform NOW. This is the classic David vs. Goliath fight, with Wall Street spending millions and millions on lobbying to defeat reforms that would protect the American people and our economy.
JOIN US on October 25-27 for a series of demonstrations when thousands of Americans - retirees, farmers, workers, homeowners, renters, students, clergy, and small business owners - come together on the streets of Chicago to demand a banking system that puts the American people first and a Congress that makes it happen


  1. Rallying to address Congress for reform is a waste of time. Congress is owned and operated by the banks. Sad to watch.

  2. You're right 2:22. Just sit and watch it out the window as the world comes tumbling down the hill. They want you docile. You can be the head chief of the docile camp. The main guard. Sit boy sit. NOW STAY. Good BOY!

  3. The solution to this problem is very simple. There are two simple things you need to do (and it applies both to the States and Canada) to punish the bastards.
    1. Next time when you show up for election, cross the voting card with a red felt pen and write across “No voting for any of these candidates”. When 85-90% of you do it, they’ll get the message. There will be re-election, and keep doing it until you see a person that actually represents you. Are we not living in “representative democracies”?
    2. Stop paying your mortgages and credit cards, all of you. Crash the system. But you know what? You can claim your houses through courts, since there will be no lenders. If you miss this, first they’ll drain your pensions and savings, then repossess your houses and in the end they’ll give you one big juicy kick in the ass. And if you allow this, then you deserve it.

  4. You don't get it 3:13. Not talking about being docile. Talking about rejecting the corrupt system. You simply will never accomplish anything by voting, writing Congress and all that nonsense.

    Politicians are there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don't. You have owners. (Thank you G. Carlin)

  5. When u people do nothing against this corrupt system then wait the action from mother nature.

  6. No amount of calling your Congress critter is going to change anything happening in this country today. We are well past the point of no return so the best we can hope for is a serious of delays in which we can try and encourage people to wake up.

    The writing is on the wall for America. We have been weighed in the balances and now we are about to reap what we have sown. Rampant conformity by the masses brings about mass destruction upon those same masses.

    The masses will whine and complain but the only people they can blame are themselves.

  7. There is no way to reform this corrupt system. The capitalists own everything including the government, the laws, even religion, the only way we will ever be free is to overthrow them and set up a nation where the people control everything. Why do we need a government? Nothing the government does helps the people...lets overthrow them and set up people's councils (Decentralize everything), its the only way.

  8. While we are at it we can do away with the notion of nations. It only leads to wars.


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