
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Government Will Default on Its Debts

The governments of every major nation are going to default on their debts. There are two relevant questions: (1) How? (2) When?

Establishments around the world all deny this. They have gained power and wealth by means of the expansion of government. They have justified their success by insisting that the government-business alliance is the only way to establish economic growth and economic security for the masses. This claim rests on a more fundamental claim, namely, that an unhampered free market is destructive of economic stability and will inevitably lead to economic depression.


  1. No they wont. They will just print more money. No-one will notice.

  2. How? Through HyperInflation; Force Majeure; De-Population via war, infectious disease, and energy rationing.

  3. The crooks really need another false flag about now. I think the 9/11 card has finally been played out as far as it can. Time for the Iranians or some other Muslims to "attack us." They are plotting you know.

    Here it is 2009 and the sheeple are still so deluded and non-thinking they still believe any BS sent their way.

    Anyone that ever watched even a few 70s detective TV shows will tell you if you want to know who committed a crime look for who had a motive, who had something to gain. I'll let the kind reader figure that one out. It sure wasn't Iraqis or the poor people of Afghanistan.

  4. @6:45

    You are SO right. I look around at all the sheeple who got their swine flue shot. LOL! Amazing! A virus that has been known since the 1970s that at "best" has killed in the thousands around the globe.

    More people die from the regular flue in one year then this flue since its "so-called" discovery in the 1970s.

    The sheeple will break down the doors to Camp Fema if they were told to do so.

    These people make me sick!

    As for energy rationing just look at that fraud Al Gore. This guy is making billions off of his Global Warming scam.

    As for population via war. The Powers that be are pulling out everything to start something in Iran. They would love nothing more than for Russia to get in the mix so they can rally all the sheeple of America against the "Evil Soviets". This way millions of Americans can get sent into that meat grinder.

    These people are sick!

    You know the old saying, "only the good die young". Well we need to only look at some of the OLD people who are so evil and still alive like Bush Sr., Carter, Brzezinski, and Kissinger.

    We are in the final coup and the Powers that be know it. They are pulling out all the stops. They are PURE EVIL.

  5. The entire USSR/soviet culture/gov was put in place directly by the Oligarchs to exact revenge on the Czar of Russia who refused their central banking and the NWO agenda.

  6. Their overwhelming advantage warfare wise is that they have absolutely no morals and will let nothing stand in the way of the pursuit of profit and power. They will gladly kill hundreds in order to execute 2-3 people (the Titanic as an example) or push forward their agenda (9/11).

    If a congressman speaks out against power and then is aboard a planeload of 250 passengers the plane crashes. The 249 were expendible. That is just how the NWO works.

    We on the other hand carry a moral compass. That is our strength and our weakness.

  7. Henry Kissinger (representing the opinion of the Oligarchs who start wars): "Military men are dumb stupid animals"

    Unfortunately with the Depression in full swing there are many naive young men and women currently lining up to die for Israel.

  8. Well said 9:04 am!

  9. @ 10:05

    The problem with Israel is two fold.

    The non religious sheeple in the U.S. bought the bill of goods that we must support the only "democracy" in the middle east.

    The Christians have been duped into supporting Israel due to their misinterpretation of scripture which had been foisted upon them from the Pulpit.

    The truth of the matter is that Israel for the most part is a secular country which uses the ruse of Democracy and Religion to propagate their own agenda.

    As a Christian and an American I am no longer culled into their propaganda.

    As an American, Israel is no more of a democracy then we are. And as we ALL know American democracy is NOT what our founding Fathers imagined. In fact both Israel and America are equally corrupt morally and politically.

    As a Christian , Israel is no more of a religious country then we are. They wrap themselves in the star of David and we wrap ourselves in the cross. However, with the immoral decadence of both countries I am hard pressed to believe either worships God and neither country has ANY moral high ground in terms of righteousness and virtue.

    This is not some anti-Semitic rant. No! on the contrary. What I am doing is merely pointing out the obvious. Israel has Nukes and a Military. Let them deal with their own problems.

    If you are a Christian reading this as I am please remember some things. First, our hope is in the future Heaven and not in some small parcel of real estate located in the middle east. If you want to continue to worship a Semitic people and a piece of land in the Middle East go do it. However, that’s called idolatry in my Bible.

  10. As a christian, I could care less about Israel.

    Christians are the chosen people of God.

    Case closed.

  11. No, mind closed is more like it. Walk through the door on enlightenment then slam the door behind you. Any people trapped in the sun cult could spend just one afternoon and realize they have been duped.

    It is very easy to prove it is a lie. Finding truth is hard. Exposing a lie, not so hard.

    Christ is the SUN/son of God. It is nothing more than Zodiac mythology and a system of control whereby the elite know it is false and you do not. Without fake religions the elite could not orchestrate their wars and asset hoarding.

    Horrible acts can be done because it is god's will. God is on our side. All horseshit. Yes, God is on the side of a nation. Lol. Laughable when you think how ignorant that is; there are hundreds of Earth-like planets being discovered recently. We are insignificant. There is no man in the sky who believes our tiny ape-race is all important. We are a backward, ignorant, war wongering species.

    On a lighter note, Israel is the center of the coming world government and banking. In other words, the real enemy of freedom here on Earth.

    Christians (not you which is great) blindly support their cruel government and manipulations because the bible tells them too. After all, they taught us how to murder Muslims on a wholesale basis, staged 9/11, plus how to run an occupation 101.

    Use the bible as a life guide!? Full of hate, rape, murder, child molestation and genocide. Personifications of the Zodiac.

    I don't expect you to see that anymore than I expect Tom Cruise to see that Scientology is crap. Once you are in a cult it is a bitch getting out.

  12. When you escape the sun-cult of Christianity and look back on how ridiculous it is all you can say is WOW.

    The old saying at the church door is grab your bible and leave your brain at the door.

    As people learn truth about all sorts of things including the economy, the Jesus myth (and in fact all scripted **cults/religions) is the HARDEST one to let go of, I know, I did.

    Religions are just cults. A religion is just believed by MORE people. A billion people believe in a Jesus. That does not make it real. A billion+ people believe in Global Man-made warming too.

    Actually, Jesus/Horus is real. Don't expose yourself to him for too long. Sunburn might result.

  13. I can't say I'm in any cults either,though I must say that in this world of things there is more than meets the eye. One need not engage in "religion" to experience revelations or to confirm new and personally esoteric knowledge. Certain compounds (psilocybin,DMT,Mescaline) can open your mind to realities which often lie right in front of us waiting to be found. Nothing mystical about it.DMT has been found in the human brain and body.(google-spirit molecule). The bible describes something called MANNA and I have no doubt that it was nothing less than magic mushrooms. Check this out.


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