Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Get Prepared History is About To Repeat Itself

LOS ANGELES -- It's coming in 2012: Another, bigger meltdown of Wall Street's "too-greedy-to-fail" banks. No, this is not another fanatical warning about that Dec. 21, 2012 end-of-days prediction based on the Mayan calendar, though you may well ask "Who will survive?"

Here is what's happening: History is repeating itself. Wall Street's soul-sickness is setting up a new meltdown. Dead ahead. Be prepared.

My track record speaks for itself. Back on March 20, 2000, my column headline read: "Next crash? Sorry, you'll never hear it coming." Bull's eye: The dot-com bubble popped at 11,722. The economy collapsed. A 30-month recession. Markets lost $8 trillion. Today the market is still below that 2000 peak. Factor in inflation and Wall Street's "too-greedy-too-fail" banks have lost about 30% of your retirement nest eggs in this decade. Incompetent? Clueless? No, Wall Street is a bunch of crooks without consciences.

Prepare for the Great Depression.
Survival Seeds


  1. you can tell people all you want that the depression is going to get way worse, and they will say, "did you see the football game this weekend?".

    i've quit begging them to buy silver....

  2. Make a mental note of all those that scoffed at you 10:03. It will be easier to lock your door and turn off your lights when they come begging. Sorry but they made their own bed.

  3. I have been accumulating my supplies - but was told there will be one last buying opportunity for silver before it starts going up "sky high". Any idea of if this is still the case and when?

  4. I doubt it although that poster's argument is compelling.

    It depends on your situation. If you have silver and want more, wait. If you have none, buy now.

    Bottom line is a year from now when you look back and see you could have bought silver at <$20/ounce you are going to kick yourself.

  5. The first subtle signs of inflation kicking in are finally starting to appear. 25-29% on credit cards.

    The banksters are frothing at the mouth to charge mob rates for the money they stole from us.

  6. Here we go again, another date to put down on the calendar. Of course, October was supposed to be the real crash, or whatever the last half of 2009? Or the first quarter of 2010? Or by the summer of 2010? Let's face it, it doesn't pay to be a prophet, unless you are actually psychic or lucky like the guy above. HOWEVER, logic dictates we in for a real treat.

  7. Don't buy silver (it tanked after y2k)buy food and ammo, hand tools, paper towels, etc. Extra first aid kits good investment..Ammo will be used for money. And don't tell anyone what youre doing, as people can't be trusted even in your church/workplace! Laura Ann

  8. church goers are the worst, they are easily led sheep and will attack your supplies if the pedophile priest tells them to do so

  9. 3:18 don't buy SILVER...dumbest statement ever on this blog. No, put your money in cash and hold it..duh. Ammo will be used for money? Are you for real? With my silver you'll be begging me trade it for your ammo and food as well as your paper towels..

  10. you should already have food stores/ammo/ water/medicine. if not, start now. also having some cash on hand is not a bad idea, $2-5000 in small bills. Also, having some silver rounds is a great ideal. Forget about the eagles and philly stuff, get the private mint ones. they are cheaper, and still have .999 silver in them. Search the net, you should get them for about 1.29-1.59 above spot price. I have 170 of them I bought last year for 12.15 plus 1.29 (3 of us bought 500 altogether, so cheaper). If you dont have any, when do you buy? We have had a good run-up and lately, it hasnt been due to the dollar. Even today, the dollar bumped up, and the metals held their own. Scaling in, maybe the best idea. I had planned on buying more if the price went down, but it has only gone up since. Buy 50 at a time, if thats all you can afford. No one knows how high it will go. I did not buy mine for an investment, and will not sell them. I will only use them in an emergency, and we will all know when/if that happens. Until then, its a "Life Insurance" policy.

  11. BTW, the cash on hand isnt for "TSHTF" stuff. Its for an event more temporary, bank holiday, natural/terrorist etc.. always nice to have a bit of cash, when the atm/credit card machines dont work.

  12. Everybody Print MoneyNovember 18, 2009 at 2:28 AM

    When crooks run the country
    Get everybody to print money

  13. The crooks always run the country
    Hasn't ever been different, honey.

  14. The sheeple are so stupid, they would not know if we in are in a booming economy or a depression. The PTB are bringing on the depression in small increments, while telling the sheeple the economy is improving and unemployment is up. One must understand sheeple never research anything, they simply go by whatever their TV or newspaper tells them. They live in a "perceived reality".

    For those of us living in reality, we fully understand what is going on and have been preparing for years, for the Greatest Depression.

    Time is short....Better prepare...It's going to get mighty nasty real soon.

  15. On Silver: you can't eat it, shoot it out of a gun, but when things get bad, I'd take ammo and food any day over silver. I'm not saying silver won't be used if the stores are still open, or whether they will except dollars, no one knows for sure..some survival web sites mention ammo for bartering and other things people need. In the 30's in Germany people got food for gold, silver, but it's what people are willing to trade; in the S.E. ammo will be valuable. Laura Ann

  16. Lol, all the comments on silver not being used? What the hell do you think TPTB will be using? And who the hell wants to try trading silver rounds that say "have a coke and a smile" or "congrats on your ten years of service at XXX company"????
    Not saying generic rounds will not have a place, but for the stupid azz sheeple, you will be better off with a recognizable coin, not a picture of Obama

  17. IS this how they barter for ammo? You give them the ammo, they load their gun and then shoot you. It could happen, lots of shady people out there.


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