
Monday, November 23, 2009

Citizens start arming themselves to protect their homes and families

NORTH LAS VEGAS, NV - In the last several months gun sales are going up. Store owners say people are arming up to protect themselves.

According to the North Las Vegas Police Department, in just that three months 22 burglaries occurred in a one mile radius from where Officer Nettleton was killed.
Gun sellers say they now have customers coming in daily who've never even thought of shooting a gun before and now they want to own one.

"With the increase in crime and the instability outside your door...I can see where people feel more and more necessary to protect themselves because you don't know how soon law enforcement can come to your assistance," gun owner, Leonard Cola, says.

But those who sell guns say lethal force isn't always the best choice. They also recommend tasers, pepper sprays and batons, as well as staying aware of your surroundings and taking steps to secure your home.

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  1. i manufacture all models of bazukas.
    if keen, lemme know.

  2. If a gun is too much for you don't underestimate the effectiveness of a can of bear spray, some shop googles, and a baseball bat or a chunk of wood with some nails driven through it.

    A quality wrist rocket believe it or not can be a formidable weapon. Better accuracy and range than a handgun and steel bearings hurt like hell; a headshot is disabling. Plus it is silent. Speaking of silent :) - consider a decent crossbow also.

    Get something to defend yourself. All kinds of options. Don't live in fear, don't leave yourself a sitting duck.

    In you have food and water and your neighbors don't, they WILL be coming. Not paranoia, just common sense. People will lose it. Starving is a bitch.

  3. I bought a gun for the first time ever last month. I plan to get another one soon.

  4. i am being hired to snipe.
    biz can't be better.

  5. I am totally upset about the rise in gun sales for one and one only reason:
    (Here it is:)
    The already way too high priced Colt M1911A1 is even going higher and will be in short supply. Give us a break already!! Get a Glock or something ELSE!! The precious M1911A1's are (heh heh) not a "good" choice for home defense (liar, liar, pants on fire).
    BUT choose any other one--huh? Not the M1911A1's. Those are for the collectors and people who really need/want them. How about one of them supersharp Rugers? Get you one like that!!!
    Thanks for listening.

  6. 845, omg how did ya know i'm being hired to snipe GS fat cats?!

  7. Guns. Guns. Guns. An awful necessity.

  8. I've never shot anyone that didn't deserve it.

  9. I did, once I shot my mom for talking like a retard. I am an ace marksman. I once shot a bullet through a bees b-hole. Well, let's just say I am looking forward to having a nice shooting frenzy when this whole heap starts a fluttering. Just keep those gun sales up. the more the merrier. Nobody can aim as well as me.


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