Wednesday, November 11, 2009

U.S. Treasury Secretary Geithner Lying in Tokyo

The literary critic George Steiner has argued that Germany was unable to produce any great novelists in the post-War period because the German language itself had lost its integrity and vitality in the service of Hitler’s and Goebbels’ nefarious goals. Is it possible the English language is about to suffer a similar fate, vitiated by the lies our leaders tell to make the nation’s reckless economic policies somehow seem prudent? Consider U.S. Treasury Secretary Geithner’s declaration concerning a “strong dollar” yesterday during a roundtable discussion in Tokyo for reporters: “I believe deeply that it’s very important for the U.S. and the economic health of the U.S. that we maintain a strong dollar,” said Geithner. “We bear special responsibility for trying to make sure that we are implementing policy in the U.S. that will sustain confidence not just among American investors and .. savers but investors around the world” that the U.S. will fix its budgetary problems as its economy improves.
Come again? Was the man perhaps speaking in code so that the reporters might read between the lines? We don’t know what kind of story they may have filed, but unless the journalists decided collectively in advance to bend over backwards to be polite, they should have laughed Geithner out of the room. For his part, the Treasury secretary treated the press conference like an open mike night at some third-rate comedy club. We doubt that he would have had the effrontery to make such ridiculous statements before, say, the National Press Club in Washington. D.C.


  1. There is a running joke in the boiler room...

    How do you know Geithner is Lying ?

    Because his lips are moving...


    I remember the news from China when Geithner floated these fairy tales about the strong dollar...

    They all look at him and laughed like if it was an non-comedian's attempt at humor.

    Which proves that other nations are not as brain dead like the majority of Americans are.

  2. What a goofball. But anyway, I don't see how this destroys the english language or that the German language was really debased, except perhaps through the eyes of western foreigners with not much clue. Yes, Germany's economy and infrastructure took a large hit and the people had to face the results of their miserable political agenda, much the same way we are starting to or will do. This vast language will continue on another thousand years unless we as a people are destroyed, which is not outside the realm of the possible

  3. What's a short white, furry animal that loves money, Chow Mein, Sushi and tells lies?

    A Geithner

  4. These guys lie for a living, why should we be surprised at this news.In an age where words and phrases are analysed to an infinite degree, anything else than a positive spin can have detrimental effects.Observe how much markets react to any sort of information to witness this in action.

  5. Germany didn't produce any great novels Prior to war war II either. Germans are not known for their great literary works. Neither are the english.

    The only peoples capable of writing great literary works are the Irish and the Jews.

    And the Irish don't particularly feel like correcting the Jews bad.


  7. As Saddam Hussein's old Iraqi Information Minister Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf (aka: "Baghdad Bob", "Comical Ali") once said of his own words:

    "The information was correct, but the interpretation was not"

    Geithner and other banksters must have studied under Al-Sahhaf.

  8. The Khazars were not from Europe, they were from Western Asia/Southern Russia bordering the Black Sea.

    @1:56 regarding english and german literature. Are you serious? I guess you haven't heard of shakespeare or goethe, two of the greatest literary geniuses that ever lived. I'm part irish and I can't even think of any Irish novels. Poets sure, novelists not so much.

  9. 12:29 shame on you. James Joyce.
    George Bernard Shaw, Samuel Becket,
    Oscar Wilde, W. B. Yeats,
    Jonathan Swift, Frank O'Connor,
    C.S. Lewis, Douglas Hyde, Bram Stoker

    The running joke with the Irish is that they
    are more capable in the English language than the Huns that imposed it upon them.


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