
Friday, November 6, 2009

Ripping Off The Public Is Not Conflicting with Christian Values Says Goldman Sachs and Barclays

Nov. 4 (Bloomberg) -- Barclays Plc Chief Executive Officer John Varley stood at the wooden lectern in St. Martin-in-the- Fields on London’s Trafalgar Square last night and told the packed pews of the church that “profit is not satanic.”

The 53-year-old head of Britain’s second-biggest bank said banks are the “backbone” of the economy. Rewarding high- performing bankers with more pay doesn’t conflict with Christian values, he said. Varley was paid 1.08 million pounds ($1.77 million) and no bonus in 2008.

“Talent is highly mobile,” Varley, a Catholic, said. “If we fail to pay or are constrained from paying competitive rates then that talent will move to another employer.”

“Is Christianity and banking compatible? Yes,” he said in an interview after the speech in the 283-year-old church. “And is Christianity and fair reward compatible? Yes.”

Varley joins Goldman Sachs International adviser Brian Griffiths and Lazard International Chairman Ken Costa as London bankers who’ve gone into London churches in recent weeks and invoked Christianity to defend a banking system that critics say has created wealth and inequality in the U.K.

“The injunction of Jesus to love others as ourselves is an endorsement of self-interest,” Goldman’s Griffiths said Oct. 20, his voice echoing around the gold-mosaic walls of St. Paul’s Cathedral, whose 365-feet-high dome towers over the City, London’s financial district. “We have to tolerate the inequality as a way to achieving greater prosperity and opportunity for all.”

Bonuses to Rise

UNEMPLOYMENT RATES TOP 17.5% Media Reports over 10.2%. A CNN POLL IS AT 21%!


  1. The American people need to take the Enemy Combatant Goldman Sachs and other similar banksters very seriously.

    They are the enemy. Along with JP Morgan, CITI, and Barclays..

  2. To the Dog Poet:

    Your comments about Jesus Christ's looks border on blasphemy. Neither you nor anyone else knows what Christ looked like. The paintings of Him are counterfeit and unrealistic and also break the second commandment.

    He had short hair and looked like the average Jew of His day. Check I Corinthians 11 where it says it is a disgrace for a man to have long hair. Otherwise, if Jesus had long hair, why did Judas have to kiss him to show the Roman soldiers who Jesus was? Because He had short hair and looked like everyone else.

    I suggest you get out a Bible and start reading it from cover to cover. Maybe you'll learn something.

    As far as Barclays' John Varley and all other bankers in his class, they are a bunch of greedy "banksters" who will get what is coming to them when the time is right.

  3. 10:20 anon: i suggest you google and watch zeitgeist, maybe YOU will learn something. not everyone requires the same religious "crutch" as you apparently do.

  4. 11:21 Amen to that! Actually, Amen-RA.

  5. @10:20am

    You're right on the money. Don't let the naysayers bug you. One day EVERY knee will bow.

  6. Jesus/Horus/Ra is 333,333x the size of planet Earth. He is one big mofo. I wouldn't mess with him. Don't try to sneak up on him at night either for he will surely rise again.

    Sad that otherwise enlightened people can't see the obvious right in front of them.

    Better video than Zeitgeist for your deluded Christian friends because it doesn't mock their belief:

  7. Every character in the Bible, including John the Baptist/Aquaris lines up with the bible. It is nothing more than Astrotheology.

    Why can't people bright enough and strong enough to resist so many lies and propaganda (if you are here you probably have done that) but can't let go of this mythology?

    The elite are using your delusion against you. There will be no man riding a white horse through the clouds to save you (lol - have to laugh when you think about cults).

    Christianity is no different than the Muslim faith, the Scientologists, etc - they have their delusion bubbles, you have yours:

  8. Of course these values are compatible with Christianity. Take a look at the Vatican. It's paved with gold, for heaven's sake. Back in the heyday the church held all the power, and the money. They are just waiting for a mediaeval revival. Who needs a New World Order when you have the Church Order?

  9. Banks actually, from my memory, started in the city-states in Rome and other places in Europe. Don't blame all of this on the Jews. It is the inevitable outcome of cities, mercantilism, and the state (governed rule over citizens). How then to be rid of banks and all of that corruption and control? De-centralize ourselves from it. Create local, intentional communities. De-couple from the rule of others in order to be a free autonomous being. Unfortunately, most people don't want that right now (thanks to their thorough indoctrinations and upbringing).

  10. 1:12 yes indeed. More specifically that the countries that are targeted by our propaganda and invasions/occupations did not previously have a Rothschilds central bank.

    Upon the invasion/occupation of Iraq for Israel, the first order of business was to install a Rothschilds bank dead center.

    Iran and Venezuela are next and top the list. The banksters are frothing at the mouth over the missed profits. Hence, the fake/staged people's revolution in Iran. To replace the leadership with someone who will open his arms wide to the IMF, CFR and the Rothschilds. It ironically failed via the bankster's MSM rally because people were more concerned with a bigger story at the time: Michael Jackson's death.

    As for Venezuela, watch the video The Revolution will not be Televised to get a grasp of what the banksters tried to do to Chavez in 2002. We could only dream about having a man like that at the helm of the US, socialist or not. (B.O. is a socialist so who cares)

    He, like real past US patriots like JFK and Andrew Jackson have more in common than people know.

  11. 01:29

    Who controls the US main stream media?

    Who has the most to gain from Muslim hatred?

    Who has the most to gain by the US invasions and occupations into the Middle East?

    Who has the means to stage false flags like 9/11 then instruct the media to not allow contrary analysis or fact finding?

    Who runs all the largest central banks and the IMF?

    Who controls the congress via the strongest lobby?

    Who runs the Federal Reserve and profits from its plundering?

    Who will benefit from the Global Carbon fake tax and its plundering of the US taxpayer?

    Who runs Goldman Sachs and Wall St?

    Come on now. Wise up. They own us. The Christianity myth is just one tool of many that is used to lull the sheeple into apathy.

  12. 1:50 - audio of the speech -

  13. @1:29 PM
    You are maybe right with respect to the BANKS, but it does not mean that USURERS did not exist before.
    @1:05 PM
    Back in the heyday church was not actually rich, but it was influential. Then Al Goreleone of those days came up with a scheme how make the church rich. So the church decided to sell sin forgiveness, called idulgencias. Apparently Al Gorelione did not skip this history lesson, so he came up with Carbon Sin Forgiveness+internet+Carbon Exchanges. Now he is about to become a Carbone Pope of the world.

  14. Horus and the other 16 solar saviors before Christ that had the EXACT SAME story. They are all the same because they are all based on the greatest story ever told. The story of the Zodiac first penned by the Sumerians.

    The Christian cross is the cross of the ZODIAC where the sun/son is centered. That is why so many churches depict the SUN overlayed on the cross. It is the sun dying at the winter solstace and rising again after three days. Jesus/Horus is just a personification of that event.

    That is why Jesus is the light of the world. The risen one. The lamp at your feet. He fights the powers of darkness (set/satan), his mythical enemy; Horus had Set like Jesus has satan; set as in Sun-Set. Horus risen as is horizon. 12 horuses in the day. Horus place in the sky. The trinity - rising, the most high, and sun-set.

    It is almost like a sad cartoon once you figure it all out. Very simple.

    Horus of Egypt died on a cross, rose after 3 days, healed the sick, etc, etc. All old news.

    People like Thomas Payne figured it out long ago. They didn't have an internet and resources like you do. What is your excuse for this level of ignorance?

    End 2000 years of stupidity.

    I guess once someone is sucked into a cult it is nearly impossible to get them out. The key is to share the history of these religions with people BEFORE they get absorbed.

    Without the lie of religion the elite would be nearly powerless.

    Teach people truth now about these systems of control. Jesus is like Herpes. Once he is in your life he ain't going away!

    Yes - I said it! Talking crap about Jesus is like talking crap about Santa Clause or the Tooth Fairy. A mythical figure folks, get over it.

  15. 2:49 you nailed that one. I think the sickest thing the Catholic church does is take money for praying for the dead. That is sick. Pay up and grandpa might get out of Purgatory faster lol.

    The pope has the resources to feed everyone on the planet for 12 years.

    Al Gore the new pope still laughing....

    Then they buy into hospitals and hospices in order to get the dying to sign over their belongings at their death. Wow.

    I always knew the Catholic faith was disgusting and contrary to the simplicity of the bible message. Now I know they are both garbage. The Catholic thing is just so much more obvious about what trash it is though.

  16. Why dont the banksters and fraudsters go the whole hog and incorporate the year of jubilee, you know, wipe all debts and obligations every 50 years.That would be equitable, but sadly i dont think their zeal for a bilical model would include such a radical principle.

  17. There will be no jubilee for the sheeple. That would rock though. Like the festival on the episode where they all followed Landru on Star Trek.

    The will of Laundru lol. That so reminds me of today's religious people. Funny episode.

  18. 3:08, sorry you feel that way. What you are comparing Jesus to is not going to win you any brownie points I feat

  19. jesus was a gay and created gays in his own gay image, That is a Fact and says so in the Bibble

  20. First of all, Sheeple should be a banned word on this messageboard. Way, WAY overused. Stop using it - it doesn't make you sound smarter than everyone else.

    Secondly, you answer with only a lot of questions, none of which are new I might add. You imply that one group or entity owns ALL of these factions. It simply aint true. While it IS true that onyl a small amount of the rich, hence elites, own the vast majority of the wealth, it is silly to PRESUME that it is all under the control of the Freemasons and or Illuminati. Here is where people like you go off on the deep end. You have no direct proof. While that is not, in itself a great crime, you make connections and complete PRESUMPTIONS with no real data to support it.

    And to the gentleman who is the Jew Hater. Really, get a new act. You are sounding like a broken record guy.

  21. Wow 3:08pm, that is profound. You've staked your entire life on a YouTube video. Congrats!

  22. For those of us who live in reality, and study the Bible: "Jesus entered the temple area and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves."- Matthew 21:12

    But it does not matter, since Criminal John Varley publicly stated there is no conflict with Christianity, the sheeple will see this on their TV's and believe it, sheeple do not have any beliefs or knowledge of the Bible. They only know what the TV news Announcers/Actors tell them.

    The damage is done, it is in our court to get the truth out..

  23. 11:02, you are the sheeple.

  24. Atheism has killed more people than all religions (or people in the name of religion) combined. Remember that.

    Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot....

  25. "His Visage was marred more than that of any man" - Isiah 3:53

    "He shall be a man of sorrows" - Isiah 3:43

    You dumbshits accuse ME Of blasphemy? Your entire LIVES are one long string of blasphemy's against your creator.

    I suggest you stop playing the role of Lucifer by accusing others of sins you
    yourselves are guilty of so many times
    it's not even worth trying to find the
    times in your lives when you WERN'T in
    a state of disgrace.

    Idiots. If I ask of MY lord I shall receive.

    What say you?

  26. 3:02 I'm not an atheist but that is PURE BULLSHIT.

    It wasn't non-regligion that killed people, you goon. It was despotism. Your religion blinds you madly.


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