
Saturday, October 17, 2009

Ron Paul: Scary Times Ahead When Dollar Collapses

Ron Paul Warns of Violence from Pending Dollar Crisis, Says Israel Strike on Iran the Trigger

Jeff Poor
Business & Media Institute
October 14, 2009

Scary times ahead? Perhaps, if you take credence in what Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, says.

Paul, who had a strong grassroots following during the 2008 presidential election, explained on Glenn Beck’s Sept. 30 radio program that perilous times lie ahead due to the Federal Reserve’s loose monetary policy. Host Glenn Beck asked how an Israeli strike against Iran might trigger problems with the American financial system.
“What happens when Israel strikes Iran or Iran has the earth rays and we know that they now have a nuclear weapon, what happens to our financial system at that point?” Beck asked.

The libertarian Paul maintained China would become the world’s financial heavyweight and they were already making preparations to be the world’s top dog.
I think the Chinese take over,” Paul said. “If there’s a real panic and oil shoots up to a couple of hundred bucks, the Chinese will dump their dollars. Chinese are maneuvering for this. The more we threaten Iran, the stronger the Chinese influence gets because they’re using the dollars that they have earned from us and saved, they have a trillion, and they are starting to buy up assets in Iran and build plants and get involved in their energy. So the whole thing is backfiring on us. We’re getting ready to put tougher sanctions on the Iranians and that will make things that much worse. It won’t help the dissidents in Iran. It’s going to cost us a lot of money, and there will be a bombing and that will be a big, big event. I think it will crash the dollar is what I think it would do.”

And what does the country look like after the dollar crashes? Not good the Texas congressman said.

Iran to Completely Drop Dollar from Foreign Exchange


  1. Hopefully the Powers that Be come through and cause the market to crash so I can buy Silver for cheap one last time before the very bankers who cause the next crash then give the go ahead for Israel to bomb Iran.

    Basically, If the NWO sees an opportunity to make billions off of oil then it would be in their best interest to cause another massive short term crash (Deflationary) where oil drops to say 50s. After which they buy up cheap oil stocks and then give the go ahead for Israel to bomb Iran and they make a fortune.

    Hold on! I'm not "advocating" such an idea because I hate the NWO. Rather, what I am saying is that if they stage another collapse this WILL be the LAST buying opportunity for precious metals. You see, Gold and Silver will follow other commodities like oil in a downward spiral. When the bottom hits this one last time it will be a final buying opportunity.

    Once the bombs drop, oil will shoot up because of 40% of the world’s oil supply will be cut off from the straights of Hormuz. Therefore Gold & Silver will see their super spike along with oil once all countries COMPLETELY drop the dollar like Ron Paul says.

    However, once the top comes for Gold and Silver it will be your last “Sell” opportunity. You will need to sell at the right time so you can buy up other assets you will need to survive. Gold, Silver, and Oil will have an immediate spike. However, the cost of goods will rise more slowly as the cost of fuel drives prices up and our dollar becomes worthless. In essence the other assets will be a lagging indicator where Gold and Silver will see an immediate spike.

    So you must be quick in the buy/sell opportunity that may be coming up. Once the top happens don’t hold onto your precious metals too long because you can’t eat Gold or Silver. In the ensuing panic people will spend their last dime to buy Gold and Silver at the “top”. You must then quickly buy food and other things with that money. The people that bought your expensive Gold and Silver will be left with nothing more then a shiny piece of metal.

    You see, once “IT” happens we will then move into a new global currency which will quickly crush the prices of Gold and Silver.


    - 1 last crash (Buy)
    - War with super spike in commodities (Sell & Buy necessities)
    - New currency (metals worthless)

    Our one last buying opportunity may come in a very short window.

    Be vigilant.

  2. Yes what 5:23 says makes a lot of sense.

    Except for the part about a global currency.

    Won't happen. Ultimately , every country will demand payment in Gold and Silver because no one will trust the stability of any institution, IMF, etc.

    SDR's are crap.

  3. At least if you are going to sell your PMs at some point you are talking about buying commodities with them vs going back into the fiat dollar.

    I don't agree with PMs becoming worthless at any point, but no one knows for sure so 5:23's opinion is as good as anyone else.

    Only a very small percentage of Americans own any gold/silver coins/bullion. So few that they are not a big concern for the banksters. It is a limited time offer for a wise person to escape the greatest robbery in the history of the modern world.

    When you see gold or silver on the rise it is actually more of a sign that the dollar is just slip sliding away. G/S value remains constant. It is the fiats that bounce up and down. Gold is stability.

  4. So what, the govt/corporate media is now saying Iran has nuclear weapons? News to me. I still find it totally ridiculous any country would launch a first strike nuke at the US or our boss state, Israel. Seems it would bring immediate and total destruction to the attacking country. Iran launching a first strike (or North Korea) is a preposterous idea that no doubt the dumbed down idiot sheeple have already bought into and support, thanks to the govt/corporate media.

    The most difficult obstacle for the PTB would be scheduling the bombing of Iran? Preempting an NFL or college football game may not fare well with the sheeple. Look for the bombing to be scheduled on a Tuesday (like 911), that gives a few days to show the death & destruction to the sheeple while not preempting any football games. This would also give the sheeple time to party and celebrate the destruction of a country and the millions of deaths of innocent people! After all, the govt/corporate media told the sheeple the Iranians are all terrorist and will attack us at any moment.

    Once we start bombing Iran, there are NO prudent predictions of what would occur next? One must keep in mind Russia & China, and their interest in Iran, not to mention the retribution Iran would bestow upon the world. The bombing of Iran would be the most horrific scenario for us in the US (& the world). When the bombing starts, better get the hell out of Dodge!

    Preparing for this scenario/disaster involves getting yourself and family to a very remote or underground location(& keep some iodine on hand). Should Russia or China decide to participate in some type of retaliation against us, hello WW III!

    Prepare yourself/families with storable food, gold and silver, water/water purification, basic supplies, short wave/CB/Ham radios, guns and ammo (lots).

    And gold and silver will always maintain value, always keep as much as possible on hand.

    Does anyone else smell false flag terrorist attacks coming?

  5. There will be a global currency at some point in time in the future. Eventually we will have 10 unions like the European Union and these may all have their own currency or they may all use the same currency.

    The elites have been planning for a worldwide currency for a very long time. They are not far away from their goal.

  6. Just a question, "What will it take for man to no longer trust in gold/silver, but to trust in God alone?"

  7. We like things we can see and feel, not myths. Take your delusion elsewhere please. There will be no cartoon character floating down from 'heaven,' through the clouds, on a horse to save you. Wake up.

  8. Listen to Benjamin Freeman's speech in 1960. You will learn that the banksters gave you and fostered your trust in Jesus/Horus in order to pick your pocket.

    Trust in a mythical God fosters apathy. Freeman explains how they funded many Evangelicals to pimp God while pushing forth a fake currency system and central bank. Remember, his speech was in 1960. I am sure if he were alive 59 years later and saw what America is today he'd shit his pants.

  9. Don't put blind faith into ideologies. Think for yourself. Neither gold, silver, or god will save you.

  10. Does anyone see Marshall Law coming with our hero Barack "superman" Obama suspending the Constitution for the good of the American People?

  11. @ 8:34,

    Good question. As a Christian we are to trust in God alone. However, we need also to be prudent and wise. God gave us brains and abilities to function in this world. God is not our spiritual social worker and we are not his welfare state.

    Unless you believe Joel Osteen, TBN, and Creflo Dollar then I would suggest you do nothing and send in your love gift of $100 so God will make sure your happy and healthy during the total collapse. (If you actually believe in that crap)

    I on the other hand will use my brains which God created. I will use my hands which God created. I will use whatever he has provided me too survive this. If I wind up with nothing to continue on then in the end Grace is sufficient.

    Don’t assume prudence and responsibility is mutually exclusive from faith.


    A Brother in Christ

  12. The entire future scenario is up to the uniformed men and women who swore an oath to United States Constitution. Under which authority will fight and protect? Will they work for Constitutional Restoration, or deliver the Americans to the tyranny of the metaphorical One World Government? Will history record them as patriots the the idea of American Freedom and Democracy, or as servants to foreign masters and worldly kings?
    Is it possible for the military to take control of the US government long enough to purge the foreign banksters/Wall Street/FED/Zionist/Socialist traitors/spies/looters and restore the Constitution back to the people and their elected representatives (as opposed to bankster/media approved ones)?
    Could Article 1 Section 8 powers be returned to the Congress, including the responsibility to "coin money, regulate the value thereof" and to "provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the United States". Massive counterfeiting by the FED is the core reason for a coming Dollar collapse.
    Semper Fi!!!!

  13. Israel will not risk losing America as an ally and attack Iran. If US and Israel wants to attack Iran, they will have to go through the UN security council and you can count on China and Russia to Veto any such move. After the WMD fiasco in Iraq, Iran will need to actually test a nuclear device to warrant any strike on them and the chance of that happening is very less likely

  14. "Don't assume prudence and responsibility is mutually exclusive from faith."

    I agree, 4:15. I need to remember this line to use it. I'm tired of hearing that people shouldn't prepare and should trust God instead. Why not do both? Does buying insurance mean you have no faith? Does having a 401k or buying groceries for two weeks instead of one mean you have no faith and are "taking thought for tomorrow?" Maybe getting certain people to prepare is His way of providing for them.

  15. What I always find amusing is how the anti-Christian crowd actually thinks they could dissuade a Christian from being a Christian with some kind of argument that Christianity is actually Zoroastrianism or Horus reworked or various other mythological fairy tales made real.


    That's what Christianity is. It's presaged by the subconscious many times, then made real
    by Jesus of Nazareth. Funny how that works.
    Life really does imitate art.

    I have some paintings of various hells for the consignment of non-christian souls to complete now.


  16. Dog, you are starting to sound like a chihuahua on a too long leash. If you want to believe in Christianity, fine go ahead. No one is stopping you. But the bible is based on fairy tales and half truths itself. I am happy to report most non-christian's souls are freer than the average christian, bound by dogma and indoctrination, judgement and self righteousness, none of which God smiles down on.


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