
Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Federal Reserve Changed The Rules (Video)

Treasury expects to hit debt limit next month
Congress must boost the ceiling to avoid an unprecedented default

Prepare for the Great Depression.
Survival Seeds


  1. The unaudited Fed. The Vampire entity of the USA rolls on unabated. Right down to the last drop of blood.

  2. This guy is an economist, but he is a clown. What does he mean “nobody discusses these things”? BTW, we discussed these issues here on this blog many times. He doesn’t have a clue on the geo-political level and is trying to make some sense out of what the FED is doing. He ASSUMES that their plans should coincide with our plans and this is where he is dead wrong. So, our plan is to preserve our wealth. Their plan is to drain us of our wealth. That’s why what they are doing is absolutely logical and makes a lot of sense (but not for us). First, they raised several generations of people with absolute trust in the government and made them believe that government always does what’s good for us. That is why they bail out the banks and we, the general public, believe they are trying to save us. Ha-ha, what a sad picture. But if one thinks just for a couple of seconds it becomes clear that any government is a magnet for crooks. There is a constant, unlimited supply of funds poring in (in the form of taxation) and limitless possibilities for diverting a part of this stream into private pockets. It is a perfect scenario for a crime to happen. Yeah, yeah, there are honest people in the government, but they die, retire, get re-elected, etc. and their positions are taken by crooks in nice skirts and suites. Then, from a couple of disorganized crooks the government becomes an organized crime syndicate and begin to RUN their business just like one. You are not paying extortion fees (they found a more acceptable term for it - income tax) what do they do to you? Put you in jail. You threaten to resist, they confiscate your firearms. You bring things across the border that belong to you – they collect duties. Over there in Afghanistan they call it daylight robbery. Here they call it duties. Back to the topic.
    So, the destruction of US dollar is exactly what the FED is trying to achieve. Let us think for a second why? One of the reasons is that the FED does not represent or care for the country. It is a private entity with foreign strings attached to it. This guy is seemed to be surprised that the FED acts in cahoots with Great Britain, as if he has no clue who runs the finances in Britain. I think the readers of this blog are intelligent and educated enough to understand these problems that face us. The trouble is that we cannot do anything financially to protect our wealth (in case there is such). Why? Here is why. If we buy gold and stock it in safety deposit boxes, they can open them like in 1933 (read the article from this blog what they did with SDB in California). If we hold it under our mattresses, they can outlaw gold (or silver for that matter) transactions. If we keep cash on the accounts – they’ll inflate the currency and tax it as gained interest. If keep cash at home, they devaluate the currency, trash it and will not exchange it if it was kept not in a bank (under pretence of fighting the drug money or something along these lines). So, anything we do, they can screw us since they control the army, the police and most importantly money creation, and on top of it we are not willing to resist. What do you do? Run to some country? Look what this mafia did to Switzerland. American citizens can no longer have accounts without being reported to IRS. Or read this article: Read last paragraph before “Coins”


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