
Friday, October 16, 2009

American Job Loss: 2 Million Each Month

Large-scale lay-offs in the U.S. (defined as lay-offs of 50 or greater at one time) hit the highest level since this statistic was created in 1995, according to an article from CNN. This is yet another indication that the U.S. economy is plummeting downward – with absolutely no signs of stability, let alone a “recovery”.

Up to this point, the U.S. government has been very successful in duping market sheep (i.e. the “experts”) through publishing totally fraudulent monthly jobs reports. With the U.S. economy losing roughly 2 million jobs each month (see “U.S. economy to lose 20 MILLION jobs this year”), the government claimed that less than 400,000 jobs were lost in May.
The fact that the unemployment rate continues soaring higher each month, that “mass lay-offs” are at record levels, and with state governments across the U.S. slashing spending to meet budget shortfalls (i.e slashing jobs) conclusively demonstrates that “official” government reports have absolutely no connection to reality.


  1. Thank you EA for publishing this.
    This is the single most important fact the american people need to know.
    I have known for about 1 year now the true extent of job losses in America is far higher than stated. Bob Chapman had said about 1 1/2 years ago that 30% of jobs in America where directly related to the housing bubble, realtors, mortgage brokers, appraisers, home improvements, etc. Indirectly, perhaps over 50% of American jobs and of the entire American economy where supported by the massive infusion of cash into the economy through housing loans. This bubble based economy was intentionally created by Greenspan and the Neocon Bush administration to delude the American people into a sense of prosperity in the midst of what would be a recessionary period. The economic boom helped divert american attention from the illegal acts of the administration.

    Now that the housing bubble has crashed, one can ultimately expect the termination of 50% of all jobs in America?

    Does this explain why FEMA built 100's of internment facilities all over the united states beginning under the reign of Bill Clinton, and extending under the reign of Bush, Jr and now will see their intended use under Obama?

  2. The Dog Poet,

    Thank you for your input. Too often people get caught up in the left-right paradigm which is what the Powers that Be want. The fact is that there is no difference between the two parties.


  3. FEMA camps are the EXACT reason folks should be canning food, or at least buying canned food, water, and toiletries. It's a no brainer, and if we don't need them, which is unlikely, then you just simply bought ahead and those items are cheaper. After that, get some junk silver(90%) coins or other silver, maybe a little gold, and you will already be miles ahead of the other sheeple who were too busy with the NFL and Nascar....not saying you can't enjoy those things, as I do, but we have to be ready for the SHTF as it's not if, but when. Grow a garden for Pete's sake, it's healthier for you anyway. People need to get off thier collective dead asses

  4. I am in full agreement with ""The Dog Poet", having studied the situation for years, and following Bob Chapman as well as other economy experts.

    Unfortunately, the Actor announcers and "Babes" one sees on CNN, FOX etc are not telling the truth. They (apparently) claim the recession (they never say "depression") is over and the job market is picking up. Nothing could be further from the truth, yet the dumbed down idiotic American sheeple public continue their "total ignorance" of the truth about what is really happening. Of course this time of year, football games are much more important than silly subjects like depression, hyperinflation, demise of the dollar or monthly job losses in the millions.

    Many of my relatives and friends continue to live their lives like they always have, eating out, attending concerts, fairs, trading stocks and purchasing whatever they feel like purchasing, or whatever the TV tells them to purchase. I simply can not comprehend the extend the media controls the populace, or sheeple. I feel I am living amongst zombies. Perhaps I am?

    For those of us who are living in reality, I strongly suggest you prepare yourself, we may be in for quite a ride.

  5. 6:52 I agree and did just that. In Aug 08 I was a sheeple. I bought what I wanted, was one vacation when the SHTF and market crashed. I still didnt see the problem because the media didnt talk much about it. After months of researching economy I realized we were fucked. Look at the numbers, they are all DOOM. Even as the MSM mentioned recovery DAILY. I woke up, bought 6 months of stored food, bought 700 oz of silver and 2oz gold and living as cheaply as I can. I hope others wake up before it's too late. FYI - DON'T LISTEN TO MSM, IT'S A HUGE LIE...ALL OF IT! A recovery is fundamentally and economically impossible. Get prepared now.

  6. Amen......
    Jesus said in the last days that perilous times would come. We are living in the days that Jesus spoke about over 2500 years ago. We need to repent so God can heal our land. But many will never repent!! Like sheep we are going to the slaughter. I believe the FEMA camps are real and now that Obama has declared us in a state of emergency that it may be even mandatory to take the swine flu vaccination as well as marshall law being imposed! Wake up America!!!!!! Please wake up.


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