
Saturday, November 21, 2009

“There is No Safe Haven From The Crisis”

Jeannell, a young mother with her child, said, “I was working at a fast food restaurant. I got laid off Friday. Some people there were only one day a week, that’s at $7.25 an hour. My friend got a paycheck at $32. It’s horrible. I was living with my aunt but the conditions of her lease wouldn’t allow us to stay with her, and the landlord said we had to leave.
“This stuff going on here,” she said, indicating the PATH office, “is horrible. They give you turkey and cheese to eat but you can’t bring in your own food. My child is on a special diet so I have to sit outside and feed her.
“They say they want to help people, but I got rejected for services here because I didn’t have the proper documents. I asked them what I needed, and they said that it wasn’t their job to tell me what documents I have to bring. I had to take my child to a hotel and then bring her back again the next day. I found out that I needed a letter telling them that I couldn’t stay with my aunt because of the lease. And then they take hours to make a call to check things out.”

Prepare for the Great Depression.
Survival Seeds


  1. Children need to be adopted out or put in foster care that are hungry and homeless..Don't breed em if you can't feed em.Relocating to other cities for work is common sense; that's what we had to do in "82. Laura Ann

  2. hey genius, there are'nt any jobs anywhere, when 2000 openings have 25000 people applying what do the other 23000 do? They Starve, stop blaming the poor and put the blame where it is due, on the greedy bankers and ceo's that rob and bankrupt the cities and jobs.

  3. my mother said during the great depression land lords let people stay in residence for very long times without paying rent...

    obviously greed and nastiness prevails to an even greater extent now... how bout giving everyone in the world a bit of land to live on and grow food without coming up with a scheme every other month how to milk their work dry or take it all away from them?

  4. 11:33 how true but this is not the 30s anymore. Half the country is taking mind altering prescription drugs. When they can't afford those the withdrawn will turn the general population into angry zombies. (Gerald Celente said this best)

    There will be little to no charity at all. Kill or be killed. You have a sandwich and my stomach is empty I will then kill you for it.

    I suspect that people had more heart in the dark ages than they will when we fall off into oblivion here in the good 'ol USA.

    Just look how depressed and angry the average person is right now, and these are the good times. Make no mistake about it. As bad as people think it is right now this time will be remembered as the good times by the survivors.

  5. The government wants to use people's mistrust and anger for their purpose. Hence the new young brigades B.O. is pimping. Absolutely no difference from the Hilter youth.

    Get people to channel their hate and mistrust toward fellow citizens. As powerful as the PTB are they cannot be everywhere they need to be. That is where the citizen brigades and squads come in.

    The British are always a little bit ahead of us tyranny wise. Example is their 1.2 million cameras every 55' watching their every move. Now citizen's there are installing cameras in their homes to let their government look outward toward neighbors.

    Crazy stuff.

    The only hope was to help each other and work together. That hope is gone in the USA. Propaganda has created a nation of scared sheeple willing to stoop to anything to screw their fellow American.

    A nation of selfish Judases.

    The truth that we are all the same and should care and love one another has been covered over with bigotry, religion, political bickering, propaganda, war mongering, and the elite that profit from the lies.

  6. United Superclass of AntichristNovember 22, 2009 at 2:52 AM

    504, i'm a superass :ppp

  7. I'm taking mind altering drugs right now. If I could guwe oufr ckd sdji yusd dnsu ftgh ripoff.


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