
Friday, November 6, 2009

Americans Jostling With Illegal Immigrants for a Job

It sounds like a George Lopez joke.

“Times are so bad that I saw an Anglo day laborer standing outside Home Depot the other day.”

Except it’s true.

In the latest sign of the Las Vegas Valley’s economic free fall, U.S. citizens are starting to show up in the early mornings outside home improvement stores and plant nurseries across the Las Vegas Valley, jostling with illegal immigrants for a shot at a few hours of work.

Experts say the slow-starting but seemingly inexorable trend is occurring nationwide.

“It’s the equivalent of selling apples in the Great Depression,” said Harley Shaiken, chairman of the Center for Latin American studies at the University of California, Berkeley.
But it is not only a sign of the times, they add. If the numbers of citizens among the day laborers in cities across the country continue to grow, it’s likely to increase the ire of followers of TV host Lou Dobbs and others who will see illegal immigrants as stealing food off the tables of the nation’s native-born or naturalized poor.

Prepare for the Great Depression.
Survival Seeds


  1. I worked with an illegal Mexican bartender. We did catering. He was awesome. He made a killer Tequila Sunrise.

  2. One day we will give up the idea of nations and borders. On that day we wont see our fellow human beings as rivals based on empty premises like nationality, which is something that the rulers of nations continue to bestow upon us.

  3. Mexicans are great. Their humor is way out there. Funny stuff.

  4. A common tactic employed by illegal immigration proponents is to accuse opponents of racism. They charge that opponents want to deny a new breed of immigrant the chance to become Americans as many of our immigrant forefathers did. They paint a Norman Rockwell-type picture of honest, hard working immigrants, planting gardens, working in fields, doing the work "no Americans want to do."
    So, in town after town across the nation the battle rages. And that is really the point. Illegal immigration is not just a border issue. It is a national issue affecting every large city and almost every small town. It must be understood that illegal immigration is not just a matter of some unhappy peasants hoping to seek a better life. It is a $300 billion a year industry, combining the interests of multinational corporations with those of drug cartels and Latino street gangs. Caught in between are American communities and the American way of life. Some cities, especially those along the points of entry at the border have become dangerous no-mans lands, where no property is safe, no American citizen is able to leave their home unarmed and some politicians turn a blind eye as they profit under the table. As a result the American culture and society is breaking break down. That is why so many Americans refuse to back down on the issue, continuing to demand a crack down, no matter what name calling they must endure. All American ask is that if you wish to come to America, fine, we will support you and welcome you with open arms. But you must come in through the front door and engage in the legal process, not sneak in through the back door.

  5. The way I see it, every illegal alien-held job is one less job for an American. There is no possible counter argument to that. Illegals only doing the work Americans won’t do is ridiculous. Americans don’t do construction jobs like tile work, flooring, framing, roofing, plumbing and gardening? Americans won’t work in factories, meat packing plants, fabrication shops, etc? Mexican immigrants want to become American citizens so they can enjoy the dual-citizenship that Mexico allows and encourages. They establish an economic foothold in America but keep their allegiance to their corrupt third world disaster of a country. They make substantially more money here, send it home, buy a hacienda and retire much better than they would if they had stayed home and worked in Mexico.
    Illegal aliens cost the American taxpayer untold billions of dollars every year. Yes, we are a nation of immigrants, but we are also a nation of laws. It was legal immigrants and native born citizens that built America. The immigrants who first migrated here hundreds of years ago did so legally, and never thought of doing something illegal to gain citizenship. That’s the difference between then and now.
    So if you like overpopulation, congestion, urban sprawl, pollution, environmental damage, crumbling infrastructure due to overuse, diminishing resources, higher taxes, millions of fewer jobs for Americans, higher unemployment rates, less tax revenue for the U.S. Treasury and state governments due to under-the-table payrolls, more crime, gangs, graffiti, drive-by shootings and increased home invasions, more expensive health care and utility bills due to deadbeats, re-introduction of diseases previously eradicated, less available housing, unlicensed and uninsured drivers on the road, overcrowded and woefully inadequate schools with poorly educated students, food stamp-welfare-assisted housing budgets blown. in-state college tuition for illegals, more drugs, overflowing jails, fraudulent documents and identity theft, more drunk drivers, higher rents due to low supply, the balkanization of our communities, a large and growing population with loyalty to other nations, an onslaught on our national culture and identity leading to an overall decline in our quality of life and pressing “one” for English, then you should be happy with the status quo.

  6. A ridiculous and certainly false mantra uttered by illegal aliens and their open border advocates is that they do jobs that Americans won’t do. Just what do these God sends to our country do that American citizens and legal residents haven’t done before the illegals invaded in force just during and after 1986’s amnesty legislation? American jobs for American citizens, first and foremost. Pay a decent living wage with fair and reasonable benefits and there is no job Americans won't do.

  7. But, illegals do the work that Americans won't do. It's a tired, worn out and totally untrue arguement that the illegal alien huggers throw out to try to make those that don't know any better believe we just can't do without illegals. Personally, I'm greatly offended when I hear that claptrap. Myself and my father and my grandfather and on and on have all worked hard at blue-collar jobs. It is not that the illegal aliens do the work that Americans won't do. It is that illegal aliens do the work for low wages, little to no benefits, under conditions that are unsafe as per OSHA and illegal as per DOL. When illegal aliens were given legal status during the Amnesty of 1986, many of those legalized aliens began demanding proper wages and working conditions and were promptly fired. Their unscrupulous employers simply hired the next wave of illegal aliens who worked for those substandard wages under often illegally dangerous conditions. These aliens are among those who are now seeking legalization. There is absolutely no reason to believe that history wouldn’t repeat itself if we provide millions of illegal aliens with legal status. Once they were emboldened by their newly acquired legal status to demand proper wages and working conditions, they no longer would be the desirable employees that they had been, and the unscrupulous employers would simply fire them and replace them with the next wave of illegal aliens. That's exactly why the working wages of blue collar Americans have plummeted that are able to remain employed in the landscaping, construction, meatpacking, assembly, service and hospitality industries because of the mass numbers of illegal aliens employed in them.

  8. Funny all the talk about how much good they have done, when no mention of the strain they put on the healthcare system, law enforcement, etc ad nasuem. Up here in the Midwest, at places of work they put used ass wipe in the garbage instead of the toilet, must be some strange custom. I give them credit for being able to put three families in one house, we could all use a lesson in getting along with family in that dept and they seem to be able to do that, doing a better job of taking care of the older folk.

  9. 4:17, you have it wrong. I do not hate the illegals, furthermore, I do not blame them for coming here to work. I have spent a lot time in Latin America, and I know the living conditions they come from.

    What I do mind is the US Govt allowing them to come here to work, not enforcing the immigration laws. What I do mind is allowing the illegals to attend our schools at no charge, allowing illegals to collect welfare, giving them free health care & the vast array of other free services they receive, and me as a citizen do not and can not receive. I have no health insurance and have not for 10 years, because I can't afford it. I struggle month to month to pay my bills as my small business barely survives, yet I can not get a job.

    I live in TX, and am well aware of the situations with the illegals. It is difficult to buy anything in many places in TX unless you speak Spanish. Mexicans are nice & good people, which has NOTHING to do with the issue at hand.

    Try going to Mexico and asking for these benefits and services we provide the illegals. OH, and by the way, you would have to ask for them in Spanish.

    And yes, I see quite a few Anglos and Blacks at the casual labor park my city so kindly provides the illegals to congregate to get picked up for day labor.

    You ain't seen nothing yet!

  10. 7:42 Boy, That is right on the money!!
    100% !! Just wish people could see what is right in front of their face before its way too late to turn back.

  11. The point is they are not your enemy.

    In truth, scarcity is a complete lie. There are tremendous resources available to all. You, the Mexicans, and your pet cat.

    The banksters work the lie of scarcity to turn people against each other.

    Scarcity = dependence = control = slavery.

    Technologies exist for unlimited clean energy, shelter, and food. We can't have it though because scarcity works for them.

    Look to the root of the problem, not symptoms.

  12. In order for anything to change EVER we must focus all our attention on how to handle our owners, not these distractions. They are put before you to keep you busy bickering over semantics.

    For example, many more Americans would be concerned with the illegals issue and very few would care about auditing and killing the Fed.

    One is trivial in comparison.

    Focus on things that really matter, not these sub-issues.

    Let the sub-issues slide and focus directly on those that would like you enslaved or worse.

  13. Unlimited clean energy. There is your delusion. Nothing is without limits. Without limit is what capitalism taught you and which helped you to help rape the world of its beauty.

  14. By the end of 2011, the colloquial appellation 'Mexican Food' had been humorously redefined by the starving hordes of Americans turned cannibal

  15. 2:31.....right wing has not a DAMN thing to do with this, so shit or get off the pot...stick to the subject of this thread, and if you were to ask your left wing bretheren down along these border cities what they thought of your comment you would be quartered and hung out to dry...not to mention the fact back then, they did it the LEGAL way you moron, and did not come here expecting to be catered to

  16. Beautiful: he came along to prove the wing-nut comment and did so in spades, er, nevermind. Backwoods right wing racist pig.

  17. Last I checked 3 million californians (1 out of 10) were illegal mexicans, on top of that, only about half of the total mexican population of california graduate from High School (40% or less in some districts).

    I think your equality opinions are delirious. It's going to be much harder for you to prove illegal Mexicans are equal to European-American citizens, than it will for me to prove that equality is made-up, and utterly false. If it were true it wouldn't need to be enforced at gunpoint.

    So according to looney-lefties like some here, the "racist" is a "moron". You are asserting equality and the right to set up residence anywhere one pleases. Then the burden is on you, to prove that ethnic groups are "equal", and that borders are arbitrary.

    Of course you can't, because they aren't, so you call names.

    So lets either have the proof, or at least shut up and stick to facts.

  18. You're probably the same douchebag that said over 3 million people in Houston are illegals, LOL!

    You assert that mexicans are enforced by gunpoint because they are inferior? Where is your brain kept, anyway, beneath some moldy damp rock? You really are a waste of time.


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