
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Strategy is to Prohibit the Public From Getting The Truth

William K. Black - professor of economics and the senior regulator during the S & L crisis - says that that the government's entire strategy now - as during the S&L crisis - is to cover up how bad things are ("the entire strategy is to keep people from getting the facts").
Indeed, as I have previously documented, 7 out of the 8 giant, money center banks went bankrupt in the 1980's during the "Latin American Crisis", and the government's response was to cover up their insolvency.

Black also says:

There has been no honest examination of the crisis because it would embarrass C.E.O.s and politicians . . .

Instead, the Treasury and the Fed are urging us not to examine the crisis and to believe that all will soon be well.

PhD economist Dean Baker made a similar point, lambasting the Federal Reserve for blowing the bubble, and pointing out that those who caused the disaster are trying to shift the focus as fast as they can:

The current craze in DC policy circles is to create a "systematic risk regulator" to make sure that the country never experiences another economic crisis like the current one. This push is part of a cover-up of what really went wrong and does absolutely nothing to address the underlying problem that led to this financial and economic collapse.

Baker also says:

"Instead of striving to uncover the truth, [Congress] may seek to conceal it" and tell banksters they're free to steal again.


  1. There isn't a single serious hardcore long term economist that has anything good to say about the current financial situation either here in America, or anywhere in the world. has become a long litany of well educated sentient economists who perform their due dilligence and unanimously forecast dire consequences to the reckless economic policies of our governments.

    No amount of emotionally charged naysaying propaganda can correct the situation or change it one iota.

    The stage has been set for worlwide economic depression of levels to make the previous great depression in America look tame by comparison and every economist worth his salt is documenting the extent of the errors made retroactively to their own consternation as well as ours.

    The vast majority of Americans will be caught off guard by the coming final collapse of the currency system and it is not long off.

    Since July 14th 20007, when the first Bear Stearns (remember them?) hedge fund went belly up, it has been a long process of documenting the stages of collapse along the way. We are nearing the final collapse.

    It's not more than a few months away. Our government is well aware of this and has been making contingency plans all along.

  2. Dog poet , i completely agree , unless you Americans Rise up from the t.V . i fear all will be lost

  3. TV as a whole is OK. You just have to be sharp enough to know what not to watch. The brainless drivel that passes for comedy is there to pacify you. Sometimes I need a little of that since I know it purpose.

    Corporate news - any news via a TV is to be avoided. It is carefully crafted to manipulated. We would all like to think that we can filter out the lies, but pretty much they are all lies.

    Any fool can figure out the Fox News gang are garbage, but the same is true of the fringe comedy news like the Daily Show. Shows like that make you feel you are watching something cutting edge, critical of the status quo. Of course it is not. It is towing the line 100% on any real important lies.

  4. It beggars belief that some economists are saying that the recession is over.Is there an alternate solar system out there that doesn't have a fraudulent banking system.

  5. As a hardworking, patriotic, American consumer, I have three things to say, and that is - oh wait... It's time for the Oprah Winfrey Show - I have to go now. Tell you later.

  6. As previously mentioned numerous times, the dumbed down idiotic American TV watching sheeple public have no clue as to what is really going on. I have immediate family who have their entire fortunes in the stock market, millions of dollars, they refuse to even discuss any kind of downturn.

    The scheme is brilliant, artificially move the stock market up and get everyone investing again, the little guys, then drop the bomb. I will be very curious to see their faces when it happens. Of course, as brain dead as they all are, they will probably blame al Qeda when the crash comes.

    Its the perfect time for the collapse, football season. The sheeple will probably not even notice when it happens.

    Better prepare, the time is near...

  7. You called it. Plus the real, sudden collapse may be initiated by another false flag.

  8. What are we going to do with all the MSM news liars after the collapse? Where are they going to hide? Afterall, they are the lying salesman that hid the truth from you for so long. Are they safe? I doubt it.


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