
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Bankruptcy Filings Equal Divorce Filings in 2009

It is a sobering fact that in 2009, there will be as many people filing for bankruptcy as those filing for a divorce. We are on track to seeing an average of nearly 5,900 bankruptcy filings a day for 2009. While some people use the stock market as their barometer of economic recovery, there are a few other “misery” indicators that show things are still bad for millions of Americans and counter the recovery talks. If you want to track a broader recovery, I would recommend people examine the five indicators of the misery index. Food stamps, bankruptcies, long-term unemployed, foreclosures, and credit card defaults are probably your best gauges to the real economic recovery.
The problem we currently face is even after the global economy was brought to its knees by the current Wall Street banking structure, things still haven’t changed at the core of their mission. The same banks are back taking inordinate amounts of risk with the now explicit backing of the U.S. Taxpayer. It is no surprise then that our U.S. dollar has been pummeled by the policies of the Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury.
Let us examine each component of the misery index.

Prepare for the Great Depression.
Survival Seeds


  1. First the wife takes half and the government bankruptcy exclusions take away most of the rest.

    Like Al Bundy said just say no to marriage.

  2. Love is bankrupt in America

  3. I am always amazed that the biggest financial fiasco people bring upon themselves is divorce. The old saying "It's cheaper to keep her" still rings just as true today. Kind of shows you what people do when they are stressed. So, are marriages based on the McMansion, Hummer, Lexus, boats, big screens and Granite counter tops? I guess they are.

  4. What dollar? The whole dang world hates us. They will soon dump our money. This is a very good post! We better wake up. Will the powers to be, cause a war to bring us out? I feel bad for our children and grandchildren.
    We need to keep up with what is really going on. This web site is very helpful.

  5. When you really look at what a dollar is and how it is created it is almost hard to believe people put any faith in it at all. Literally Monopoly money.

  6. Of course marriage is based on all those things. It is a bankrupt institution based on fiat-emotion. Romance is only celebrated one time a year and it is relegated to cliche greeting cards and mass-produced candies.

    And when the debt comes pouring back in on you it's often easier to cut and run your separate ways.

  7. Marriage is just another BS institution. Fall in love, everything is great, and then ... hey, honey, lets get the government involved in this!

  8. Let's the government, AND THE COURTS, involved in this.
    This brings up one of my favorite topics: whenever possible, I encourage men to engage in a Marriage Strike. There is no benefit for a man to get married. Don't do it, guys.

  9. Absolutely ZERO benefit 100% agree.


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