
Friday, October 16, 2009

The Economy on Its Last Legs

Your Friday night funny.


  1. Awesome to watch.

    I've been there a time or many.

    Haven't we all?

    Thank you EA

  2. Wow, that brings back some memories...or blackouts!

  3. Seems to me there was plenty of time to call the law on this creep. More fun for the owner would have been to jap slap the bum all the way out the door. The whuppin would not have really kicked in till the next morning. Really, I supose the right thing to do would have been the night in jail. Still more fun to beat the living crap out of him.

  4. Maybe so, but what he would have learned from me is that:
    He did not make a mistake by staggering into a store to buy more beer------

    He made a mistake by staggering into MY store to buy more beer.

  5. Apparently, 4:35pm is the proprietor from the Pawn Shop in Pulp Fiction.

  6. Sounds like 10:28 is the one in need of a serious beating, or two.

  7. Merciless comments from creeps themselves. Poor guy. Walk him out to a cab or somewhere outside to sit down. Get him a glass of water and some Advils. We have all been there before. Show a little heart as a human being. Life isn't really Grand Theft Auto. A real man shows mercy.

  8. yeah. though at first i felt so much compassion for this guy, i did find myself laughing from the gut when he really did try to go through the door and leave, how many of us will want to anesthetise oursevles as we go through this here and coming depression, isn't that why it is called a depression? what will we be filling ourselves with to cope and forget. that kind of drunken stupor is the last act before suicide if no hope is found and remains as we wake up.

  9. @2.07pm , yes there needs to be more ppl like you , jeez 10.28 wtf is the matter with you ? I ounce did this at a wedding Party @ 3 am LOL fell down a flight of 15 or so stairs got home with the wife , , after she found me sleeping on the washer/dryer , she found me there because my head was pressing on the BUZZER button LOL with my two legs in the washer drum , i am 29 i do not drink often and that night from 7.30 pm to 3 or 4am i drank a full 40oz of top notch Gin with tonic all night . What a night , we had a blast a real blast, this was 2 months ago

  10. Trex you is crazy! LOL


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