
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Depression Causes Massive Military Employment

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Aided by a bleak job market, the U.S. military met all of its recruitment goals in the past year for the first time since it became an all-volunteer force in 1973, the Pentagon said on Tuesday.

Military services have been stretched thin by conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq, giving added weight to recruitment efforts as President Barack Obama considers sending another 40,000 U.S. troops to Afghanistan next year.

The United States already has 67,000 troops in Afghanistan and about 119,000 in Iraq.

Pentagon officials said recruitment gains were fueled by the deepest U.S. recession since the Great Depression and an unemployment rate nearing 10 percent.

"For the first time since the advent of the all-volunteer force, all of the military components, active and reserve, met their number as well as their quality goals," said Bill Carr, deputy undersecretary of defense for military personnel policy.


  1. That's great news for the Empire. A sea of mindless drones lining up to kill so they can get room and board. Wonderful.

  2. As Henry Kissinger said "military men are dumb stupid animals." He summed up what the Oligarchs think of them. Pawns to be used and discarded.

    These bankers LOVE war. Biggest cash cow they have ever had and the only reason we have wars in the first place. The lemmings disregard all the evidence of profit taking and instead put a flag in their window.

    This is what a clandestine Empire is all about. The populace is so lathered in bias and false patriotism they can't see what is really going on at all.

    Every American soldier who dies on a battlefield dies for a banker. For their profit and gain.

    Now the con men will draw in more young men to die because of the depression they are creating. So cruel. Heartless bastards.

    There is a reason a war area is called a Theatre of War. It is just that for the Oligarchs. They start it. Then sit back and enjoy the show and the profits.

  3. Keep on preaching to the choir with the same song. It never gets old.

  4. This is why I love this blog, the majority of commentors (including the paid shills) are really awake.

  5. The paid shills? You make me wanna laugh, then puke. I guess the CIA will be reading this and deleting it by noon.

  6. Paid Shill? Email I received today in its entirety:

    From: bt kw (
    Sent: October 15, 2009 5:15:48 AM


    You are hereby requested to close the following blog with immediate effect:

    The coming Depression :

    It is with concern that we have noted that you have been posting illegal, false and copyright materials on the above mentioned blog. We have also noted that you are encouraging racist and abusive comments from your followers against those not sharing your views.

    The relevant authorities have been notified of all infringements committed on the mentioned blog and should you not comply, a formal complaint will be lodged. Relevant materials have been saved from the blog so please don’t waste your time erasing tracks.

    Net Patrol

  7. Hotmail and Yahoo email addresses?

    Give me a break!

  8. I think it quite wise that you have started reviewing post prior to them being published.
    I would also suggest possibly having your readers register instead of being allowed the anonymous status of posting. This should clean up the filth and trash, and make the blog much more professional and enjoyable. I like posting anonymous, but am sure willing to register to keep the blog clean.

  9. Which means you are doing a very good job. I'm sure any intelligent person can figure out where the trolls are coming from and who butters the trolls bread. It's really not hard to see them at all. They have an agenda and their agenda matches certain organizations.

  10. Illegal. Now that's an interesting word.
    In a country where freedom of speach and freedom of the press is consitutionally gaurenteed, it is illegal to publish certain material.

    Btw, EA, if you had violated someones copyright you would of course receive a legal cease and desist order from that organization, not some lone nutjob with a semi anonymous yahoo email account.

  11. He links back to every article published and gives full credit. He hasn't broken any laws. All the sites he uses allows liking in freely.

  12. Yes - it is probably the mentally incapacitated nut who FORMALLY (yeah!) posted here. Racist? lol Funny that the wannabe actually stooped to sending a threatening email from a free email anonymous account. Can't stop laughing at that one. Poor little fella, he needs some counseling bad.

    This blog was formally an A now it is an A+. Screening out the posts that offer no value is 100% the way to go before the lonely little guy littered up every comment section with his nonsense.

    I applaud EA for this change. Many blogs screen comments and now I know why. No more trolls!

  13. Poor Timmy, getting so much flack for being a racist religious extremist. When will the world understand?

  14. I am 110% behind this blog, the owner, and free speech. Even though we have had a fill of trashed talkers and trolls, I supose we even go for "that" kind of free speech. I agree that to register to post would help a lot. If someone is tied to a name, and their email address, it would be less likely that they would post nonsense like we have been having pile up here of late.
    Kudos to EA, the blog, and the serious posters that write and comment. We need ideas, opinions, and most of all FACTS, if anyone has any FACTS. Now is NOT the time for back-biting, stupidity, one upmanship, calling people idiots, etc. If you take the trouble to write a post, at least let it be somewhat meaningful.
    Once the "ID" screen name thing is put in place I will be first in line to register with one, email address, etc.

  15. Hahahaha. The "net patrol" has no authority of force or weight of law. Delete the email and keep posting these great stories.

  16. I want to add: only in today's bizarre political and hyper-racial climate could the issue of race and an allegation of "racism" be raised in a purely economic blog. In 42 years I have never heard so much talk about race. People are seeing racism EVERYWHERE.

  17. "I want to add: only in today's bizarre political and hyper-racial climate could the issue of race and an allegation of "racism" be raised in a purely economic blog."

    First of all what is a "hyper racial" climate? And second of all, it's quite easy for the issue to be raised. Timmy raised it himself first! So stop sticking up for the moron and his twisted values. You are right: they DON'T have a place in an economic blog.


Everyone is encouraged to participate with civilized comments.