
Monday, November 23, 2009

Here Is Why The Dollar Is Now Effectively Worthless

A picture is worth a thousand Krugman essays, which is why we present a chart comparing the US Monetary Base (and by subtracting Reserve Balances with Fed Reserve Banks, Currency in Circulation), and the Fed's holdings of MBS and Agency paper (worthless GSE/FHA garbage). In summary: Currency in Circulation: $920 billion; MBS/Agency Holdings: $997 billion. The dollar in your pocket is now entirely backed only by worthless, rapidly devaluing and subsidized housing.


  1. When (and if) people wake up to this fact of worthless currency, there will be massive civil unrest and a country with no future and not worth living in. Laura Ann

  2. 1% are awake, You and I are awake, the masses will never see it coming, I tell people all the time and they say I am crazy, so screw em, I'm done telling them. When it comes and that time is soon, they will be watching, American Idol, Desperate Housewives, and Hannah Montana, it will hit them like a ton of bricks.

  3. United Sheep of AmericaNovember 24, 2009 at 2:16 AM

    May curse be upon Useless Sheep of America (USA)!

  4. I to try and tell my fellow workers and even family. They verbally kick me to death. One begins to feel like being on the deck of the Titanic screaming "ice ... ice" and everyone is singing to the music.

    Personally, I have some degree of fear about what level the people will degenerate into once there is no food, fuel to heat the homes, no homes to live in. Now days people will kill for a parking place at the mall. Can you imagine what they will be like when their cold and hungry?

  5. 654 I have imagined what it would be like if they were cold and hungry and have made arrangements to be ready for anything, have you? If not, you better get your butt in gear NOW


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