
Saturday, November 21, 2009

Unburied Bodies tell the Tale of Detroit — a City in Despair

The abandoned corpses, in white body bags with number tags tied to each toe, lie one above the other on steel racks inside a giant freezer in Detroit’s central mortuary, like discarded shoes in the back of a wardrobe.

Some have lain here for years, but in recent months the number of unclaimed bodies has reached a record high. For in this city that once symbolised the American Dream many cannot even afford to bury their dead.

“I have not seen this many unclaimed bodies in 13 years on the job,” said Albert Samuels, chief investigator at the mortuary. “It started happening when the economy went south last year. I have never seen this many people struggling to give people their last resting place.”

Unburied bodies piling up in the city mortuary — it reached 70 earlier this year — is the latest and perhaps most appalling indignity to be heaped on the people of Detroit. The motor city that once boasted the highest median income and home ownership rate in the US is today in the midst of a long and agonising death spiral.



  1. Detroit is a snapshot of what the entire USA will eventually become to look like. People will continue to move around, leaving the once splendid areas they used to live when they had jobs. As they leave, in will come the gangs, ghettos, drugs, crime, death, and slums.

  2. Detroit exists because people WON'T move to find work. Pre-welfare, people had to move to find work when it dried up in their area. Now people can just get a government check, so they don't have to travel to find work anymore. Hence, Detroit.

  3. I'm really surprised by this, because Detroit is populated by the kindest, most thoughtful, most openhearted people in the world. If they have a deceased loved one, they'll move heaven and earth to get enough money to make sure they have a dignified burial. They wouldn't leave a relative in the morgue, unburied, "because that's the government's job and because Obama promised us free burials, along with no mortgages and free gas," would they? Naw, no way they'd ever become wholly government-dependant.

  4. Burials are a waste of space and resources. Cremate and flush. Its a corpse, it isn't Johnny anymore. The whole burial and graveyard thing is morbid. When I die find a dumpster. Just find the most efficient way to get rid of my corpse without causing a stink. In you can get me to an ocean weigh me down so the crabs can snack on me.

    The vanity of people thinking that their corpse should he filled with fluids, put in a box and preserved ... disgusting.

  5. Throw me in a river or a lake. Burn my ashes to the stars. I will never see the end.

  6. United Superclass of AntichristNovember 22, 2009 at 2:59 AM

    Deadtroit Deadtroit Deadtroit
    The city for the dead exploit

  7. Theres trouble coming for western civillisation in the USA here in Australia, we will all end up the same way.


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