
Saturday, October 17, 2009

7000 A Day Lose Their Unemployment Benefits

On the Senate floor earlier this week, Illinois' own Sen. Dick Durbin rebuked his Republican colleagues for effectively blocking an unemployment benefit extension by objecting twice to a parliamentary maneuver that would speed up debate. "They have no sensitivity to these people," he said, "who lost their job or are struggling to keep their families together under the most difficult circumstances."
According to an analysis from the National Employment Law Project, 400,000 workers exhausted their federally-funded jobless benefits in September and another 200,000 will do so by the end of this month, resulting in an average of 7,000 workers a day seeing their benefits end. By year’s end, 1.3 million workers will exhaust their jobless benefits, reflecting today’s record rates of long-term unemployment.

9 Latin American Countries Create New Dollar-"The Sucre" to Replace US DOLLAR


  1. This will snowball to millions "NOT" receiving any unemployment benefits, in a matter of months.

    These people will get hungry.

    The dumbed down mind controlled sheeple will beg for assistance from their government.

    Welcome to Camp FEMA!

  2. That and the coming H1N1 'swine flu' 'emergency' will give the Government reason to intern millions of 'refuseniks' that refuse to go along with forced squalene/infertility injections.

    2010 is shaping up to be a very bad year in America.

  3. Well, at least those tax dollars of mine to fix up the FEMA camps will have a better return on investment than the TARP did.

    Sorry, but for many I have a hard time feeling sorry for all those suckers who will lose out on the benefits, they have all had time to prepare as we have, we just chose to shut off the boob tube long enough to take some simple steps to ease the pain

  4. a-hole 9:48, whatever the reason, everyone has not followed your simple steps to make-do, and cannot apparently. no second chances, no exscuses -- fema camps before they start to loot. you might aw ell be a bank exec: get yours cause i'm going to get mine.

  5. My Resimay

    To hoom it mae cunsern,
    I waunt to apply for the job what I saw in the paper.

    I kin Type realee qwik wit one finggar and do sum a counting.
    I think I am good on the fone and I no I am a pepole person, Pepole realee seam to reespond too me well. Certain men and all the ladies.
    I no my spelling is not too good but find that I Offen can get a job wit my persinalety.

    My salerery is open so we kin discus wat you want to pay me and wat you think that I am werth,
    I kin start emeditely. Thank yoo in advanse fore yore anser.
    hopifuly Yore best aplicant so farr.

  6. 12:55 You should apply to the Fed. They are always looking for new "talent" like yourself.

  7. Same old shit:

    The dumb sheeple dont realize they are already being lined up for the FEMA camps. Heaven help us! Heaven helps us!

    YOU don't know how this will play out, much less the experts who are much smarter than you are. I do believe the system is in for a crash, but stop assuming things you do not know for certain and stop pretending you are so much smarter than everyone else, because you aren't.

  8. 10:36,ur reading this blog so if you have not taken any steps then poo poo on you. your the a-hole for knowing what is going on and not taking any steps to ease the pain. r u pissed cause uncle stosh is going to be cutting you off soon?
    sucks to be sucking the hind teat, not?


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