
Saturday, November 21, 2009

The End Of The Internet Beginning in the UK

A source close to the British Labour Government has just given me reliable information about the most radical copyright proposal I've ever seen.
Secretary of State Peter Mandelson is planning to introduce changes to the Digital Economy Bill now under debate in Parliament. These changes will give the Secretary of State (Mandelson -- or his successor in the next government) the power to make "secondary legislation" (legislation that is passed without debate) to amend the provisions of Copyright, Designs and Patents Act (1988).

What that means is that an unelected official would have the power to do anything without Parliamentary oversight or debate, provided it was done in the name of protecting copyright. Mandelson elaborates on this, giving three reasons for his proposal:

1. The Secretary of State would get the power to create new remedies for online infringements (for example, he could create jail terms for file-sharing, or create a "three-strikes" plan that costs entire families their internet access if any member stands accused of infringement)

2. The Secretary of State would get the power to create procedures to "confer rights" for the purposes of protecting rightsholders from online infringement. (for example, record labels and movie studios can be given investigative and enforcement powers that allow them to compel ISPs, libraries, companies and schools to turn over personal information about Internet users, and to order those companies to disconnect users, remove websites, block URLs, etc)

3. The Secretary of State would get the power to "impose such duties, powers or functions on any person as may be specified in connection with facilitating online infringement" (for example, ISPs could be forced to spy on their users, or to have copyright lawyers examine every piece of user-generated content before it goes live; also, copyright "militias" can be formed with the power to police copyright on the web)

This proposal creates the office of Pirate-Finder General, with unlimited power to appoint militias who are above the law, who can pry into every corner of your life, who can disconnect you from your family, job, education and government, who can fine you or put you in jail.




  1. Very surprised the internet has lasted his long without strict government censoring and registration.

    What is really sad is that there is so much truth to be found on the net outside of the fake MSM yet 98% completely squander the opportunity and run back to their God, the TV.

  2. It has lasted this long only to be used for data mining. They want to know who is a threat. That is all. Anyone that has ever typed on the internet that they are a patriot ready to fight has been logged and classified.

  3. hehe luckily i always log on as obama ;)

  4. oh really? my uncles are patriots and they don't even know how to send SMS.

  5. Go ahead and mess with my internet, see what happens ...

  6. Everybody Print MoneyNovember 21, 2009 at 5:44 PM

    ooo nooooo i must be top on their list 'cause i've printed money for like 30 years!

  7. UK is a 3rd world dictatorship now anyway. No-one cares about that dump anymore.

  8. I'm your alien friend.November 22, 2009 at 2:47 AM

    Thank you for posting the last comment on the internet. You are now permanently disconnected.

    Turn off your computer and do something productive like killing the powers that be so that not only will you be able to access the internet again but also chat with your inter-galactic-net alien friends.

  9. Internet II will be 1000x faster and into every device you use. Our techologies we use today like CDs, DVDs, and non-SS hard drives are so primitive it is beyond belief.

    However, the new, greater Internet will be registered and everything you type will be government approved and filtered.

    Why do you think the government has forced digital tv on people? Answer: No independent broadcasts outside of the lies pimped by the MSM. The next victim will be radio.

    ALL public communication must be controlled and filtered. There will be no more 9/11s until they can cover their asses 100%.

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