
Monday, November 23, 2009

Move Your Money Out of America and Soon

Things are getting uncomfortable for individuals and corporations looking to deposit their money in tax havens around the world. Just recently, Congress introduced the so-called "Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act," which is designed to do away with the privacy afforded by doing business or investing outside the U.S. and to eliminate or reduce tax benefits available offshore.

We would suggest looking at Saxo Bank in Denmark.

If you have gold, it would be highly beneficial to get it out of the U.S. - stat. If you do keep it in the U.S., your only truly reliable and private option is to store it yourself in a safe that you bury in your backyard. Otherwise, move it out of the U.S. now before Team Obama pulls an FDR and takes your gold from you.

At the moment, gold is not considered a monetary instrument by the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, so there is no legal requirement to declare your bullion upon leaving the United States. Some countries, like Taiwan and Uruguay, require you to declare gold in excess of a certain value to customs officials upon entry.

We recommend Panama, Austria, Switzerland, and the United Arab Emirates as locations to store bullion; one particular favorite is a location called Das Safe ( in Vienna where anonymous safes start at 400 euro/year.

Real Estate

It might sound counterintuitive after the subprime debacle, but real estate is a sound option for moving money outside of the United States; there are zero reporting requirements. It's your business where you own property, and (so far) no one else's. You can purchase property in a private way by setting up a corporate structure to hold the assets so that they're not in your name (Panama is an excellent jurisdiction to set this up), and although there are many places with depressed real estate markets, there are also many with good growth potential: in Latin America, we would recommend Panama, Colombia, Uruguay, and Chile. In Europe: Slovakia, Albania, and Poland. In the rest of the world: Lebanon, Hainan Island (China), the Philippines, Cambodia, and New Zealand.

Time is of the essence - start looking for your safe haven now


  1. Your carry on seems a little heavy sir, can you step over this way ....

  2. Everybody Print MoneyNovember 23, 2009 at 12:13 PM

    not a problem to me 'cause i've agents worldwide printing money for me.

    ok, actually i back it up with gold-plated tungsten.

  3. I would agree with the advice for gold (though check if you can take your gold out of the country and if you can “import” it without taxation). For instance (can you imagine this?) if you bring gold into Canada they would tax you (I stopped at the border and asked). Can you imagine the upside-down world we live in? You bring wealth into the country, and these dorks will tax you? They do not need wealthy, independent people. They need indebted slaves. The real estate advice sounds really dorky though. In the first place, if there is a “potential for growth”, it means there is inflation of currency, otherwise there should be no growth – which means the situation is stable and there is no printing money. Now, money printing could be caused by several reasons, but neither is a healthy sign. Secondly, I cannot remember the American tax code, but in Canada the tax authorities do CARE VERY MUCH where you have properties, so that they could milk you. Why do they want to know? They assume you rent it out and make money, so they want their share of your money. I can bet the situation is the same with the US tax code. If you register it on the corporate entity most likely when you dispose your property you’ll be wacked with “capital gain” tax, so think 3 times before following this advice. The last thing is Panama- American backyard where the situation has always been controlled by the States – the last place you would want to invest your money. Or Albania for that matter. How about invest in real estate in Somalia or Zimbabwe? This tells you why the whole country is in this shit – everybody follow these idiotic advices and do not think for themselves.

  4. Anyone that would try to physically transfer any gold out of the country via customs must know they risk being robbed by them. Literally. They will hand you back an empty bag and you will have no recourse.

  5. I wouldn't recommending investing in PMs overseas. There is even greater chance that they'll be confiscated by foriegn gov'ts. Consider that Europe is dependant on Exports to sustain social spending. Now that Exports are vanishing as Americans can no longer afford them, Europe is going find other ways to finance entitlements to keep the masses happy. Note that Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and Spain confiscated PMs, money and other assets from foriegners.

    "Keep your enemies close, and keep your money even closer!"

  6. Question. Is it really possible to pack up your gold and silver and go? I mean PHYSICAL gold.

    You could fly to Brazil with 10 pounds of gold in a sack and no customs agent or IRS goon could stop you?

    I find that highly unlikely. They all work for the biggest crime syndicate on Earth, the US government. They want their cut.

  7. My aunty (Malaysian) who lives in America, investing her money in Malaysia Unit Trust Fixed Income named ASB. She gets min 7% annually and no tax. Not bad.

  8. Bitter! But correct.

  9. Everybody Print MoneyNovember 24, 2009 at 9:34 AM

    anon 12.19,
    no money to invest?
    no need to invest!
    just print money whenever you need some.
    i've printed money for decades.
    now my kids do likewise.


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