Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Big Take Over: US Wants China to Buy into Its Small Banks

Chinese and U.S. regulators are negotiating a pact aimed at encouraging Chinese financial institutions to buy into small and medium-sized banks in the United States, bankers briefed on the plan said on Tuesday.

Chinese bankers have complained that it's been difficult for them to set up branches or invest in banks in the world's leading economy, due partly to U.S. regulators' tough supervision and strict approval process for financial deals.

But the global financial landscape has been revamped by the credit crisis, and cash-rich Chinese banks are now bigger players on the world scene and are scouting around for investment targets.


  1. This comment in the article is stupid :

    "due partly to U.S. regulators' tough supervision and strict approval process for financial deals"

    If the above was true we would not be in the situation we are now.....

  2. Everybody Print MoneyNovember 18, 2009 at 2:30 AM

    when crooks run the country
    get everybody to print money

  3. The Chinese are NOT going to invest their money in anything they can not make money on. They are more likely to buy assets like parks, water systems, oil & gas companies....


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