
Sunday, November 22, 2009

Wall St. Ripping Off The Public on Mortgages

As millions of Americans struggle to hold on to their homes, Wall Street has found a way to make money from the mortgage mess.

Steven and Marisela Alva were grateful for new loan terms on their home in Pico Rivera, Calif.
Investment funds are buying billions of dollars’ worth of home loans, discounted from the loans’ original value. Then, in what might seem an act of charity, the funds are helping homeowners by reducing the size of the loans.

But as part of these deals, the mortgages are being refinanced through lenders that work with government agencies like the Federal Housing Administration. This enables the funds to pocket sizable profits by reselling new, government-insured loans to other federal agencies, which then bundle the mortgages into securities for sale to investors.

While homeowners save money, the arrangement shifts nearly all the risk for the loans to the federal government — and, ultimately, taxpayers — at a time when Americans are falling behind on their mortgage payments in record numbers.
For instance, a fund might offer to pay $40 million for a $100 million block of mortgages from a bank in distress. Then the fund could arrange to have some of those loans refinanced into mortgages backed by an agency like the F.H.A. and then sold to an agency like Ginnie Mae. The trick is to persuade the homeowners to refinance those mortgages, by offering to reduce the amounts the homeowners owe.

The profit comes when the refinancings reach more than the $40 million that the fund paid for the block of loans.

1 comment:

  1. I really like the picture you have used here as it perfectly reflects the entire America. It is not funny for sure. Your post is almost 3 years old and things got only worse. This is terrible that Wall Street is making money out of somebody's mortgages. Aren't there some sort of regulations that would control things like that? You know, Wall street sometimes reminds me lenders of payday fast loans. They seem to be like good guys, but one step wrong and they are the worst nightmare you could possible had


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